SFCC Committee Meeting Minutes, 19th September 2013, Marine Scotland Science Freshwater Laboratory Page | 1


Thursday 19th September 2013, 10:30

Marine Scotland Freshwater Laboratory, Pitlochry



James Hunt (JH)* Tweed Foundation (Chair)

Simon McKelvey (SMK)* Cromarty Firth Fisheries Trust

Julian MacLean (JCM)* Marine Scotland Science

Jeff Gibbons (JG)* (am) Marine Scotland

Jackie Graham (JaG)* Galloway Fisheries Trust

Alan Kettle-White (AK)* (am) Argyll Fisheries Trust

Sean Dugan (SD)* SFCC Manager

Debbie Parke (DP) (am) Nith Catchment Fisheries Trust

Mark Bilsby (MB)* (pm) River Dee Trust

Alistair Stephen (AS) (am) Scottish & Southern Energy

*Denotes full members of the management committee

Action points in red and summarised at end.

JH welcomed Jeff Gibbons and Debbie Parke while introducing them to members of committee.

Apologies for absence: Joanna Girvan, Shona Marshall, Bob Laughton, Mark Bilsby

1.  Minutes of previous meeting (approved), review of action points and matters arising.

SMK provided an update on the coming meeting between IFM and SFCC on November 6th in Edinburgh. AS highlighted the need for clarity on the SFCC position around external access to data collected for contract purposes. JH mentioned the on-going need to explore free map data provision by OS and JaG that RAFTS have procured free OS data. JH also added that a clear and transparent tendering process is required when procuring C.P.D course providers for The SFCC.

2.  Chairman's report

JH described a challenging three months since the last meeting with his contributions curtailed due to field work pressures, with aspirations to make a greater contribution again towards December. SD and JH have been working on the long term solutions to training course provision, in particular, electro-fishing, GIS and Database Design. SD has also been working on tenders for the new SFCC website. Tangible outputs have been small in recent months, but we have to be realistic about what can be achieved for Sean’s two days a week. JH suggested that it is important that we concentrate on developing core areas of the SFCC, and then build on this foundation. In the wider context, further discussion on the aims of The SFCC for next year and a subsequent 5 year vision will be carried out in December.

The group discussed current feedback from members, which has been very little in 2013, probably reflecting a reasonable level of contentment with the service provided by The SFCC. While biologists are generally content with our service, some directors and board members are less content. Committee felt that this was due to a lack of understanding of what SFCC does and the benefits of being a member. Biologists must have early buy-in to the raison de etre of The SFCC which then needs to filter upwards through member organisations. DP reiterated the tangible benefits of The SFCC with the continuing action point being that SFCC are to promote positive communication within trusts. JH also to attend a RAFTS board meeting.

JM and JG drew attention to the coming Scottish Government fisheries management review, and the need to position The SFCC as a vital aspect of fisheries management in Scotland. Committee agreed that the value of The SFCC could be documented, ready for the review process. This should firstly form a 1 or 2 page summary, then a succinct 5 year vision document.

3.  Manager’s report

SD mentioned that he has focused more on BSWG efforts since the June meeting; 20% more in July and 30% more in August. SD will have to allocate his time wisely for the remainder of 2013, as in 2014 pressure will come on again with the submission of the BSWG Ministerial report. Committee praised the new video tutorial resource and e-bulletins and suggested producing short videos of Trust projects to raise the profile of members work. Suggestions included a video documenting research protocols in action, and documenting the research process from research design and data collection through to the reporting phase. SD willing to travel to member trusts and can rapidly publish short videos.

SD main activities for July and August:

SFCC E-bulletin, organising training course provision for GIS and database design courses. Hindrance caused by GIS course MS licensing issues and laptop provision constraints. Creation of an SFCC course attendance register. Online Video tutorial resource (6 videos created and published including El database, fish autopsy, barrier assessment and lamprey habitat) –Hoping to develop this resource further beginning with recording the GIS courses

On-going discussions with Michelle Walker of The River’s Trust Re Web Mapping Service

Minor on-going updates to SFCC website. Data requests from: University of Dundee, Aberdeen, and London. Meeting with Jeff Gibbons re long-term vision for the SFCC

Rescheduling a 2nd intro EL course. Update and printing of 44 electrofishing certificates (including 24 to Ireland). Assisting with Tyne & Wear rivers trust EL database trials.

EL database support provided to Tay, Hebrides, Wester Ross, Naver, and Don, Annan plus other minor additions of rivers to the Nith, Argyll and Tay. Website planning, specification drafting and meetings/phone calls with developers. Habitat protocol review.

4.  SFCC finance

JH summarised accounts highlighting the importance of accounting for his time and also the loss of Lomond as a member. After subtraction of coming GIS and Database Design costs there will be a surplus of ~£4000 suggested to be invested in the new website development and a scale reading course. The group also suggested that SD visit the Trusts he is yet to meet if any surplus remained.

5.  Website Development

SD outlined the website vision. After discussion of the website aims SD summarised the proposals received from 6 developers. Consideration from the committee narrowed the selection down to 4 with each providing proposals of a high standard. In particular, the committee favoured proposals from Atholl Road and Online Integrity. It was decided that detailed consideration and scoring was required in the week after the meeting by each member of the group before a fully informed decision can be made.

6.  Electro-fishing database

James met with Intrelate and relayed that in general the database has improved considerably. However, outstanding issues persist including; slow response times to support calls, the data entry process (specifically fish count entry), historical data (pre -1997), browser compatability, ownership of the data and the database structure. Certain database functions not compatible with anything but IE. The new IE 10 is incompatible with fish age allocation and Intrelate are not making any effort to update browser compatibility. SD reported that most trusts are actively using the database with 3 new users this season.

7.  SFCC training events (Core discussion in PM,- minutes in separate document).

GIS Course running on October 15th-17th

Database Design Course on October 21st-22nd

SD provided background that laptop and licensing provision limitations from Marine Scotland required long-term resolutions. A clear tendering process is required between Inverness College and The Westcountry River’s Trust before coming to a decision on long-term and online GIS learning provision. Nick Paling to deliver October Course which will be videoed if possible to create online tutorials. Demand has been very high for GIS course and good for Database design course, with the possibility to involve RAFTS staff. The group suggested that the database design course is also videoed with permission from the provider.

8.  Electro-fishing

2013: 24 intro and 6 TL participants trained in addition to 24 in Ireland. Introductory and Team Leader manuals have received minor updates and do require further work. Successful Team Leader Refresher Course Trial course run by BL and JaG. June 2014: BL and JaG to deliver the first course for up to 9 participants here at the Lab, firstly for members only with a small charge. SFCC to discuss SVQ accreditation further with Inverness College. Course suppliers, assessors and accreditors required: BL, SM and DP all happy to assist with future delivery of courses.

Committee suggested writing up (or inviting Loughs Agency to write up) a case-study / testimony of excellent EL course delivery in Ireland. Also, links with The Loughs Agency should be strengthened with biologists invited to speak at the coming biologists meeting in January. Members mentioned sharing our work (e.g. the electrofishing database) with The Loughs Agency and IBIS, while learning from their experience and resource in training, data collection, storage and processing.

9.  Habitat

SD & DP provided a brief review of the excellent habitat training course run by Argyll Fisheries Trust. The SFCC habitat protocol is to be revised and updated to provide an additional rapid walkover assessment method which will relate more to fish populations and utilise techniques used in the H&CH protocol. Future training course provision will take the form of a two day course covering both the new walkover method and the updated existing method.

10.  AOB

JH outlined Callum Sinclair’s long-term time and support for which the SFCC committee greatly acknowledge. Callum’s contributions will be missed.

JH apologised to the Nith for significant delay in GIS data provision. DP received completed data package immediately after the meeting.

SM reiterated the importance of linking with the I.F.M charter ship scheme.

11.  Summary of actions, (including objectives) and dates for the next committee meeting.

JH concluded by inviting the committee to think forward and input towards the objectives for the coming year which will be discussed at the December meeting. This will also include positioning the role of The SFCC clearly prior to the coming fisheries management review.

Next meeting: December 12th.


Agreed actions for 12th December 2013
AP2/1 / Draft a 1 page outline of the purpose and value of the SFCC in preparation for fisheries management structure review / ONGOING / Committee
AP2/2 / Draft a brief 5-year C.P.D vision document for meeting on 6th November / Committee
AP2/3 / Intrelate: Progress outstanding issues / JH
AP2/4 / Notify members of Intrelate browser issues and solutions / SD
AP2/5 / Hold a fair tendering process between UHI and Westcountry River’s Trust for procurement of long-term GIS provision contract / SD, JH
AP2/6 / Video Database design course if possible / SD
AP2/7 / Produce brief videos showcasing Trust work to raise the profile of The SFCC and its members / SD
AP2/8 / Invite Loughs Agency to provide a case-study/testimonial document from EL course delivery in Ireland / JaG, SD
AP2/9 / Invite Loughs Agency staff to present at coming biologists meeting / JaG, SD
AP2/10 / Approach OS about One Scotland Mapping Agreement / JH
AP1/1 / Explore free OS data provision through the OneScotland Mapping Agreement / JH, MB
AP 1/2 / Finish preparing material for a Team Leader refresher course to run in May 2014. Discuss SVQ accreditation with UHI / BL
AP1/3 / Secure a developer for new SFCC website / Committee
AP 1/4 / Web mapping portal discussion with The Rivers Trust / JH/SD/ Michelle Walker
AP1/5 / Habitat Protocol:
Produce a new SFCC rapid walkover assessment method.
Revise & Update current Habitat protocol and recording sheets / AK, JaG, SD
AP1/6 / Produce MS topic sheet / CARRIED FORWARD / SD
AP1/7 / Meet with I.F.M development officer Paul Coulson in Edinburgh on 6th November / ONGOING
AP1/8 / Draft letter from IFM to circulate to Trusts and Boards / CARRIED FORWARD / SM
AP1/9 / Data provision for Nith Catchment Fisheries Trust / DISCHARGED / Hillary Anderson , through SD