Weighing In Quarterly Meeting Highlights

September 26, 2011

Don Chisholm Center
2nd floor, Room A
610 East 22nd Street
Kansas City, MO 64108

Attendees: Cindy Laufer, Midwest Center for Nonprofit Leadership; Nancy Wynn, Unified Government of Wyandotte County Health Department; Diane Smith, The Lunch Lady; Nancy Sanchez, Wyandotte County WIC; Kathleen Welton, Clay County Public Health; Samantha Johnson, ACECC; Karen Sherbondy, MU Extension; Jodi Hyland, Wyandotte County Health Department; Amittia Davis, Midwest Center for Nonprofit Leadership; Beth McElwain, Children’s Mercy Family Health Partners; Aisha Tate, Children’s Mercy Family Health Partners; Gail Vessels, Kansas City YMCA; David Ross, Kansas City Health Kids; Susan McLoughlin, Maternal Child Health Coalition; Connie Farakhan, Kansas City, Missouri Health Department; Jenna Converse, North Kansas City School District; Jennifer Egeland, Hen House; Venise Mobley, Children’s Mercy Hospital; Teresa Dilley, PE4Life; Liesl Hays, Kansas Department of Health; Sue Redding, Missouri DHSS-WIC; Paul Cesare, Maternal & Child Health Coalition; Jane Mosley, Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City; Annette Campbell, Score 1 for Health; Genevieve Maliszewski, Children’s Mercy Hospital; Sara Cox, Score 1 for Health; Roni RothBeshears; Brie Cantrell, Cerner HealtheKids Institute; Meredith Dreyer, Children’s Mercy Hospital; Renee Arensberg, Children’s Mercy Family Health Partners; Lisa Farmer, Kansas City YMCA; Jason Robinson, PE4Life; Edy Heydinger, Children’s Mercy Hospital; Andres Dominguez, Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City; Belma Gardner, Wyandotte County Public Health Department; Erika Devore, Kansas City Healthy Kids; Alex Langford, Independence Health Department; Sarah Chellberg, Blue Valley School District; Sarah Worthington, Kansas City, Missouri Health Department; Anne Biswell, Mother & Child Health Coalition; Joanna Sabally, Active Living Kansas City


Weighing In Director Deborah Markenson reviewed accomplishments from the past year and presented the 2011 Strategic Plan. Weighing In members had provided helpful comments and feedback which were incorporated into the final plan. Members present at the meeting reviewed and affirmed the 2011 Strategic Plan.

Highlights of the capacity and assetsinventory to address childhood obesity, “Childhood Obesity Prevention Capacity – Building on our Strengths,” were presented. The full report provides recommendations for next steps and a compendium of program and resources available.

Members discussed action plans for the coming year and were invited to express interest in working groups that will advance efforts to support healthy weights for children and their families. These include the Obesity Prevention Schools Committee, Early Childhood Working Group, Healthy Weight Pregnancies and Breastfeeding Working Groups, Communication and Messaging Working Group and Communities Working Group.