DRAFT Tri-Borough 3/1/12
Date of Visit / Carer’s NameSupervising SW / Present
1. Foster Carer’s Data
DBS Status
Health & Safety checks
Medical Update
Last unannounced visit
2. Check that carers have received the relevant documentation for children.
Care Plan / Placement information records
Last Statutory Review
Date of Review __ / __ / __ / Pathway Plan
Date of Pathway Plan __ / __
Are Statutory Reviews proceeding as required? / If not what actions are being taken to ensure they do? Use Action Box
PEP / Date of Health Assessments
Actions: By whom and when?
3. Minutes and matters arising from the last session, items from the annual review and approval of carer and progress made. Any matters arising from the log-book check?
Actions: By whom and when?
4.Agenda for this visit
(For each child in the placement)
5. Placement Matters - Foster carers should be promoting the 5 Outcomes for Children and implementing their part of the Care Plan/Statutory Review Actions for the child. How foster carers are doing so should be recorded below. The guidance is also linked to Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC) standards. Please complete on each child placed.
Be Healthy (physical, emotional, social):
Actions: By whom and when?
Be safe:
Actions: By whom and when?
Enjoy and achieve:
Actions: By whom and when?
Make a positive contribution:
Actions: By whom and when?
Achieve economic well being
Actions: By whom and when?
6. Contact/Cultural/Behavioural issues
Contact arrangements
How identity needs are met in the placement.
Behavioural issues
Other issues
7. Changes of circumstance and fostering household issues (including significant issues and events within the household that might impact on the carer’s family or fostered child. Plans to change address, new relationships, additional household members (CWDC Standard 7.2), loss (CWDC Standard 5.1), holidays etc.).
Actions: By whom and when?
8. Moving Children On
Does the child/young person have sufficient clothing/equipments?
Yes _____ No ______if no, what arrangements have been made to address this?
Does the young person/child have a suitable bag to move with?
Yes______No ______if no, what arrangements will be made?
If the child is moving on for permanency has the Life Story work began?
Yes _____ No ______
When is the planned date for completion and review?
Name of Family Finder/SW?
9.Working in partnership with social workers, the department and others(CWDC Standards: 2.4, 4.4,6.4, 7.3 and 7.4):
Actions: By whom and when?
10. Trainingand Development (CWDC Standard 7.3).
Actions: By whom and when?
11. Information to be communicated to the carer.
Actions: By whom and when?
12. Compliments/ Complaints/ Any other business.
Actions: By whom and when?
13. Date and time of next supervision. / Date: Time:
Foster Carer’s Signature / Date
Supervising SW Signature / Date