PHONE: 402-267-2445 FAX: 402-267-5217

“The mission of Weeping Water Public Schools, as an integral part of the community,

is to empower each student by providing opportunities to become a successful, responsible, lifelong learner.”

August 17, 2015

Weeping Water Parents and Students:

Welcome to Weeping Water Public Schools Educational Campus and the start of the 2015-2016 school year. School starts Wednesday, August 19 with an early dismissal at 1:30p.m.

Just a reminder that school hours are as follows:

Elementary-8:05 a.m.-3:25 p.m. and Middle School/High School-8:05 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

Doors close at 8:05am.

Yes, it is official, out with the old and in with the new. The updates include the English, Science Elementary and FCS classrooms, ventilation, gymnasium/walking track, weight room, wrestling room,playgrounds, and pick up/drop off driveways. These updateswill welcome the students when they arrive on Wednesday, August 19. The “buzz” going around in the community about the school’s campus has developed into a reality for students, staff and community members. We are looking forward to a successful and exciting new year as our school will continue to be recognized in many academic, athletic, and extracurricular areas.

We are excited to welcome our new Middle School Concept for 6th, 7th, 8th grade and 9th grade students entering high school for the first time. Our “Back To School Kick-Off” for both Middle School and High School students on August 10 was a huge success with over 70% of our student population attending both events. This year we will be providing an education to close to 160 students, 6-12. The good news is that we will continue to be well equipped to accommodate larger classes; thanks to our vision of the new state of the art facility, we have successfully maintained our “small school” atmosphere.

Every staff member has been working hard to prepare for the return of our students. We have set high expectations and have the educational tools for every student at Weeping Water to become successful. We believe that every student has the opportunity to learn at the highest level, and we are prepared to offer time and support to all students. I am asking parents/guardians for your daily support and participation in this effort by sending your child to school every day, encouraging your child to read at least 30 minutes with you daily, monitoring your child’s homework, and asking your child “What did you learn today?” This support is what makes our students’ success a reality when they see parents/guardians and teachers, staff and administration working together.

Please welcome our new staff:

Hector Eslava-SpanishLisa Hohn-HS Para Professional/Study Hall Supervisor

Doug Jorn-Industrial TechnologyNatalie Dowling-Special Ed/Library Para

Doug Washburn-Special EducationCarol Sorensen-Business Manager

Ron Sisneros-CustodianKristie Diggins-Custodian

Cynthia Elseman-Food Service

Katrina Bescheinen-Elementary Special Education

We are excited to have all of our new staff members on board at WWPS; they are positive additions to our educational staff and community. We’re certain that as you get to know each one, you will appreciate their dedication to our students and school.

Attached to this letter are handbook updates and changes. Additional information about school events and activities can be found on our school website. Please visit or the ECNC rschool

In closing, I encourage you to fully embrace the moment and urge you to take the time from your busy schedules to become familiar with our school, as well as create a homework-friendly home environment that will allow your children to excel.

Thank you in advance for your commitment to your child's education, and I look forward to seeing you in the very near future.

Yours in Education,

Gary Wockenfuss

6-12 Principal


“It Is A Great Day To Be A Weeping Water Indian”

2015-2016 School Policy Reminders and Updates:

Daily Schedule:The high school day-8:05 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Students may enter the school campus at 7:45. a.m. unless riding the bus or being supervised. Students will be counted tardy if not in the classroom by 8:05 a.m. All doors lock at 8:05a.m.Students, parents and visitors will need to be ‘buzzed’ in at the High School front door entrance if they arrive to school after 8:05am. All students are to leave the school campus and playground after 3:40 p.m. unless supervised by a staff member or part of an activity. Backpacks are NOT allowed in the classroom. Students may store them in their lockers.
Clear liquids:Only clear containers/bottles will be allowed in the school classrooms/building during the school day. No Monster/energy drinks, pop, etc., will be allowed due to staining new carpet or flooring damage. Drinks may be allowed at the discretion of staff.
Cell phone:The cell phoneusage is the same protocol before, during lunch and with permission, with the following consequences as follows:
*1st offense: Cell phone will be confiscated and turned in to the Principal. Parents will pick it up.
*2nd offense: Cell phone will be confiscated and turned in to the Principal. Parents/guardian must pick up the cell phone. A meeting will take place between the Principal, parents, and student via phone or face-to-face that will include, detention, ISS (In school suspension) or similar consequences.
NOTE: *If the behavior continues a more severe consequence of ISS or OSS can be administered.
Make up work policy:MS/HS studentsare allowed 2 days to make arrangements with their teacher for due dates of previous and new assignments to complete make-up work, unless extenuating circumstances arrive then approval from the administration must be given. The classroom work must meet the due dates of previous and new assignments to complete make-up work per the teacher’s approval.
Absence - School Activity (field trips, events, etc.) If any student is not meeting classroom behavior expectations and/or is failing one or more classes, he/she WILL NOTbeable to attend/participate in classroom activities or field trips, etc., per teacher and administration discretion.
Absence-Truancy-Skipping:Truancy will cause the student to make up the time missed. Skipping a class period or school for more than 1 period within one day or more will result in a (1) one-hour detention or if it is during lunch, student will have 2 days or more of lunch detention in the ISS room. The student will receive a zero for the assignment/grade/test/quiz given that day.

LAP-Late Assignment Policy-Mandatory (credit) Recovery–In the case of a late assignment, the student will attend mandatory recovery. The assignment earns a 10% deduction each day the assignment is late for up to 4 days (until 60% grade is given.) On the 5th day, the student receives a zero (0). The student will still be expected to do the assignment. Extra credit is allowed as assigned by staff only after all assignments have been completed. If a student skips mandatory recovery, he/she forfeits credit (even late credit) for that assignment, earns a zero (0) and may serve a Saturday School, ISS (*70%), OSS, (*65%) max grade for any assignment/test/quiz/project that day, unless the student is excused by parent/administration approval, and the student is still required to complete the assignment to be eligible for extra credit as assigned by staff.
>Middle School Infraction Cards:Infraction cards will be used with all 6-8 students. Students will be responsible for keeping track of his/her infraction card at all times. Each student will be given an infraction card on the first day of school. It is the student’s responsibility to get a new infraction card when needed. A student will earn an infraction for the following reasons: swearing/inappropriate language, cell phone use without permission, being tardy to class without a pass from a staff member, Not bringing class items to class, disruptive behavior (teacher discretion), losing his/her infraction card. See the MS information in the handbook for rewards and consequences.
Activities Grade Eligibility-6-12th grade students at any time having a grade lower than 70% in any class may need permission from the Activities Director and/or Administration to be a spectator in any Weeping Water home extracurricular activity such as sporting and fine arts events/games and homecoming. All will be determined by the administration. Students will not be able to participate in contest but can practice after they attend Mandatory Recovery, until the grade is above a 70%.

Activities Down List/Ineligibility Reports:Ineligibility for any activities will start 2 weeks after the beginning of each quarter. Down letters are sent out weekly and ran at 9:00am each Monday morning. Ineligibility reports are run daily at 2:30pm for activities participation.
*Student Conduct/Dress Apparel Policy-The following is deemed inappropriate for school.
1. Clothing that is too tight (Spandex/Yoga), or that is too revealing.
2. Inappropriate tops, tank tops (Follow the rule of 2-finger width of fabric at the shoulder. Bra straps should not be visible.), sleeveless shirts that are cut (unless store bought that way), low cut tops, spaghetti straps (unless covered), see-through wear, cut off t-shirts/shirts.

*Middle and High school tardy information: :(Tardies are considered over all tardies for the semester not by class but will start over at the beginning of each semester.)
1-2 tardies- No consequence
3-7 tardies in a semester- 30-minute detention before school, during lunch or after school with assigned staff.
8 tardies in a semester results in time made up at Saturday School, ISS In School Suspension, parent meeting as seen necessary by the administration.
9 or more tardies during a semester results in students making up 1 hour for each tardy that is 9 or more, during the school year or at the end of the semester at the administration discretion.
*Additionaltardy consequences will be at the discretion of the administration.