Weekly W.O.W. Reflectiondue Date

Weekly W.O.W. Reflectiondue Date

Weekly W.O.W. ReflectionDue Date:

Name: ______Book Title ______

Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday / Total Minutes:
Parent Initials:
Minutes: / Pages:
Minutes: / Pages:
Minutes: / Pages:
Minutes: / Pages:
Minutes: / Pages:
Minutes: / Pages:

W: Writer’s Reaction: ____/6 points

What I like about my character and/or book:
What I don’t like about my character and/or book:
Other reactions I’ve had to my book:

O:Own Thinking: ____/6 points

Here are my connections, questions, inferences/predictions, conclusions, or things I’ve learned.
(Support your thinking with direct evidence - quotes and page numbers –from the text.)

W:Words about the author/Wonder about a character ____/6 points

Here is an example of my author’s writing that I like or dislike and the reason I chose this quotation:
Here are questions I would like to ask my author:
What I wonder about my characters is:
W.O.W. (6 points each = 18 points)
  • W. Writer’s Reaction: Discuss reactions to your reading. Write real and honest feelings about your book – what you like and don’t like about your book. Include your ideas and opinions about the characters and events.
  • O. Own Thinking: Discuss the thinking you had as you read; connections you made, questions you have, inferences, conclusions, predictions, lingering thoughts, things you’ve learned etc. Be sure to support your thinking with direct evidence - quotes and page numbers –from the text.
  • W. Words about the author/Wonder about a character: Reflect on the author’s writing style. Discuss character traits, decisions they have made, questions you have about them, interactions with other characters, and theme statements from your book.
  • Effort/Organization: /2
Name / Dates of Reading Period / Neatly Written or Typed
Parent’s Initials / Page #’s, 100+ Minutes Read / Book Title Capitalized
/ A20
Quality of Writing (*writing grade)
  • Ideas are clear, interesting, and detailed. (____/2)
  • Writing is organized using transitions: (i.e. first, next, in addition, for example, also, consequently.)(____/2)
  • I have used reading vocabulary within my responses:
(i.e. predict, connect, infer, wonder, character trait, genre, conclusion,
synthesize, theme, conflict, exposition, plot, climax etc.) (____/2)
  • I write with voice and feeling, stating what I liked or disliked from my reading. (____/2)
  • My sentences are fluid with different beginnings. Some are long and some are short. (____/2)
  • Conventions:
  • I use homophones correctly (their, they’re, there) (____/2)
  • I spell all words,including those with suffix endings, correctly: (hope – hoping, hop – hopping,
country – countries, dish – dishes). (____/2)
  • I use apostrophes correctly with possessive nouns (Mark’s) and contractions (don’t) (____/2)
  • I capitalize beginnings of sentences, proper nouns/adjectives, and the pronoun “I”. (____/2)
  • I punctuate sentences correctly: . ? ! and eliminate run-on sentences. (____/2)
  • I use commas correctly including: FANBOYS, AAAWWUBBIS, series, and appositives. (____/2)
  • I write quotations correctly: (Nick said, “I think I have an extra frindle, I mean,
I told my mom to get three or four,” pg. 39). (____/2) / A 24/23
B- 19/18
C 16/15
D below 14