Worthingway Updates: 8-29-16
The following is an update for the coming week (please see the school website for athletic updates):
Weekly updates are also posted at the school website. Worthingway Website
Monday-Wednesday: MAP Testing during Homeroom
Tuesday, August 30th: Curriculum Night, 6:30-9:10pm
- Families will start in their student’s homeroom at 6:30pm
- Homeroom teachers will pass student schedules out to families in attendance
- Families will walk student schedules for the evening
- Families will visit each class to hear a 15 minute presentation about that course (curriculum, grading, communication)
- Families will have 5 minutes between each class period
School Canteens:
We will have 3 school canteens throughout the school year. Canteens offer students opportunities to dance, visit with peers, and engage in additional activities. Canteens occur after the school day, but are still considered school-related activities, so all school expectations remain in place.
The price of admission for canteens is $5-$7 depending on the event and will always include a meal (typically pizza, chips, drink, and dessert). Students are not permitted to bring guests from other schools. Phoenix Middle School students who would attend Worthingway as their homeschool are invited to Worthingway Canteens.
Tickets for Canteens are sold during our school lunches. Tickets are not sold at the door.
The first School Canteen will be our Cards Tailgate, prior to the 8th grade football game at Worthington Kilbourne High School on Thursday, October 6th, 4-6pm. Tickets for the Tailgate will be $7 and include admission to the football game. Kilbourne Middle School students are invited to our Tailgate, we provide buses for the students from KMS and we provide buses to transport all students from Worthingway to Kilbourne High School.
Families are responsible for picking students up at the end of the game (8:30-9pm).
Additional Worthingway Canteens:
- 10/28, 6:30-8:30pm: Fall Canteen
- 2/10, 6:30-8:30pm: Valentines Canteen
8th Grade Washington DC Trip Meeting:
There will be a parent meeting onSeptember 19th at 6:30in room 16 for any parent that has questions about registering for the Washington, D.C. trip. If your student is already registered, there is no need to attend. The meeting for those going on the trip will happen sometime in May.
We will continue our SSR program at Worthingway during Homeroom but with a new look- Structured Sustained Reading (SSR)! SSR will occur during homeroom daily for 20 minutes. Each week, students will read non-fiction articles as well as their choice reading book.
Homerooms will read and discuss non-fiction text using Chromebooks. Our resource is the site Newsela.com and all students have a log-in and password to access articles. The goal is to build reading comprehension skills through leveled articles.
Choice reading books will be discussed with ELA teachers on a weekly basis through book talks/check-ins. Students are expected to bring their choice read book to homeroom with them. We are excited about promoting literacy this year at Worthingway and our new SSR changes!
Here are some ways you can get involved:
1. Sign up for a Parent account to assign articles to your reader. Visit www.newsela.com to register. For instructions on how to sign up check out our Quick Start Guide for Parents.
2. Download the Newsela iOS application to take your Newsela browser experience on to any iOS device. This gives you access to our entire library online or offline.
3. Read articles together. Discuss current events, ask questions, and make connections. Encouraging your reader to choose topics of interest helps strengthen their love for reading and learning.
Yearbooks are $25.00 and forms can be picked up in Ms. Wilson or Ms. Beasley's classrooms. Families may also purchase a yearbook online atjostensyearbooks.com.
Tdap Update:
The Ohio Department of Health requires that all children starting 7th grade have a Tdap vaccination on file. Please find information related to the Tdap vaccination at the school website. State law requires that all students without the Tdap vaccination be excluded from school. The exclusion date for Worthington City Schools is Monday, September 26th.
Tdap Information
Classroom Updates:
Science: The science books this year are new. The books belong to students and are able to write in them. At the end of the year they keep them. Cost to replace a lost book is $25.00. Please help your student to protect the front cover. They may be doing this at home, so do not be alarmed if they are using tape or contact paper on the cover of their books.
Spanish: Sra. Newcomb's Spanish 1a classes are deep into the Spanish alphabet. Students must be able to spell things out loud in Spanish as well as decode words in Spanish. Parents should hear some practicing at home. The week of the 29th we will begin to add in colors and numbers as we begin to delete English from our classroom. :-)
Sra. Newcomb's 1b classes have been working to activate their knowledge from last year in mini-review sessions each day. We will begin new content, which will include some opportunities for re-teaching as needed, the week of the 29th.
I'd love to see my room full of parents on the night of our Open House,August 30th! Hope you can make it!
French: The first meeting for French club for 8th graders is onMonday, August 29thin the French room. Also, come see your French student on the Eiffel Tower in Madame Laird's room, room 24!
Upcoming Events:
9/5: Labor Day
9/6: PTA (6pm)
9/29: Picture Retakes