Weekly Update 9.11.2014

TEA Information

RF Tracker Data Collection

TEA has posted a letter to notify local education agencies (LEAs) of timelines related to the required 2014-2015 collection of data for students with disabilities who reside in residential care and treatment facilities (RFs) within the geographic boundaries or jurisdiction of an LEA. LEAs have the ongoing obligation to enter data into the RF Tracker data collection system, which is now open for 2014-2015 data entry.

A copy of the letter is attached and can also be found on the TEA website:

Required RF Tracker Data Collection (2014-2015)

Deadline Change for Targeted Improvement Plans

In response to concerns regarding the timeline for gaining board approval of the 2014-2015 targeted improvement plan before its due date of October 31st and because of the delay in the release of the plan template, TEA is moving the requirement of board approval until December 1, 2014. The expectation remains that targeted improvement plans will be submitted to the agency by the current October 31st due date, and the date of board approval be both communicated to TEA support specialists by email or phone when it occurs and documented in the February 10th quarterly progress report submission.

TEA indicated that they are keenly aware of the impact any delay on our part has on your work and apologized that the 2014-2015 plan template, which will be published the week of September 15th, is not available yet.TEA sincerely hopes this extended time for gaining board approval will provide some breathing room around your development of a meaningful targeted improvement plan, as well as lessen some of the stress involved with board approval timelines.

If you have any questions, please contact the PMI Division by email at or via phone at (512) 463-5226. Thank you for your ongoing dedication to continuous improvement and educating students at the highest level.

FIEP Announcement

The Texas Education Agency (TEA) is pleased to announce the state-sponsored individualized education program (IEP) facilitation project. Information related to the project may be found at:

The FIEP request form may also be found on the same page.

For Your Information

National Hispanic Heritage Month

Each year, Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 to October 15, by celebrating the histories, cultures and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America. The observation started in 1968 as Hispanic Heritage Week under President Lyndon Johnson and was expanded by President Ronald Reagan in 1988 to cover a 30-day period starting on September 15 and ending on October 15. It was enacted into law on August 17, 1988, on the approval of Public Law 100-402. The day of September 15 is significant because it is the anniversary of independence for Latin American countries Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. In addition, Mexico and Chile celebrate their independence days on September 16 and September18, respectively. Also, Columbus Day or Día de la Raza, which is October 12, falls within this 30 day period.

The Law Library of Congress has compiled guides to commemorative observations, including a comprehensive inventory of the Public Laws, Presidential Proclamations and congressional resolutionsrelated to Hispanic American Heritage Month.

USDOE Blog: Tips for Parents to Develop a Strong Relationship with Their Child’s Teacher

Check out the USDOE blog on tips for parents to develop strong relationships with their child’s teacher including keeping in touch, finding out when and how to best contact the teacher, reaching out to let teachers know how the parent can volunteer, and staying informed.

Journal Retracts Autism Study Citing ‘Serious Concerns’

A new study suggesting that decade-old data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides evidence of a link between autism and vaccines has been retracted amid concerns about its validity. See the article at the link below:

Governor’s Committee on People with Disabilities: LexFrieden Employment Awards

The Governor’s Committee on People with Disabilities is proud to announce that the annual employment awards have been renamed after disability rights champion and independent living movement leader LexFrieden, one of the architects of the landmark Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.Each year during the month of October (National Disability Employment Awareness Month), a local committee in Texas hosts the Annual Employment Awards Ceremony, and the winners in each of several categories are introduced to an appreciative audience. Award categories include large, medium, and small employers, as well as non-profit employers, the Entrepreneurship Award, Martha Arbuckle Award and the Governor’s Trophy. Nominations are due by July 15 each year, so consider making a nomination by July 15, 2015.

  • Download and print a LexFrieden Employment Awards Brochure in PDF format
  • Download and print LexFrieden Employment Awards Brochure information in Word format
  • Read about previous LexFrieden Employment Awards Winners.

Texas State Autism Conference Parent Stipends

The Texas State Autism Conference will be held on November 6 &7, 2014 (Thursday & Friday) in Corpus Christi, TX at the American Bank Convention Center (

Region 4 ESC has been given 4 stipends for parents to attend the conference. In addition, Region 4 will reimburse up to $1000 for travel expenses to parents who receive the stipends.

If you are interested in your district receiving a parent stipend, email Cathy Williams, , or fill out a form that will be provided at the Directors’ Meeting on September 18. Those districts that express interest will be included in a random drawing, and four will be selected to receive the stipends. The selected districts will determine to whom the stipend will be given. Additional details regarding registration and reimbursement will be provided to selected districts.

For additional information, contact Cathy Williams: ,


Teacher of Students with Visual Impairments: New Teacher Series 2014-2015

The New Teacher Series is a two-year project designed to support teachers who are new to visual impairment and hold a Visual Impairment (VI) certificate by providing the skills and knowledge necessary for educating students with visual impairments. In addition to professional development, project participants will receive two vouchers, stipends and a day of onsite technical assistance from Region 4. Please refer to the New Teacher Series 2014-2014 Application (attached) for further information. Please complete the information requested on page 2 and return it to Region 4.

For additional information, contact Cecilia Robinson at or 713.744.6379.

Region 4 Upcoming Professional Development

Special Education Leadership Series

In a leadership position for Special Education in schools in the state of Texas? Or want to be? Join us for five sessions starting on October 15, 2014 and going throughout the year discussing topics such as: Legal Issues, Compliance, Leadership Skills including Effective Supervision, Team Building, Effective Communication, Collaboration, and Personnel Management, Fiscal Management including Budget Development, Managing Resources, Documentation, and Staffing. This session is designed for current and future leaders of special education including Coordinators, Supervisors, Seniors or Leads, and ARD Facilitators.

Session ID: 1043343, All sessions will be held at Region 4 ESC from 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM.







Contact: Linda De Zell Hall, Ph.D. at 713.744.6399 or

Accessing the General Curriculum Through Best Practices- Content Area Best Practice in Secondary Reading, Language Arts and Writing

Explore Tier I instructional strategies that support greater student access to the general curriculum through a universal design for learning (UDL) framework. These collaborative sessions will assist inclusive support personnel. Examine fundamental concepts (within the enrolled grade level) to identify common barriers that present challenges for students with disabilities, at-risk students, and English language learners (ELLs). Analyze ways to bridge the gap to support success on the general STAAR® assessment using brain–based strategies.

Session ID: 1058140

Time: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Date: Wednesday, September 16, 2014

Registration Fee: $45

Location: Region 4 ESC

Presenters: Felisha Branford & Shauntā Lindsey. Ph.D.,

Contact Information: Shauntā Lindsey, Ph.D., , 713-744-6366

Accommodations and Modifications: What's The Difference? Selecting and Implementing Adaptations

Accommodations?Modifications? There is definitely a difference! Attend this session to learn what those differences are, how implementing accommodations and modifications in the instructional setting and on state assessmentmay bedifferent, and how to create universally designed learning environments that support access to the general curriculum for all learners.

Session ID: 1058145

Time: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Date: Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Registration Fee: $45

Location: Region 4 ESC

Presenter: Cynthia Barrett, Ph.D.

Contact Information: Kirsten Omelan, Ph.D., , 713-744-6361

Every Move Counts: Sensory-based Strategies for Identifying Appropriate Technological Interventions for Individuals with Severe and Profound Differences

The successful use of any technology is directly dependent on the consumer's needs, abilities and motivation. The greatest likelihood of success for any technology occurs when the consequences of the effort are intrinsically motivating and intervention builds on abilities. This workshop will present a systematic method for assessing individuals with severe developmental differences in order to identify abilities and interests on which functional technological applications can be developed. Using videotaped examples, participants will be presented with an objective and systematic way to gather the information necessary to determine: 1) Individual technological needs, 2) Optimum access methods, 3) Intrinsically motivating events, 4) Functional vocabulary & symbol system(s) for overlay development, 5) Appropriate goals & objectives,

6) Implementation strategies, and 7) Data collection formats for monitoring progress. Participants will receive a current edition ofEvery Move Counts, Clicks and Chats.

Session ID: 1072218

Date: September 30-October 1, 2014

Time: Time: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Location: Region 4 ESC

Fee: $90

Contact Information: Angela Standridge, , 713-744-6831

Motor Sensory Labs and Classrooms: Concepts, Strategies, and Applications for the School Environment

Do you have students who seem to "hunger" for movement or physical support? Ready Bodies, Learning Minds was created to support the developmental, motor, sensory, and academic growth of allstudents. The Ready Bodies Motor Labs are designed to be implemented as an individual activity, as a classroom center or activity, as adaptive physical education, or as a campus-wide curriculum. In this two-day training, participants will 1.) learn of the essential connection between motor/sensory development and the ability to perform tasks necessary for independence, behavioral control, and academic achievement; 2.) receive information regarding the research base for the program; 3.) see multiple demonstrations of lab set-up and activities; and 4.) practice lab activities. Participants will also receive the curriculum guide for the motor lab: Ready Bodies, Learning Minds: A Key to Academic Success© Ready Bodies, Learning Minds Activity Guide©.

Session ID: 1052452

Date: October 28 & 29, 2014

Time: 8:30 a.m. -– 4:00 p.m.

Fee: $90

Contact Information: Cathy Williams, , 713-744-6801

Video Modeling: Classroom and School-Based Applications

Join this workshop for hands-on practice developing, filming, and implementing video modeling intervention in classrooms and schools. During this training, participants will:

1.) be shown how video modeling has been used in school districts around the country,

2.) be given the opportunity to practice all of the steps needed to create and deliver video modeling interventions using an iPad or other commonly available technology, and

3.) be shown how to monitor and chart student progress. As a result, participants will leave with practical skills and knowledge they can immediately add to their existing practice.

Session ID: 1056370

Date: November 12, 2014

Time: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Fee: $45

Contact Information: Cathy Williams, , 713-744-6801

Building An Inclusive School Series

Developing and maintaining an “Inclusive School.” Bring a campus core team and learn the key components in developing and/or maintaining an inclusive school. Day One’s focus is on Inclusion Philosophy, Inclusion Committee, LRE, Case Management, and the IEP Decision-Making Process. Day Two will focus on scheduling and effective instructional frameworks. The final day will address inclusion models, common planning, classroom management/routines, and behavior. Session and materials costs are partially funded through state or federal grants.

Session ID: 1058443

Date: 9/23/14, 10/14/14, and 12/9/14

Time: 8:30a.m. – 3:30p.m

Location: MCC 205, MCC 205 and MCC 201

Fee: $135 for all three days

Contact Information: Tony Goedicke at or 713.744.6579

Co-Teaching Series: Basic, Advanced and Ultimate Co-Teaching Practices

Developing highly effective co-teach teams. Come as a co-teach team to increase instructional intensity more than a one teacher classroom. Day one (Co-Teaching) explores implementing high quality instructional frameworks with the six (6) co-teaching approaching. Day two (Advanced Co-Teaching) explores the variations of the co-teaching approaches, the stages of effective co-teacher development, and common planning. Day three (Ultimate Co-Teaching) will dive deeper into analyzing one another beliefs and philosophies of education. Evaluate your partnerships to development a highly effective team. Session and materials costs are partially funded through state or federal grants.

Session ID: 1058445

Date: 9/24/14, 10/15/14, and 12/10/14

Time: 8:30a.m. – 3:30p.m

Location: MCC 207, MCC 205, and MCC 201

Fee: $135 for all three days

Contact Information: Tony Goedicke at or 713.744.6579

Inclusion: Building a Solid Foundation

Gain an understanding of the critical components needed to build an effective inclusive campus. This session will focus on best practices for the components of inclusion committee, case management procedures and processes, understanding Least Restrictive Environment (LRE), Scheduling, etc. Participants will also explore change theories that will assist staff in gaining a better understanding of the philosophy of inclusion and participants current beliefs as well as how to address changing school climate in order to obtain an effective Inclusive campus. Session and materials costs are partially funded through state or federal grants.

Session ID: 1058446

Date: 9/30/14

Time: 8:30a.m. – 3:30p.m

Location: MCC 207

Fee: $45

Contact Information: Tony Goedicke at or 713.744.6579

Civil Rights Training for Educators

Identify and review the required responsibilities of the Section 504, Title II, and Title IX coordinator. The Texas Education Agency (TEA) has the regulatory responsibility to ensure that Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs in Texas public secondary schools are accessible to all students. The TEA is required to adopt a civil rights compliance program to identify, remedy, and/or prevent discrimination in CTE programs operated by Local Education Agencys (LEAs). The LEA shall designate at least one employee to coordinate its efforts to comply with and carry out its responsibilities under Section 504, Title II, and Title IX. This session will provide the necessary training for this employee to comply with and carry out the required responsibilities.

Session 1059907

October 29, 2014


9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.