Weekly Status Report, May10-21

For the week of: 10/26/2009


NameWeek HoursTotal Hours

Matt Stemper849.5

Jason Ekstrand826

Daniel Jason--

Timothy Jacobs651

Meeting Summary:


Range test last Saturday. Fully charged battery only lasted 25 minutes. Approx .3 miles

Worked on new wiring system to make more concise and organized

Need baseline for starting values to calibrate the autopilot

Still in need of a test location on ISU property

Next week expecting to receive parts to test on bread board


decided to continue with last years camera

Concept for using bearing and gear system to rotate camera

Transmitters have narrowed the search to two options

HAM Radio licensing

Need more than a licensed technician

Need a video overlay board

Jason and Matt S. plan to take the test


Field test was accomplished last week (tennis balls and push rod were launched)

Push rod was broken – develop reinforcement or new design

Need to order replacement leg brace

Some things were forgotten when doing the test launch – make a check list

A 1⁄2 model wing was created and another one or two will be made this coming week

1⁄2 scale models for CNC machine were completed

Ask around for the sting mount?

Make plans for trip to Hobby Haven to buy new servos

Pete Sherman Suggested looking into a book called Aircraft Simulations by Stevens and Lewis for Dynamic models

Present - all but those absent

Absent -Daniel Jason

Agenda -

Subgroup updates in the past week

Subgroup plans for the coming weeks

Assign items to members of each subgroup


Field test for range (not successful further proof we need more battery power)

Test launch complete for push rod and tennis balls

1⁄2 scale Solid works model complete

1st 1⁄2 scale wing completed

Action Items -

Find flight field (ISU research fields) - Jason E

Make a google page for HAM license information - Jason E

Improve and send Matlab code to Pete S – Jordan

Make more wings - Peter Eric Scott Aidan (and others who want to join) 27 Tuesday 9am

Make launch material check list – Tyler

Dynamic Model – Scott , Aidan

Weekly Report for Matt Stemper


Find starting values for PID loop coefficients and continue model of control system.


I have a first draft of the control system modeled complete in Simulink. All of the PID loops are in the model with the feed forward components. I also worked on range testing and launch system testing.

Next week:

Improve the Simulink model by focusing on the inputs and outputs of the loops. I need to also still find the PID loop constants to start with and prepare myself to take the technician's level HAM radio test.

Hour breakdown (8 this week):

3.5 hours- range and launch system testing

3.5 hours- Control system modeling

1 hour- meeting

Cumulative hours: 41.5

Weekly report for Timothy Jacobs


Order parts, Work on PCB layout


Parts have been ordered and the PCB layout is in progress. I also looked into the how to tune the PIDs.


PCB layout software does not always work

Next week:

PCB layout. Range test.

Hour breakdown:

4 Hours- PCB layout

2 Hours- Parts

Hours this week: 6

Cumulative hours: 51

Weekly report for Jason Ekstrand


Research video transmitter options and regulations


I found 2 transmitter options (one at 900 mhz and one at 440 mhz), and found what we need to be doing in order to run things legally

Next Week:

Work on studying for my HAM Technician certification, and talk to some people about when we could have a test.

Hour breakdown:

2 – HAM research

6 – Transmitter research

Hours this week: 8

Cumulative hours: 26

Weekly report for Daniel Jason (jasondj)

(no report submitted)