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Weekly Report Requirement Reminder [20180211] --- Blasingame Students
Blasingame Students-
0. Starting next Sunday (18 Feb 2018, i.e., 20180218), you are to:
* Submit a "Weekly Report" of your research & academic activities.
* Reports are due by Sunday midnight (a bit after midnight is OK).
* Obviously there is no report when we are on TAMU holidays.
1. The REQUIRED form of the weekly report is:
Subject Line: [YYYYMMDD] (YOURLASTNAME) Weekly Research Report
Tasks this Week:
* What I did this week...
* What I did this week...
* What I did this week...
Goals next Week:
* What I will do next week...
* What I will do next week...
* What I will do next week...
Required Font: Courier New, 10 pt, Bold, Black Text
2. Please also include items you wish to share/archive:
* Any articles/papers/theses/reports etc. (in .pdf files).
* Any derivations you have created (MS Word preferred).
(apparently we will all have to start using MathType
as Eq. Editor 3 will no longer be supported)
* Any work files (e.g., MS Excel files).
3. Additional Guidance:
* Weekly reports are required for ALL students.
* For new students/students who are not active in research:
- Please just discuss your activities, and/or
- Note any specific needs or challenges you may have.
* Please adhere EXACTLY to the subject line:
- This is how I respond to and file your reports.
([YYYYMMDD] (YOURLASTNAME) Weekly Research Report)
4. Personal Preference:
* PLEASE be CONCISE in your tasks and goals.
* If you need assistance be very specific --- e.g.:
"I need Dr. Blasingame's help with:"
* Finding a reference for ...
* Finding an algorithm for ...
* Understanding how to use software ...
* Some students use color (e.g., red text) for emphasis.
5. Closing comments:
* I am here to help --- BUT:
- There are approximately 25 students in my group now ...
- I need you to manage your time and effort.
- You need to stay on top of University deadlines at:
- You must consult our PETE graduate program staff for:
+ Administrative assistance,
+ Guidance on paperwork (proposals, exams, etc.)
+ Always contact Ms. Eleanor Schuler ().
* If you need help, do not hesitate to send me an e-mail.
* I should reply in 24 hour or less, unless in transit.
6. Last Words:
* If you have a co-chair, ensure they are copied every week.
* I know that everyone "would prefer to just do their job, rather
than document that they are doing their job," (an old cliché),
but Weekly Reports are critical for me to know what you need.
etc.: (resources)
Thomas A. (Tom) Blasingame, Ph.D., P.E.
Petroleum Engineering/Texas A&M U.
College Station, TX (USA) 77843-3116
T: +1.979.845.2292
F: +1.979.845.7142
M: +1.979.255.8808 (please text me first)