Maths Year 5 Weekly Plan: Aut Week 2: TS2 Ordering numbers (cont.) ~ TS_M1 Measures: perimeter & area

Objectives: Order a set of numbers up to 1 million, Compare numbers up to 1 million, find a number in-between, use < and > signs, Draw lines to nearest centimetre and millimetre, Measure lines to nearest millimetre and centimetre, Measure and calculate the perimeter of regular and irregular polygons, Use the formula for the area of a rectangle to calculate the rectangle’s area
Starters /

Whole class teaching

/ Guided group and independent paired/indiv practice activities / Outcomes

Week 2 Monday

/ Count on and back in 1s, 10s, 100s from 4- and 5-digit numbers.
Use the counting stick to support counting from 9995 in ones and back again, from 9952 in tens and back again, and from 9546 in 100s and back again. / Write 1,351,468 and 1 351 468 on the board. Chn discuss with their maths partners how to read these two numbers. Discuss how commas or thin spaces (in print) are used to group digits in groups of three to help us to read big numbers. Cover the first three digits, and read the number. Now reveal the digit 5. What is the number now? Reveal the 3, The digits 351 tell us how many thousands there are. Finally reveal the digit 1; one million, three-hundred and fifty-one thousand, and four-hundred and sixty-eight. Write the number which comes before this number on your w/bs, and the next three numbers. Write four other seven-digit numbers on the board and ask chn to work out how to read them. /
Chn work in pairs to each roll a 0-9 dice six times, twice to generate two six-digit numbers. They decide which is larger and write the corresponding equalities. After they have played the game at least five times, they write all the numbers in a list from the smallest to the largest.
They also record a number in-between. / Hard
Display a table of planet diameters and distances of planets away from the sun (see resources). Which is the smallest planet? The biggest? List the planets in order of size. What is the diameter of Mercury to the nearest 10 miles? 100 miles? 1000 miles? Repeat rounding the diameters of other planets. Which planet is closest to the Sun? And furthest away? Write a list of planets in order of their distance away from the Sun. TD / Chn can:
1. Read six-digit numbers, knowing what each digit represents.
2. Order six-digit numbers and find a number in-between.
Plenary Write a six-digit multiple of 1000 on the board. Chn write a smaller number and a larger number. Choose a few and record using < or > signs, e.g. 234,739 < 240,000 < 241,827.

Week 2 Tuesday

/ Convert m, cm and mm.
Write 1m in the middle of the board. Chn suggest something which measures 1m and write at side. Now think of something a tenth of this length. Write length in metres and in cm. And a tenth of this length? Write in cm and mm. And a tenth of this length? Write in mm.
Rpt thinking of distances of 10m, 100m, 1km to build up table. / Draw a rectangle on the board with sides between 20 and 30cm long. How can we find the perimeter of this rectangle? Do we need to measure all four sides? Why not? Measure two sides to the nearest millimetre and use a calculator to find the perimeter. Show chn a rectangle on square paper, e.g. 8 squares by 5 squares. What is the area of this rectangle? Do we need to count the number of squares in every row? Why not?
Sketch a rectangle and label the sides as 7cm and 3cm. The sides don't really measure 7cm and 3cm, but if they did, how many square centimetres would be inside this rectangle? How do you know? So if we are trying to measure the area of a rectangle not drawn on squared paper, how could we work out the area? Draw out that we can multiply the length by the breadth. What units of measure would we use? / Easy
Show chn a book with a dust jacket. Remove jacket and discuss how it is made. Give each child a book and ask them to make a dust jacket for it. What measurements will you need to make? Chn round measurements to up the nearest half centimetre and make a dust jacket, writing on the title and author. TD / Medium
Chn draw as many rectangles as they can with a perimeter of 48cm on squared paper. They find the area of each. / Hard
As Medium, but they include some whose sides do not measure a whole number of centimetres, using a calculator to find the area. / Chn can:
1. Find the perimeter and area of rectangles, beginning to use the formula for area.
Plenary Play ‘teacher’ versus ‘chn’. Throw two dice, chn work out perimeter of rectangle with these sides and write the answer. Only if 100% get it right does the class get a point! Otherwise teacher gets a point!
/ Starters /

Whole class teaching

/ Guided group and independent paired/indiv practice activities / Outcomes

Week 2 Wednesday

/ Convert between metric units of length.
Each pair picks a creature from the animal kingdom, e.g. fly, mouse, lion, giraffe! Chn estimate the length (or height) and write it down in the most appropriate metric unit. Pairs swap creatures and convert the original measurement into a completely different unit, to give a humorous measurement! (Convert mouse’s length of 105mm to 0.105 metres. This is not a good unit in which to measure a mouse!) / Draw a ‘T’ shape on squared paper/IWB background and ask chn to work in pairs to find its area. Discuss how they did this drawing out dividing the shape into rectangles. What is its perimeter? Rpt, this time drawing an ‘N’ shape (see M1 for shapes). Discuss finding the area of partially covered shapes and using a ruler to measure diagonal lines when finding perimeter. / Easy/Medium
Chn find areas of letters drawn on squared paper, and measure their perimeters to the nearest millimetre (see resources).
Easy: Chn use a calculator to help them to find the total perimeter. / Hard
Chn draw at least two non-rectilinear shapes with an area of 18 cm2 each on a separate piece of cm2 paper. Measure the perimeter of each to the nearest millimetre. Put the shapes in order of perimeter.
Challenge chn to draw shapes with the same area greater/smaller perimeter than those already drawn. TD / Chn can:
1. Find area and perimeter of irregular straight-sided shapes.
2. Measure to the nearest mm.
Discuss whether shapes with the greatest area also had the greatest perimeter.

Week 2 Thursday

/ Know × and ÷ facts for 6x table.
Use a counting stick with the first 10 multiples of 6 on Post-its™ to practise counting on and back in 6s. Stop occasionally to ask divisions, e.g. when you reach 42, ask- How many 6s are in 42? Remove 12, 24, 36 and 54 from the counting stick and rept. Then point to the empty places. Finally remove all notes, and rept. / Draw a regular hexagon on a plain background, label one side 5cm. What’s special about a regular hexagon? How could we find the perimeter? What if it was irregular? Rpt with regular hexagon sides 6cm, 7cm. What calculation could we enter into the calculator to find the perimeter? Draw right-angled triangle on square paper (4cm by 2cm). Talk to your partner about what might be the area of this triangle. Take feedback, e.g. chn may see two 2 by 1 rectangles sliced in half, or see the whole triangle as half of a 4 by 2 rectangle. Draw an irregular hexagon on squared paper (see M1 for e.g.) and ask chn to discuss how to find its area (looking at half squares/rectangles) and perimeter. / Easy
Talk to your partner about how you could draw a triangle with an area of 4cm2. Discuss drawing a 2 by 4 rectangle (or 8 by 1) and cutting it in half diagonally to form a right-angled triangle. Chn use these triangles to draw a range of triangles with an area of 8cm2. Which of these has the greatest perimeter? TD / Medium/Hard
Chn find perimeters of regular polygons (see resources) using a calculator to help, and the perimeter and area of irregular polygons.
Hard: Also challenge chn to draw an irregular but symmetrical hexagon with an area of 16cm2. / Chn can:
1. Find perimeters of regular polygons.
Play ‘teacher’ versus ‘chn’. Throw a dice – this is the side length of a regular hexagon. What is its perimeter? Chn write answer. Only if 100% get it right does class get a point! Otherwise teacher gets a point!

Week 2 Friday

/ Know × and ÷ facts for 7x table.
As Thursday, but for the 7 x table. / If our hall was having a new floor and the price was worked out based on its area, how could we work out the area? Would we measure it in square centimetres? Agree that the hall’s length and width would be measured in metres, and so the area in square metres. Give dimensions to nearest m, ask chn to work out area. Discuss area of school playground in comparison, and areas that might be measured in square mm. Write the following: 12m2, 120m2, 12cm2, 28cm2, 12mm2, 28mm2 Which of these do you think could be the area of a bedroom floor? The surface area of a little finger nail? One side of a credit card? / Easy/Medium
Show chn how to estimate area of a leaf by drawing round it on square paper, rounding squares to nearest halves and adding them. Also how to use string to find perimeter. Show chn a range of leaves. Which do you think have a greater surface area than the first leaf? Chn estimate the area & perimeter of each leaf, based on the first. Each child has one leaf to measure. TD / Hard
Chn order shapes acc. to estimates of perimeter, then area (see resources). They then measure to find out. / Chn can:
1. Find areas and perimeters of irregular shapes.
2. Measure to the nearest millimetre.
Plenary Ask chn to work out the area of a square metre in cm2, and the area of a square kilometre in m2. Are they surprised?

Scroll down for Resources


·  Counting stick

·  Table of distances of planets from the sun (see resources)

·  Rulers, marked in cm and mm, cm2 paper, calculators

·  Book with dust jacket, books, paper, scissors, rulers, felt-tipped pens, sticky tape

·  Activity sheets of compound shapes (see resources) NB: these sheets and those for the next two sessions are drawn to scale so that one centimetre square does in fact measure one centimetre. However, printing and photocopying may alter this slightly and you may need to enlarge/reduce a little to compensate.

·  Dice

·  Leaves of different perimeters and area, string

·  Activity sheet of polygons (see resources)

·  Activity sheet of shapes (see resources)

© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. MATHS Y5 Week 2 TS2, and TS_M1 Autumn