Weekly Parent Letter for September 14-18, 2015
Pop’s Bridge
Spelling: Long o spellings
1. load2. open3. told4. yellow5. soak6. shadow7. foam
8. follow9. glow10. sold11. window12. coach13. almost14. throat
Reading: Pop’s Bridge – Read story every night. (pages 115-137)
Vocabulary/Base Words and Endings:
1. disappear- to become unseen2. crew – a team3.foggy – cloudy
4. stretch – to extend5. excitement – happiness6. cling-to hold tightly
7. tide- the rise and fall of the ocean8. balancing-keeping steady
Base Words: The base word of played is — play. (working – work, opens - open )
Target Skill: Compare and ContrastTarget Strategy: Infer/Predict
Grammar: Common and Proper Nouns
Common noun – names any person, place, or thing (car, desk, book, school, dog)
Proper noun – names a particular person, place, or thing (Dillon, Stewart Heights Elementary, Dr. Pace)
Students will be working on basic multiplication facts. They will be working on drawing arrays and writing multiplication sentences to find the product.
Example 3X5 = 15 OOOOO 4X4 = 16 OOOO
They are responsible for learning the multiplication facts 0-12. They have a multiplication fact sheet to use to study these facts.
1. All of the basic needs of living things are air, shelter, water, and food.
2.Living things use energy to grow.
3.Living things can reproduce.
4.Living things react to changes around them.
5.Some animals give birth to baby animals that look like small adults.
6.Some animals begin as an egg and then undergo changes in their live cycle.
7.Metamorphosis is a series of changes in appearance that some animals go through during their life cycle.
8.Some changes in metamorphosis may be appearance, color, shape, or growth of new structures.
Social Studies:
The land farthest from the coast is called the Up Country.
There are two parts. They are called the mountain region and the Piedmont region.
The mountains are in the northwest corner of South Carolina.
Piedmont means the land “at the foot of the mountain.”
It is usually hot in the Piedmont.
It is usually cooler in the mountains.
The Piedmont used to have many farms, but the farmers did not take care of the soil. So today, the soil is not
good for farming.
Sometimes strong storms called tornados hit the Piedmont region.
Most of the trees in the mountain forests turn colors and fall off. These types of trees are called deciduous.
Young mountains have sharp pointy tops. As they grow older the tops are wore away by rain, ice, sun, and wind
called erosion.
Name two counties located in the Up Country. 1. York 2. Greenville