Weekly Overview – Spring (2)

Year: Reception (2017/2018)

Topic – ‘Mr Men’
Areas / Week 1
Chinese New Year / Week 2
“Mr Happy” / Week 3
“Mr Quiet/Mr Noisy” / Week 4
“Mr Tall/Mr Small” / Week 5
“Mr Snow/Little Miss Sunshine’ / Week 6
“Mr Brave”
PSED / * Being kind and forgiving. Should the cat have forgiven the rat? Should the rat have pushed the car? / *’What makes you happy?’ – discuss things that make children happy; How can we make others happy? (RE Ref: God wants us to treat all people with love and respect) / *Talking about things children like – Do you like it when it is quiet or loud? Why? / *Talking about how we are all unique and special; Some of us are tall, some of us are small (RE Ref: God makes us all unique and loves us all). / *Considering the feelings of others and respect what other like/don’t like (RE Ref: God asks of us to respect others, even if their beliefs, likes and dislikes are different to ours) / *Discussion: What does it mean to be brave? Have you ever been brave? (RE Ref: Trust in God to give us strength to be brave)
*’Letterjoin’ handwriting – names and letters
*Finger Gym
*Movement game: Move like one of the Mr Men characters / *PE LESSON
*’Letterjoin’ handwriting – names and letters
*Finger Gym
*Movement game: Move like one of the Mr Men characters / *PE LESSON
*’Letterjoin’ handwriting – names and letters
*Finger Gym / *PE LESSON
*’Letterjoin’ handwriting – names, letters and words
*Finger Gym
*Cutting skills and fine motor control – making Mr Tall and Mr Small / *PE LESSON
*’Letterjoin’ handwriting – names, letters and words
*Finger Gym / *PE LESSON
* Letterjoin handwriting – names, letters and words
*Making shapes with our bodies – children decide how they need to stand or hold their bodies to make the shapes of the different Mr Men characters
*Chinese New Year Stories / *NURSERY RHYME
*Read Mr Happy – talk about the reasons why he is called Mr Happy – children make predictions about story / *NURSERY RHYME
*Talking about their own ideas – what are quiet noises? What are loud noises?
*Listen to ‘Peace at Last’ – what did ‘Peace’ mean to the Large Family; What does ‘peace’ mean to us? / *NURSERY RHYME
* Talk about the feelings of the characters – How do you think they feel being so tall/small? / *NURSERY RHYME
*Children talk about things they like doing – what can we do/what do we enjoy doing when it is sunny? What do you like doing when it is snowy? / *NURSERY RHYME
*Reading different stories about bravery – ‘Avocado Baby’, Elliot Jones, Midnight Superhero’, etc.
*Understanding and following instructions to make biscuits
Lit. / *Letters and Sounds
*Writing about Chinese new year and the animals. / *Letters and Sounds *Writing sentences about things that make them happy / *Letters and Sounds
*Making a list and comparison about the quiet and loud noises that they heard outside / *Letters and Sounds *Rhyming words – tall and small. Find and complete rhyming words
*Writing the story of ‘David and Goliath’ / *Letters and Sounds *Children write sentences for their sunny/snowy pictures – ‘I like to .... when it is sunny’; ‘You can ...... when it is snowy’ / *Letters and Sounds *Writing captions for their own Mr Men character pictures
*Writing an acrostic poem using the letters of the word BRAVE
*Using non-fiction for information - recipe
Maths / *Counting 1:1 and ordering numbers to 20. / *Addition / *Addition and Subtraction / *Measuring ourselves – Who is tall and who is small? Comparing sizes
*Ordering objects according to size / *Quantity – filling cups with ‘snow’ and comparing quantities (less/more)
*One less/One more / *Shapes – look at the shapes of some of the Mr Men and Little Miss characters – identify shapes and find similar shapes in the environment; Sort shapes according to their properties
*RE Lesson / *ICT LESSON
*Interactive games – (Science Ref: Using ICT) / *ICT LESSON
*RE Lesson – Tower of Babel
*Using Mini Musical Monsters on the IWB to make and explore quiet and loud noises
*Going for a walk outside – listening to ‘loud’ and ‘quiet’ noises(RE Ref: God created earth and all the noises)(Science: Learning through ‘hands-on’ experiences)
*Interactive games –
(Science Ref: Using ICT) / *ICT LESSON
*RE Lesson – David and Goliath (small vs Tall)
*Interactive games –
(Science Ref: Using ICT) / *ICT LESSON
*RE Lesson – Creation Story
*Investigate how seasons change (Sunshine vs Snow) – talk about signs of changing seasons (Science Ref)(RE Ref: God created a special earth - we can see the beauty of God’s creation all around us)
*Interactive games –
(Science Ref: Using ICT) / *ICT LESSON
*RE Lesson – Bravery: Moses leading the Israelites to the Promised Land
*Interactive games –
(Science Ref: Using ICT)
*Using musical instruments to make ‘quiet’ and ‘loud’ noises
*Making own musical instruments / *MUSIC LESSON
*Using musical instruments to make ‘quiet’ and ‘loud’ noises
*Making own musical instruments / *MUSIC LESSON
*Making Mr Small and Mr Tall using a variety of resources and materials (Science Ref: Materials) / *MUSIC LESSON
*Making ‘snowy’ and ‘sunny’ pictures / *MUSIC LESSON
*Children design, paint and name their own Mr Men character
*Cooking activity – Making Mr Men and Little Miss Biscuits (Science Ref: Learning through ‘hands-on’ experiences)

*RE Reference

*Principles of Good Science Reference