City of LaBelle
Passive Recreational Park
Management Report
The purpose of the management plan is to identify the public uses and appropriate management practices to be employed by the City of LaBelle in making the lease property available for the public outdoor recreational purpose. The 176 acres of land under lease, contract C91-2113 and City ordinance No. 90-3 {exhibit 1}
permits the City to provide public outdoor recreational activities that are compatible with the preservation of the natural and historical resources of the site.
The site described as:
Government lots 3 and 4, less Caloosahatchee River
Canal right of way in section 3, Township 43s, Range 29E
Glades County, Florida
As in the City Lease Document:
A Parcel of Land lying in the South One-Half of Section 33,
Township 42 South, Range 29 East, Glades County Florida.
The lease consists of 176 acres of partially undisturbed natural habitat areas. As
a result, the lease site is exceptionally well suited to support public access and
Outdoor Recreational Activities that require large open space.
Deed descriptions and legal description included in lease agreement.
The described property is ideally suited to support a variety of different Recreational activities. The City of LaBelle plans to incorporate a variety of traditional recreational uses such as kayaking , canoeing, picnicking, nature study and bird watching, hiking, and fishing as well as specialized recreational activities which are well suited to a urbanized setting. These activities will be controlled by permits from the City of LaBelle.
The proposed Passive Recreational Park will be open from sunrise to sunset with the exception granted by the City approved special exemptions. All park uses will be required to comply with the City’s Recreational Ordinance as may be amended with respect to any and all rules, hours of operation, and/or special event activity or uses occurring in the park.
Discharging firearms or use of illegal drugs is strictly prohibited on the lease property.
The types of recreational activities envisioned for the property are primarily
Passive outdoor recreational uses that are consistent with the terms of the South
Florida Water Management District for Agricultural Reserve Areas. All
activities within the park are also subject to the City’s recreational ordinance
enforceable by the Glades and Hendry County Sheriff’s Departments. The
proposed master plan for the park includes general public use areas for activities
such as kayaking and canoeing, fishing, picnicking, and improved hiking and
nature trails. Designated special use areas to be permitted by the City will
generally be utilized by non-profit organizations with specific rules, supervision,
and insurance requirements placed on the groups by the City as part of their
permit. Areas will also be set aside for future activities based upon available
funding for improvements to support these activities and their compatibility with
the master plan.
The park master plan includes fishing, kayaking and canoeing, picnicking, hiking/nature trails that are only accessible during park hours. The park’s normal hours of operation are from sunrise to sunset; however, special permits may be issued by the City for additional hours of use. Portable toilets will be utilized foe restroom purposes that meet the workers protection standards since no water or sewer service is available yet.
A. Archeological opportunities and locating an Indian mound will be explored.
B. Canoeing and Kayaking will be available depending upon the approval of the Army Corp to create such launch sites and water accessible areas.
C. Picnicking will be available in designated areas for the general public use. A shell/rock parking lot will be constructed utilizing material on site. Trash receptacles and portable toilets will be provided for day use.
D. Hiking and Nature Trails will be marked with well defined hiking trails and new trails established with connectors to other improved amenities on the site. Trailhead signage will be provided.
E. Fishing opportunities will be available and future phases may include a fishing pier and small boat dock facility. At this time there will only be shoreline fishing.
A. To develop the southwest corner, the north defined by a blacktop road, the south defined by the river, the east defined by the drainage ditch, and the west defined by the property line.
B. Archeological exploration of Indian mound on park site.
C. Identification of sensitive endangered species areas.
D. To engage in fire prevention measures and prescribed burns.
A. To develop the area north defined by the boundary being the blacktop road; the south boundary being the river; the east boundary being the park boundary; and the west being the drainage ditch.
A. To develop the area north defined by the boundary being the north park property line: south being the blacktop road; the east being the park boundary; and the west being the park boundary.
Improvements will be done on a multi-phase plan. Due to the passive nature of the proposed recreational activities, only limited improvements will be necessary to accommodate public use of the property for park purposes. For the most part, the existing infrastructure, i.e., roads, drainage, etc., are more than adequate to support the passive recreational activities proposed on the site. The major improvements required will include signage, installation of security gates, the building of a parking area, removal of exotics, and mowing. Spoil can be used for trails, parking site and buffer zones, etc.
1. Existing roads to the west, off S.R. 29, will be utilized for public access to the property. The existing roadway system will serve the park’s internal circulation needs, and parking areas will be constructed in strategic locations.
2. An entrance sign identifying the site as a City (regional) park will be installed at S.R. 29. The entrance way will also be posted advising all visitors of the basic park rules.
3. Fencing and gates to control internal circulation may be required to also control access to restricted areas. Several existing roads serving future use areas will be barricaded in Phase 1 to prevent vehicular traffic into unused areas.
4. The existing river and Water Management system will continue to be utilized for drainage and other water related recreational activities. The interrelated drainage ditches and swales will be maintained and used to help define use areas and secure their perimeters.
5. Other improvements such as existing unimproved paths throughout the property will be utilized for trails to the public. Minor clearing and stabilization of trails will be done to improve access and safety. Directional signage will also be used to better define trails.
6. In several cases, perimeter berms and/or ditches may be constructed to prevent trespassing by off road vehicles and ATV’s. Fencing will be needed on the eastern property line.
7. Since no water or sewer improvements are available for special exemptions they may be required as part of your permit. Clean up of such areas are essential.
Routine maintenance of the leased property is the responsibility of the City of LaBelle. Since the property has no water or sewer, restroom needs will be supplied by portable restrooms.
Trash collection will be determined by the City.
Roads and trails will be maintained as needed and will be the responsibility of the City of LaBelle. Volunteers may participate with the City.
The permit holder is responsible for all maintenance after an event in accordance with the park rules.
Site security will be coordinated through the City with the sheriff’s department of Glades and Hendry counties. Security gates will be installed at the main entrance and in the future, augmented by internal access gates to restrict public access to unopened portions of the site.
Management of the conservation area will primarily consist of chemical treatments or mechanical removal of Brazilian Pepper, Cogan grasses, or other undesirable exotic species. Cists incurred can be offset with grants from different government agencies. Partnerships with government agencies will be helpful in the implementation and preservation of the Passive Recreation Park.
The management strategy for the control of exotic vegetation will include both chemical treatment and mechanical removal. The property was previously chemically treated under SFWMD maintenance events prior to or during this lease agreement with the City. Therefore, exotic control now consists of mechanical removal of dead material and follow up chemical treatment for re-emergent exotics. At no time will exotic plants be introduced by the City on the lease property. Removal may consist of a front end loader with root rake, piled and stacked in such a manner for incineration as conditions permit.
River frontage work will be done thru the Army Corp of Engineers supervision and with the proper permitting.
4. This is one of the highest priorities given the current conditions. The original clean-up of dead debris and stacking for optimal burning times will include the assistance of the Florida Department of Agriculture and consumer Affairs, Division of Forestry.
Archaeological or historical sites and resources will be preserved on the subject lease property. It will comply with Chapter 267, Florida Statutes, specifically Sections 267.0612 (a) and (b) in its management of any archaeological or historical sites discovered on the leased property. The collection of artifacts or disturbances of any archaeological or historical finds on the lease property is prohibited unless prior authorization has been obtained from DHR.
The successful ongoing management of the lease property will require the coordination with adjoining land users. To this end, the City has or will meet with all adjacent home and land owners to discuss and explain the proposed recreational uses on the lease property. The City will review any proposed land use changes or development orders on property adjacent to the site and will participate in the development and review process to ensure and to avoid impacts on listed species.
Upon approval from the SFWMD, this management plan will serve as the controlling document for the City of LaBelle’s recreational and management activities occurring on the lease property. The city will not use or alter the property except as provided for in the approved management plan without written approval from the SFWMD. The lease property will not be developed or physically altered in any way other than what is necessary for the interim security and maintenance until this management plan is approved by the District. This management plan will be reviewed and updated jointly by the District and the City every five (5) years during the term of the lease.
Phase 1 will be funded by the City through grants, donations and volunteers. Additional funding for Phase 2 and Phase 3 site improvements will be requested under the City’s Capital Improvements program in future budget years and through grant applications. Development costs to prepare the site for public use will include the clearing of exotics, grassing of open areas, and installation of gates, signage, shell for parking, and trash/ port-a-lets.
Management responsibilities include accessibility to law enforcement, opening and closing of gates to the park, trash pick-up, portable toilets, periodic mowing, and exotic plant control and removal. Staffing for management will be accomplished primarily with existing City personnel and assistance from annual contractors or recreational club members.
The following anticipated cost estimates are for informational use only and will be subject to funds available thru the City, Grants, Donations, and volunteer support.
Phase1. Fencing, Signage and gates $15,000.00
Temporary parking, trash cans, port-a-let 3,000.00
Army Corps shoreline clean-up 10,000.00
Trail stabilization 4,000.00
Exotic vegetation removal, disposal 8,000.00
Total $40,000.00
If the City chooses not to open this site and move into Phase 2 some cost reduction can be realized and moved into Phase 2, where more permanent facilities will be constructed.
B. Estimated Annual Maintenance Cost
The estimated break down of the anticipated annual maintenance cost will be included in the City’s operating budget starting Fiscal Year 2009.
Phase1. Trash removal $1,000.00
Site Security, gate opening and closing 4,000.00
Mowing of use area 3,000.00
Fence, gate, and signage maintenance 1,000.00
Portable toilets 4,000.00
Maintenance of parking and trails 1,500.00
Exotic plant control 3,000.00
Miscellaneous maintenance and supervision 2,500.00
Total $20,000.00
If the City chooses not to open Phase 1 and proceed with Phase 2 some cost reductions can be realized and moved into Phase 2.
The following Implementation Schedule lists the City’s Fiscal Year in which key management plan activities will be accomplish as Phases are implemented.
TT t Target Target Date-Year / 20082009 / 2010 / 2011 / 2012 / 2013
Management Plan
Approval / x
Phase 1 use areas
Improvements /
x / x
Approval Phase 2 /
Phase 2 use areas
Improvements / x / x
Approval Phase 3 / x /
Phase 3 use areas
Improvements / x / x
A. Arial with outline property
B. Copy of, City of LaBelle Lease with South Florida Water Management District
C. Copy of Army Corps Permit
D. Copy of, Florida Forest Stewardship Application ( Agent Mike Weston )
E. Copy of, Aims Engineering Survey