Weekly Message 9-4

Hello, this is Kathryn Hutchinson, principal of Joyner Elementary school calling with your weekly message. This message will be posted on our website.

Thank you to our Joyner family for creating a great atmosphere our first week back.

Looking ahead to this week, our Kindergarten class will be joining us in full Tuesday morning. Please be aware that our new Kindergarteners will be learning processes and procedures especially during arrival and dismissal. We ask that our community please have patience as this might slow some of these times of day.

With safety in mind, please be mindful to park in only marked parking spaces. Our buses have had difficulty accessing our bus loop both morning and afternoons. No one should enter the bus loop between 8:00 and 8:30 in the morning and 3:00 and 3:30 in the afternoon unless you have a marked vehicle.

Also please be reminded that when exiting the carpool line, you must only turn right. This keeps the flow of traffic moving and maintains safety on the streets.

Thank you to everyone as you help as we begin this new year being safe for all families, children and our community.

If you want to enroll your child in our After School program, slots are filling up. If you are interested in participating in this program, please submit your interest to Julie Poyer, program director by this Friday. Our first, second and third grades are almost filled completely.

This Thursday night is our Open House. The first session to meet with teachers will start at 5:00. At 5:45 we will join together in the gym to introduce the staff. Both our foundation and PTA will share during this time as well. A second session to meet with teachers will be offered at 6:15. We will wrap up at 7:00.

This Friday is our first Early Release. Students will be dismissed at 12:30. If there is a change in transportation, please communicate with your child’s teacher.

The PTA’s fall No Fuss Fundraiser and membership drive has begun. Thank you for your support of our PTA. Our PTA will share information at Open House of the events they have planned for this year.

We are also pleased to share that our JY Joyner Foundation has made their first contribution to Joyner through funding a WHOLE Spanish teacher! We are so grateful for this commitment to this incredible program at Joyner. The non-profit foundation is created for Joyner by Joyner parents and will be raising money this year. The foundation's focus is to raise funds for teacher positions. Foundation members will share more information at Open House.

Thank you for your support of Joyner Elementary School. And have a great week!