II Corinthians 3:5

Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God;

Date: Time:

Weekly memory verse – II Corinthians 3:5

Read – II Corinthians 3:1-6

Examine –

Remember that this church was questioning whether Paul was really an apostle and whether he had authority to tell them these things.

1. With what question does he begin the chapter?

2. What had other people given as proof?

3. Who was his epistle?

4. Where was it written?

5. Who knows and reads it?

6. What kind of epistle does he call them?

7. Who ministered to them?

8. With what was it not written?

9. With what was it written?

10. Where was it not written?

11. Where was it written?

12. Where is his sufficiency?

13. Of what is he an able minister?

14. It is not of ______because that ______.

15. What does the spirit give?


You are a walking testimony to others. What are you saying?

Do you think that you are sufficient of yourselves?

Have you allowed the new life of the Spirit to dwell in you?

Date: Time:

Weekly memory verse – II Corinthians 3:5

Read – II Corinthians 3:7-11

Examine –

It is important to understand that the letter mentioned in verse 6 and the ministration of death mentioned in verse 7 is a reference to the Law. The references to the spirit are referring to the fact that we now obey God directly (not the letter of the law) after salvation.

1. Where was the Law written?

2. What was it?

3. What could the Israelites not do?

4. Why?

5. What was to happen to this glory?

6. Will the spirit be more glorious?

If the Law was glorious but was not able to save then the Spirit who is able to save will be that much more glorious.

7. What does he call the law in verse 9?

8. What does he call the spirit in verse 9?

9. In comparison to the spirit did the Law have any glory?

10. What was done away?

11. What remains today?


It is a wonderful thing to have the Holy Spirit living inside of us. Do you obey His promptings?

Date: Time:

Weekly memory verse – II Corinthians 3:5

Read – II Corinthians 3:12-18

Examine –

1. This Law of the Spirit brings what to us?

2. What does Paul use as a result of this?

3. What did Moses put on his face?

4. At what could the Children of Israel not look?

Remember the Law was abolished!

5. What happened to their minds?

6. Is the veil still there?

7. What can they not understand?

8. Who does away with the veil?

9. Where is the veil today?

10. What is he referring to when he says Moses is read?

11. What takes the veil away according to verse 16?

I think that the “it” in verse 16 is a reference to the heart of the people.

12. Where the Spirit is there is what?

13. What do we behold when we look into the Bible?

14. What does this do for us?

15. Into what are we changed?

16. How does this happen?


Are you looking into the Word of God?

Are you letting it change you?

What changes can others see?

Are you more like the Lord today?

Date: Time:

Weekly memory verse – II Corinthians 3:5

Read – II Corinthians 4:1-6

Examine –

1. What do we have?

I believe this a reference back to the removing the veil off of people’s hearts. We do this by introducing them to Jesus.

2. What do we receive?

3. What does this cause us not to do?

4. What has Paul renounced?

5. How does Paul not walk?

6. How does he not handle the Word of God?

7. What manifestation does he use?

When you have the truth you do not need all the other things. You just let the Bible speak for itself.

8. From whom is the Gospel hid?

9. Who has blinded their minds?

10. Why does he do this?

11. What does Paul not preach?

12. What does he preach?

13. What is he to them and why?

14. What did God command?

15. Where has he shined?

16. Why did he do this?


Satan would love to blind people from the truth but God has called us to spread the truth. Are you actively doing this?

Are you acting as a servant to others?

Date: Time:

Weekly memory verse – II Corinthians 3:5

Read – II Corinthians 4:7-12

Examine –

1. What do we have in earthen vessels?

Bonus – What does earthen vessels mean?

2. From where does the power to share the gospel come?

3. Match the following distresses with Paul’s attitude:

______Troubled A. Not destroyed

______Perplexed B. Not distressed

______Persecuted C. Not forsaken

______Cast Down D. Not in despair

4. What is Paul always bearing in his body?

5. Why does he do this?

6. To what is Paul always delivered?

7. What does Paul want manifested in his body?

8. What works in Paul and others?

9. What works in the people of Corinth?


Paul was willing to sacrifice his physical body for the cause of Christ. By sacrificially giving of his self Christ was seen in him. He was constantly under pressure but his outlook was good. What have you endured for Christ?

What are you willing to endure for Him?

Date: Time:

Weekly memory verse – II Corinthians 3:5

Read – II Corinthians 4:13-18

Examine –

1. What kind of spirit does Paul have?

2. Look at verse 14 and to what is this faith referring?

3. Because Paul believes what does he do?

4. According to verse 15 why does Paul do these things?

5. What is abundant?

6. How will this grace redound?

7. To what will it redound?

8. What phrase does Paul use again in verse 16?

9. What is the outward man doing?

10. What is the inward man doing?

11. How often does he do this?

12. What is but for a moment?

13. What does it work in us?

14. At what do we not look?

15. At what do we look?

16. What are the things which are seen?

17. What are the things which are not seen?


We can either work for the eternal or the temporal. For what are you striving?

List how.

How are you being renewed day by day?

Date: Time:

Weekly memory verse – II Corinthians 3:5

Read – Review

Examine –

Match the verse with the thought from Scripture:

Glory of the old Law
Plainness of speech
Veiled face
Hidden Gospel
Sufficiency of God
Crafty words
Bad news, good news
Sacrificing the body
Eternal versus the temporal
Ministration of Righteousness
Veiled heart
Living epistles


Paul gave up so much for the cause of Christ and yet we are scared to even witness for Him. Write out what you are afraid of when it comes to standing for God and then give that to Him!

Main thoughts to meditate on this week:


