Weekly Home Assignment? Group work? Enrichment?

1.  John’s wealthy aunt passed away and left him $12 400 000.

·  Write this amount in decimal form.

·  At first John decided he wanted to collect his inheritance from the bank in $100 bills. How many bills would that be?

·  Then John received some financial advice. He decided to invest three-quarters of his inheritance and spend the rest recklessly. His plan was to purchase matching Lamborghinis (one for himself and one for his wife) and spend the rest on a new home for them. What price range would he tell his real estate agent he was looking for in a home?

2.  Arrange the following from least to greatest:

23.4 million ______

234 780 050 ______

23 478 005 ______

2 347 800.59 ______

3.  Match the following:

A)  Population of Canada _____ 33 300

B)  Capacity of Rogers Center _____ 1 900

C)  Population of Moncton _____ 33.3

D)  # of millimetres in 33.3 kilometres _____ 33 390 141

E)  # of kilometres in 33 300 metres _____ 117 727

F)  Population of St Andrews _____ 50 516

4.  When would having 17 000 000 of something be a lot to you and when would having the same amount of something else not seem like so much?

5.  Write the largest possible 8-digit number that has 4 in the ten thousand place, 9 in the hundreds place, and 2 in the millions place. All the digits must be different.

p.s. Lamborghinis are currently selling for $270 000! J


Manny Raamirez’ salary: $17 016 480/year

162 games per regular season

Recently many missed 24 straight games on the DI list

What salary did Manny collect while he was on the DI list?

Student work:

(You may want them to research to determine his salary, # of games per year, and the number of games Manny missed)

$105 040/game x 24 games

“Manny Being Manny” made $2 520 960 while on the DI.


What could one buy with $2.5 million?

How long would the average worker need to work to make this much?

Some students can take these figures on to exploring income tax, investing this much money @?%. How do clubs pay such salaries? – endless possibilities for math here.

Is this Manny’s total salary?