Week beginning Monday5thDecember

We have now worked through the sounds s, a, t, i,p, n, c, k, e, h, r, m, d, g, o, u,l, f, band j andtheir capitals to date. It is vital that your child is able to correctly form and sound these out (including their capital form). Please revise these with your child daily, referring to your child’s feedback booklet from the recent parent/teacher meetings for guidance.Many children still need to practise beginning at the correct place when writing.

We have been working on digraphs and have covered‘ai’, ‘oa’ and ‘ie’.

Please focus your support this week on recognition of

& .

Actions to practise:

Put hands on head as if ears on a donkey.

Move them up as you say the ee in eeyore, eeyore.

Put hands on head as if ears on a donkey.

Move them up down as you say the or in eeyore, eeyore!

Mental Maths to practise;

- Count in 1s to 50, 2s to 20

- Practise random recognition of the digits 11 – 20,

- Practise writing the numbers 0 - 20 correctly in order

Other Information:

We have had the opportunity to explore the early concepts of computer coding through an activity on

Your child can explore this at home also using the

Username: holytrinityps password: holyt

-Your child will visit Enniskillen Museum this week. Please ensure forms and money are returned asap.

Please sign here to let us know you have read this note:

Week beginning Monday5th December

We have now worked through the sounds s, a, t, i,p, n, c, k, e, h, r, m, d, g, o, u, l, f, b and j and their capitals to date. It is vital that your child is able to correctly form and sound these out (including their capital form). Please revise these with your child daily, referring to your child’s feedback booklet from the recent parent/teacher meetings for guidance.Many children still need to practise beginning at the correct place when writing.

We have been working on digraphs and have covered ‘ai’, ‘oa’ and ‘ie’.

Please focus your support this week on recognition of

& .

Actions to practise:

Put hands on head as if ears on a donkey.

Move them up as you say the ee in eeyore, eeyore.

Put hands on head as if ears on a donkey.

Move them up down as you say the or in eeyore, eeyore!

Mental Maths to practise;

- Count in 1s to 50, 2s to 20

- Practise random recognition of the digits 11 – 20,

- Practise writing the numbers 0 - 20 correctly in order

Other Information:

We have had the opportunity to explore the early concepts of computer coding through an activity on

Your child can explore this at home also using the

Username: holytrinityps password: holyt

-Your child will visit Enniskillen Museum this week. Please ensure forms and money are returned asap.

Please sign here to let us know you have read this note: