Week 2: Martin Luther: Our Relationship with Authority
Does Authority matter? What do we give Authority to and why?
Introduction: Case Study on Authority
- Have them split up into groups of 4-5 students
- The Night Before…
- At long last, Preston’s trying and difficult week has finally come to a close. As the bell marking the end of his 7th period class rings for the final time this week, Preston cannot wait for what lies ahead this Friday night. While he always looks forward to the end of school on Friday, he feels the exhale that comes when school is over a bit more than normal this week. This week has been rough, filled with lots of schoolwork and drama, both at home and with friends. To add to the frustration Preston knows that tomorrow, Saturday, will be more stressful than a Saturday should be. Tomorrow he will be taking the SAT one final time in an attempt to qualify for the scholarship that he needs in order to get into his dream school. In addition, as soon as the test is over he will drive across town to the biggest track meet of his athletic career. Not only will this meet determine who will qualify for regionals but many college coaches from all over the state and nation will be there to watch Preston perform. However, he can’t think about that too much right now or he will stress himself out. Right now his mind is focused on one thing and one thing only, his plans for Friday night.
Preston’s close group of friends that he normally hangs out with on the weekend has big plans for tonight. While they don’t know what they are going to do for sure they are excited about the possibilities. There are a number of different parties that they may attend to see if anything fun is going down. Also, if that doesn’t work they know they will have no problem coming up with something on their own that will provide for a cool story back at school on Monday. Preston can’t wait.
However, Preston is a bit torn as to what to do. His friends are begging him to come with them, promising that he won’t want to miss out on the night ahead. His parents have encouraged him to take it easy tonight and rest up for the important and busy day ahead. His coach has set an eleven pm curfew for everyone on the track team, but Preston knows that he never enforces this. Preston is also beginning to wonder if partying every Friday night is in line with who he wants to be. He has always operated under the thinking that he is only in high school once so he might as well do whatever he wants while he has the chance but he is wondering if that is the best idea. He isn’t too worried about his faith because he knows that he can be forgiven and get serious about his faith whenever he gets older and life isn’t as much fun.
Preston’s phone buzzes. It’s a text from his friends. They want to know if he’s made up his mind about what he’s doing tonight yet. Ugh. He’s not sure what to do…
- Talk about all of the different influences that are present in Preston’s life and impacting his decision.
- Can you relate to Preston and his situation?
- Which influence do you think has the greatest impact on Preston’s life?
- Which influence do you think should have the greatest impact on Preston’s life?
- Why is it so difficult to know who we should give the greatest amount of authority too?
Is Authority Good or Bad?
- When you think of authority what is the first thing that you think of? Why?
- Is authority a good or bad thing?
- Do you think we have too much or too little authority in our world today?
- What do you think teenagers today think of authority?
Who Has Authority in Your Life?
- Who has authority in your life? This can be people, or places, or laws, etc.
- List all of the people or places or things that they say…
- Why? Why do you give these things authority?
- If you were to pick one, which would you say has the most authority in your life?
- If you could change the authority structure in your life how would you make it different?
Who Has Authority in a Christian’s Life?
- If you are a Christian, who has spiritual authority in your life?
- Parents?
- The Church? Elders? Deacons? Ministers?
- The Holy Spirit?
- The Bible?
- Do these authorities ever disagree? What do you do if they don’t agree?
- Who carries the most weight, the most authority?
Martin Luther & Authority
- How many of you have ever heard of Martin Luther? Not MLK
- Martin Luther was a Catholic priest in Germany during the 16th Century. While we could spend a whole year studying all of the details of his life I want us to focus on one of the most famous events of his life. Luther became increasingly agitated with some of the practices of the church, particularly the selling of indulgences. The Catholic Church, in an attempt to raise money to refurbish Rome, and in particular St. Peter’s Basilica, increased their efforts to sell indulgences. Indulgences were certificates that one could buy for loved ones who had passed away that would ensure their salvation. Thus if you truly loved your deceased family members’ you would find a way to buy them an indulgence. While everyone seemed to be on board with this thinking and the blessing that it offered for the Church and for the family, Martin Luther was not so sure. As he studied the Scriptures it seemed to him that indulgences went against what he was reading. It was Luther’s understanding that Christ and Christ alone saves us from our sin, not a certificate that the Church was selling. In addition, he believed that the money that the Church received should be going to feed and care for the poor, not redoing fancy buildings. However, Luther was loyal to the Church and believed that God was in charge of the Church and had set in place the leadership of the Church. What was he to do? Who had authority in his life? What should he do and how should he go about it?
- Play the excerpt from “Luther” movie that shows the 95 Theses scene and Luther’s appearance before the Imperial Diet at Worms in 1521.
- Who had the most authority in Martin Luther’s life?
- Who has the most authority in your life?
- Your own desires? Friends? Family? Popularity? Church? Bible?
- How would your life look different if you elevated the level of authority that the Bible has in your life?
- Three impacts of Biblical Authority in your life:
- 1. There is such a thing as right and wrong.
- No longer could you be a chameleon, going back and forth, adapting one set of rules for one situation and another set of rules for a different situation.
- There would be a truth that guided how you behaved and made decisions.
- 2. You would begin to study the Scriptures for yourself.
- Instead of just listening to me, or your parents, or the preacher, you would study this for yourself.
- During Luther’s time he was the only one who dared to give the same authority to the text that all others gave to the Church.
- 3. Your own wants & desires would become less of an authority in your life.
- Something outside yourself would be guiding you.
- As you read Scripture you would see how we are to be led by the Spirit, surrender our lives to Christ, and offer our lives as worship to God. Our own authority would become less and His authority would become greater.
- Finish in Prayer
- Father, would you allow us to learn from our history. Would you help us to have soft hearts to take the example and teachings of Martin Luther and allow them to shape our lives? Let us learn from the brave life of Martin Luther. Let us see with clear eyes what has authority in our life. Let us see into the depths of our hearts to see just how much authority we give to the Scriptures. We pray that the Bible might have authority in our life, alongside of the Father, the Son, and the Spirit. May you be the greatest authority in our lives. Thank you for your Word and the incredible source of authority that it is in our lives. In Jesus name, Amen.