Band– Grade 8
Week 1Unit of Study: Analyzing musical sound and demonstrate musical artistry First Grading Period
TEKS Band 8 (Content)- 1 A Demonstrate characteristic instrumental timbre individually and in groups
- 1 B describe intervals, music notation, musical instruments, musical performances,
- 1 C identify music forms presented aurally and through music notation.
- 3 C interpret music symbols and terms referring to dynamics, tempo, and articulation
- 1 A Demonstrate characteristic instrumental timbre individually and in groups
- 1 B describe intervals, music notation, musical instruments, musical performances, using standard
terminology - 1 C identify music forms presented aurally and through music notation.
- 3 C interpret music symbols and terms referring to dynamics, tempo, and articulation when performing
College Prep / Vocabulary / Resources / Instructional Guidelines
Word Wall
Classroom expectations
Instrument assembly
Instrument Maintenance
Region scales
Region etudes
Place measure numbers on music
Concert pitch
Key Signatures
Order of Flats
Order of Sharps / Standard Of Excellence, Comprehensive Band Method Book 1 & 2, Neil A. KJOS Music Company, Publisher, 2004, by Bruce Pearson
Additional Resources:
“Foundations for Superior Performance: Warm-ups & Techniques for Band, Neil A. KJOS Music Company, Publisher, 1997, by Richard Williams & Jeff King
“Note Speller” by Fred Weber
“Rhythm Flash Cards” 100 Large Colored Flashcards present sequentially for students in k-8 by Denise Gagne
“Theory Time Books 1-4” by Karen Wallace & Heather Rathnau
“Five Minute Theory Book #1” by Mark Wessels / The teacher will:
- introduce the band program handbook/expectations for the year
- assign and distribute instruments for the school year
- introduce the proper band warm-up procedure for middle school band
- introduce and model the middle school stretching and breathing exercises for band
- introduce the concept of concert pitch
- introduce the order of flats and sharps
- have an understanding of the classroom expectations for the year.
- understand which instrument and locker they will be held accountable fore
- apply and successfully demonstrate the proper warm-up procedure.
- Comprehend the importance of warming up properly on a daily basis.
- comprehend transposing/non-transposing instruments.
- understand key signatures and how they relate to music.
Key Questions / Student Behaviors
Getting the Big Ideas / Strategies
/ 1. Describe which instruments are transposing and which are non-transposing.
2. Describe the steps to proper warm-ups for band.
3. Describe the importance of the 4-2-1 Breathing Exercises
4. Can you identify the order of flats and sharps?
5. How many flats or sharps does the key of Db concert have for your instrument?
6. Notate the flats and sharps on manuscript paper. / Proper hand position as well as posture
Read and write basic music theory concepts
Students will sing and hum concert F pitch
Students will focus on tuning Concert F pitch
Focus on firm embouchure and proper finger position
Read and write basic music theory / Explaining
Explicit Teaching
Drill & Practice
Students will successfully identify which instruments are transposing and which are non-transposing instruments.
Students will successfully demonstrate the middle school band warm-up procedure.
Students will visually demonstrate proper breathing techniques.
Students will identify the order of flats and sharps.
Students will begin to make connections on how the order of flats/sharps relates to the major scales and music.
Before:Have students review the basic fundamentals of the band warm-up procedure.
During:Have students demonstrate the ability to perform the warm-up procedure in tune with a focused and
centered sound.
After:Evaluate students through performance as individuals or sections (cassette tape).
Technology Connection: The Notes, Texas Bandmasters Association, Ricci Adams'
Special Education / Instructional Modifications/ Accommodations Determined by ARD/IEP / During: Check for Understanding
Partner special needs students with other students
Partner bilingual students with Spanish speaking students
Individually/sections assess students
Teach students how to record themselves on the cassette tape player
Individually assess students
Individually asses students utilizing the “Smart Music Program”
Band – Grade 8
Week 2Unit of Study: Analyzing musical sound and demonstrate musical artistry First Grading Period
TEKS Band 8 (Content)- 1 A Demonstrate characteristic instrumental timbre individually and in groups
- 1 B describe intervals, music notation, musical instruments, musical performances, using standard terminology
- 1 C identify music forms presented aurally and through music notation
- 3 C interpret music symbols and terms referring to dynamics, tempo, and articulation when performing
- 1 A Demonstrate characteristic instrumental timbre individually and in groups
- 1 B describe intervals, music notation, musical instruments, musical performances,
- 1 C identify music forms presented aurally and through music notation.
- 3 C interpret music symbols and terms referring to dynamics, tempo, and articulation
College Prep / Vocabulary / Resources / Instructional Guidelines
Word Wall
Classroom expectations
Instrument assembly
Instrument Maintenance
Region scales
Region etudes
Place measure numbers on music
Concert pitch
Key Signatures
Order of Flats
Order of Sharps / Standard Of Excellence, Comprehensive Band Method Book 1 & 2, Neil A. KJOS Music Company, Publisher, 2004, by Bruce Pearson
Additional Resources:
“Foundations for Superior Performance: Warm-ups & Techniques for Band, Neil A. KJOS Music Company, Publisher, 1997, by Richard Williams & Jeff King
“Note Speller” by Fred Weber
“Rhythm Flash Cards” 100 Large Colored Flashcards present sequentially for students in k-8 by Denise Gagne
“Theory Time Books 1-4” by Karen Wallace & Heather Rathnau
“Five Minute Theory Book #1” by Mark Wessels / The teacher will:
- review the middle school warm-up procedure and stretching exercises for band
- introduce the steps to successful instrumental performance: students will count line first, clap second, name the notes while fingering along is the third step, and finally the performance
- review Concert F and allow students the opportunity to buzz (mouthpiece) and sing/hum the pitch
- explain concert pitched instrument show they relate to the staff & how they are notated
- model proper mouthpiece placement and embouchure formation
- review and reinforce music notation aurally/visually (Lines/Spaces)
- review preferred counting/clapping method for note values and rest patterns
- distribute the region/district audition material
- the importance of properly reinforcing basic music fundamentals on a daily basis.
- understand the importance of understanding how to count/clap and successfully state the note names.
- understand how concert pitch operates within the various instruments in the bands and so that students will buzz/sing/hum Concert F and also so that the ear can begin to hear the pitch prior to it being performed.
- be able to successfully identify which instruments are transposing and which instruments are non-transposing instruments.
- understand proper mouthpiece placement and embouchure formation.
- have an understanding on the notes and their placement on the musical staff
- make connections on how basic rhythms are counted while performing on their instrument
- understand what it expected of them as they prepare for the upcoming district/region band auditions later in the Fall season.
Key Questions / Student Behaviors
Getting the Big Ideas / Strategies
/ 1. Name the musical alphabet
2. Name the notes for all of your major scales
3. Name the steps to instrumental performance.
4. Demonstrate how you would count, clap, and perform a musical line.
5. Demonstrate how you would count and clap various rhythms.
6. Demonstrate proper hand position for your instrument.
7. Demonstrate proper embouchure formation for your instrument.
8. Demonstrate Concert F. Can you hum/sing the pitch as well?
9. Demonstrate the middle school warm-up procedure. / Proper hand position as well as posture
Read and write basic music theory concepts
Students will sing and hum concert F pitch to denote that class is in session
Continueplaying with proper posture and breathing mechanics
Learn and play exercises to find correct pitches and rhythms
Read and write basic music theory / Explaining
Explicit Teaching
Drill & Practice
Students demonstrate musical understanding basic theory.
Students will successfully count and clap basic music rhythms.
Students will successfully count a four measure phrase in written form.
Student will demonstrate proper hand position as well as embouchure formation.
Divide students into A/B and have one student hums/sings Concert F and the other student buzzes on mouthpiece.
Students will demonstrate proper breathing techniques (Body Stretching Exercise, 4-2-1 Breathing-Hand Resistance Exercise, 10 Second Air Exercise, 10 Second Mouthpiece Exercise).
Before:Have students review the basic fundamentals of the band warm-up procedure.
During:Have students demonstrate the ability to perform the warm-up procedure in tune with a
focused and centered sound.
After:Evaluate students through performance as individuals or sections (cassette tape).
Technology Connection: The Notes, Texas Bandmasters Association,Ricci Adams'
Special Education / Instructional Modifications/ Accommodations Determined by ARD/IEP / During: Check for Understanding
Partner special needs students with other students
Partner bilingual students with Spanish speaking students
Individually/sections assess students
Teach students how to record themselves on the cassette tape player
Individually assess students
Individually asses students utilizing the “Smart Music Program”
Band – Grade 8
Week 3Unit of Study: Analyzing musical sound and demonstrate musical artistry First Grading Period
TEKS Band 8 (Content)- 1 A Demonstrate characteristic instrumental timbre individually and in groups
- 1 B describe intervals, music notation, musical instruments, musical performances, using
- 1 C identify music forms presented aurally and through music notation
- 3 C interpret music symbols and terms referring to dynamics, tempo, and articulation when
- 1 A Demonstrate characteristic instrumental timbre individually and in groups
- 1 B describe intervals, music notation, musical instruments, musical performances,
- 1 C identify music forms presented aurally and through music notation.
- 3 C interpret music symbols and terms referring to dynamics, tempo, and articulation
College Prep / Vocabulary / Resources / Instructional Guidelines
Word Wall
Region scales
Region etudes
Place measure numbers on music
Comprehensive band warm-up procedure
Concert pitch
Practice card
Finger along
Breathing techniques
Hand/instrument position
Fingering charts
Practice cards
Key Signatures
Order of Flats
Order of Sharps / Standard Of Excellence, Comprehensive Band Method Book 1 & 2, Neil A. KJOS Music Company, Publisher, 2004, by Bruce Pearson
Additional Resources:
“Foundations for Superior Performance: Warm-ups & Techniques for Band, Neil A. KJOS Music Company, Publisher, 1997, by Richard Williams & Jeff King
“Note Speller” by Fred Weber
“Rhythm Flash Cards” 100 Large Colored Flashcards present sequentially for students in k-8 by Denise Gagne
“Theory Time Books 1-4” by Karen Wallace & Heather Rathnau
“Five Minute Theory Book #1” by Mark Wessels / The teacher will:
- review the middle school warm-up procedure and stretching exercises for band
- review the steps to successful instrumental performance: students will count line first, clap second, name the notes while fingering along is the third step, and finally the performance
- review Concert F and allow students the opportunity to buzz (mouthpiece) and sing/hum the pitch
- explain concert pitched instrument show they relate to the staff & how they are notated
- model proper mouthpiece placement and embouchure formation
- review and reinforce music notation aurally/visually (Lines/Spaces)
- review preferred counting/clapping method for note values and rest patterns
- the importance of properly reinforcing basic music fundamentals on a daily basis.
- understand the importance of understanding how to count/clap and successfully state the note names.
- understand how concert pitch operates within the various instruments in the bands and so that students will buzz/sing/hum Concert F and also so that the ear can begin to hear the pitch prior to it being performed.
- be able to successfully identify which instruments are transposing and which instruments are non-transposing instruments.
- understand proper mouthpiece placement and embouchure formation.
- have an understanding on the notes and their placement on the musical staff
- make connections on how basic rhythms are counted while performing on their instrument.
Key Questions / Student Behaviors
Getting the Big Ideas / Strategies
/ 1. Name the musical alphabet
2. Name the notes for all of your major scales
3. Name the steps to instrumental performance.
4. Demonstrate how you would count, clap, and perform a musical line.
5. Demonstrate how you would count and clap various rhythms.
6. Demonstrate proper hand position for your instrument.
7. Demonstrate proper embouchure formation for your instrument.
8. Demonstrate Concert F. Can you hum/sing the pitch as well?
9. Demonstrate the middle school warm-up procedure. / Proper hand position as well as posture
Read and write basic music theory concepts
Students will sing and hum concert F pitch to denote that class is in session
Continueplaying with proper posture and breathing mechanics
Learn and play exercises to find correct pitches and rhythms
Read and write basic music theory / Explaining
Explicit Teaching
Drill & Practice
Students demonstrate musical understanding basic theory.
Students will successfully count and clap basic music rhythms.
Students will successfully count a four measure phrase in written form.
Student will demonstrate proper hand position as well as embouchure formation.
Divide students into A/B and have one student hums/sings Concert F and the other student buzzes on mouthpiece.
Students will demonstrate proper breathing techniques (Body Stretching Exercise, 4-2-1 Breathing-Hand Resistance Exercise, 10 Second Air Exercise, 10 Second Mouthpiece Exercise).
Before:Have students review the basic fundamentals of the band warm-up procedure.
During:Have students demonstrate the ability to perform the warm-up procedure in tune with a
focused and centered sound.
After:Evaluate students through performance as individuals or sections (cassette tape).
Technology Connection: The Notes, Texas Bandmasters Association,Ricci Adams'
Special Education / Instructional Modifications/ Accommodations Determined by ARD/IEP / During: Check for Understanding
Partner special needs students with other students
Partner bilingual students with Spanish speaking students
Individually/sections assess students
Teach students how to record themselves on the cassette tape player
Individually assess students
Individually asses students utilizing the “Smart Music Program”
Band – Grade 8
Week 4Unit of Study: Analyzing musical sound and demonstrate musical artistry First Grading Period
TEKS Band 8 (Content)- 1 A Demonstrate characteristic instrumental timbre individually and in groups
- 1 B describe intervals, music notation, musical instruments, musical performances, using
- 1 C identify music forms presented aurally and through music notation
- 3 C interpret music symbols and terms referring to dynamics, tempo, and articulation when performing
- 1 A Demonstrate characteristic instrumental timbre individually and in groups
- 1 B describe intervals, music notation, musical instruments, musical performances,
- 1 C identify music forms presented aurally and through music notation.
- 3 C interpret music symbols and terms referring to dynamics, tempo, and articulation
College Prep / Vocabulary / Resources / Instructional Guidelines
Word Wall
Region scales
Region etudes
Place measure numbers on music
Comprehensive band warm-up procedure
Concert pitch
Practice card
Finger along
Breathing techniques
Hand/instrument position
Fingering charts
Practice cards
Key Signatures
Order of Flats
Order of Sharps / Standard Of Excellence, Comprehensive Band Method Book 1 & 2, Neil A. KJOS Music Company, Publisher, 2004, by Bruce Pearson
Additional Resources:
“Foundations for Superior Performance: Warm-ups & Techniques for Band, Neil A. KJOS Music Company, Publisher, 1997, by Richard Williams & Jeff King
“Note Speller” by Fred Weber
“Rhythm Flash Cards” 100 Large Colored Flashcards present sequentially for students in k-8 by Denise Gagne
“Theory Time Books 1-4” by Karen Wallace & Heather Rathnau
“Five Minute Theory Book #1” by Mark Wessels / The teacher will:
- review the middle school warm-up procedure and stretching exercises for band
- review the steps to successful instrumental performance: students will count line first, clap second, name the notes while fingering along is the third step, and finally the performance
- review Concert F and allow students the opportunity to buzz (mouthpiece) and sing/hum the pitch
- explain concert pitched instrument show they relate to the staff & how they are notated
- model proper mouthpiece placement and embouchure formation
- review and reinforce music notation aurally/visually (Lines/Spaces)
- review preferred counting/clapping method for note values and rest patterns
- the importance of properly reinforcing basic music fundamentals on a daily basis.
- understand the importance of understanding how to count/clap and successfully state the note names.
- understand how concert pitch operates within the various instruments in the bands and so that students will buzz/sing/hum Concert F and also so that the ear can begin to hear the pitch prior to it being performed.
- be able to successfully identify which instruments are transposing and which instruments are non-transposing instruments.
- understand proper mouthpiece placement and embouchure formation.
- have an understanding on the notes and their placement on the musical staff
- make connections on how basic rhythms are counted while performing on their instrument.
Key Questions / Student Behaviors
Getting the Big Ideas / Strategies
/ 1. Name the musical alphabet
2. Name the notes for all of your major scales
3. Name the steps to instrumental performance.
4. Demonstrate how you would count, clap, and perform a musical line.
5. Demonstrate how you would count and clap various rhythms.
6. Demonstrate proper hand position for your instrument.
7. Demonstrate proper embouchure formation for your instrument.
8. Demonstrate Concert F. Can you hum/sing the pitch as well?
9. Demonstrate the middle school warm-up procedure. / Proper hand position as well as posture
Read and write basic music theory concepts
Students will sing and hum concert F pitch to denote that class is in session
Continueplaying with proper posture and breathing mechanics
Learn and play exercises to find correct pitches and rhythms
Read and write basic music theory / Explaining
Explicit Teaching
Drill & Practice
Students demonstrate musical understanding basic theory.
Students will successfully count and clap basic music rhythms.
Students will successfully count a four measure phrase in written form.
Student will demonstrate proper hand position as well as embouchure formation.
Divide students into A/B and have one student hums/sings Concert F and the other student buzzes on mouthpiece.
Students will demonstrate proper breathing techniques (Body Stretching Exercise, 4-2-1 Breathing-Hand Resistance Exercise, 10 Second Air Exercise, 10 Second Mouthpiece Exercise).
Before:Have students review the basic fundamentals of the band warm-up procedure.
During:Have students demonstrate the ability to perform the warm-up procedure in tune with a
focused and centered sound.
After:Evaluate students through performance as individuals or sections (cassette tape).
Technology Connection: The Notes,Texas Bandmasters Association,Ricci Adams'
Special Education / Instructional Modifications/ Accommodations Determined by ARD/IEP / During: Check for Understanding
Partner special needs students with other students
Partner bilingual students with Spanish speaking students
Individually/sections assess students
Teach students how to record themselves on the cassette tape player
Individually assess students
Individually asses students utilizing the “Smart Music Program”
Band – Grade 8