Band– Grade 8

Week 1Unit of Study: Analyzing musical sound and demonstrate musical artistry First Grading Period

TEKS Band 8 (Content)
  • 1 A Demonstrate characteristic instrumental timbre individually and in groups
  • 1 B describe intervals, music notation, musical instruments, musical performances,
using standard terminology
  • 1 C identify music forms presented aurally and through music notation.
  • 3 C interpret music symbols and terms referring to dynamics, tempo, and articulation
when performing / TEKS Band 8 (Skills and Processes)
  • 1 A Demonstrate characteristic instrumental timbre individually and in groups
  • 1 B describe intervals, music notation, musical instruments, musical performances, using standard
  • 1 C identify music forms presented aurally and through music notation.
  • 3 C interpret music symbols and terms referring to dynamics, tempo, and articulation when performing

College Prep / Vocabulary / Resources / Instructional Guidelines
Word Wall
Classroom expectations
Instrument assembly
Instrument Maintenance
Region scales
Region etudes
Place measure numbers on music
Concert pitch
Key Signatures
Order of Flats
Order of Sharps / Standard Of Excellence, Comprehensive Band Method Book 1 & 2, Neil A. KJOS Music Company, Publisher, 2004, by Bruce Pearson
Additional Resources:
Foundations for Superior Performance: Warm-ups & Techniques for Band, Neil A. KJOS Music Company, Publisher, 1997, by Richard Williams & Jeff King
“Note Speller” by Fred Weber
Rhythm Flash Cards” 100 Large Colored Flashcards present sequentially for students in k-8 by Denise Gagne
Theory Time Books 1-4” by Karen Wallace & Heather Rathnau
Five Minute Theory Book #1” by Mark Wessels / The teacher will:
  • introduce the band program handbook/expectations for the year
  • assign and distribute instruments for the school year
  • introduce the proper band warm-up procedure for middle school band
  • introduce and model the middle school stretching and breathing exercises for band
  • introduce the concept of concert pitch
  • introduce the order of flats and sharps
so that the student will:
  • have an understanding of the classroom expectations for the year.
  • understand which instrument and locker they will be held accountable fore
  • apply and successfully demonstrate the proper warm-up procedure.
  • Comprehend the importance of warming up properly on a daily basis.
  • comprehend transposing/non-transposing instruments.
  • understand key signatures and how they relate to music.
How to Teach
Key Questions / Student Behaviors
Getting the Big Ideas / Strategies
/ 1. Describe which instruments are transposing and which are non-transposing.
2. Describe the steps to proper warm-ups for band.
3. Describe the importance of the 4-2-1 Breathing Exercises
4. Can you identify the order of flats and sharps?
5. How many flats or sharps does the key of Db concert have for your instrument?
6. Notate the flats and sharps on manuscript paper. / Proper hand position as well as posture
Read and write basic music theory concepts
Students will sing and hum concert F pitch
Students will focus on tuning Concert F pitch
Focus on firm embouchure and proper finger position
Read and write basic music theory / Explaining
Explicit Teaching
Drill & Practice
Students will successfully identify which instruments are transposing and which are non-transposing instruments.
Students will successfully demonstrate the middle school band warm-up procedure.
Students will visually demonstrate proper breathing techniques.
Students will identify the order of flats and sharps.
Students will begin to make connections on how the order of flats/sharps relates to the major scales and music.
Before:Have students review the basic fundamentals of the band warm-up procedure.
During:Have students demonstrate the ability to perform the warm-up procedure in tune with a focused and
centered sound.
After:Evaluate students through performance as individuals or sections (cassette tape).
Technology Connection: The Notes, Texas Bandmasters Association, Ricci Adams'
Special Education / Instructional Modifications/ Accommodations Determined by ARD/IEP / During: Check for Understanding
Partner special needs students with other students
Partner bilingual students with Spanish speaking students
Individually/sections assess students
Teach students how to record themselves on the cassette tape player
Individually assess students
Individually asses students utilizing the “Smart Music Program”

Band – Grade 8

Week 2Unit of Study: Analyzing musical sound and demonstrate musical artistry First Grading Period

TEKS Band 8 (Content)
  • 1 A Demonstrate characteristic instrumental timbre individually and in groups
  • 1 B describe intervals, music notation, musical instruments, musical performances, using standard terminology
  • 1 C identify music forms presented aurally and through music notation
  • 3 C interpret music symbols and terms referring to dynamics, tempo, and articulation when performing
/ TEKS Band 8 (Skills and Processes)
  • 1 A Demonstrate characteristic instrumental timbre individually and in groups
  • 1 B describe intervals, music notation, musical instruments, musical performances,
using standard terminology
  • 1 C identify music forms presented aurally and through music notation.
  • 3 C interpret music symbols and terms referring to dynamics, tempo, and articulation
when performing
College Prep / Vocabulary / Resources / Instructional Guidelines
Word Wall
Classroom expectations
Instrument assembly
Instrument Maintenance
Region scales
Region etudes
Place measure numbers on music
Concert pitch
Key Signatures
Order of Flats
Order of Sharps / Standard Of Excellence, Comprehensive Band Method Book 1 & 2, Neil A. KJOS Music Company, Publisher, 2004, by Bruce Pearson
Additional Resources:
“Foundations for Superior Performance: Warm-ups & Techniques for Band, Neil A. KJOS Music Company, Publisher, 1997, by Richard Williams & Jeff King
“Note Speller” by Fred Weber
“Rhythm Flash Cards” 100 Large Colored Flashcards present sequentially for students in k-8 by Denise Gagne
“Theory Time Books 1-4” by Karen Wallace & Heather Rathnau
“Five Minute Theory Book #1” by Mark Wessels / The teacher will:
  • review the middle school warm-up procedure and stretching exercises for band
  • introduce the steps to successful instrumental performance: students will count line first, clap second, name the notes while fingering along is the third step, and finally the performance
  • review Concert F and allow students the opportunity to buzz (mouthpiece) and sing/hum the pitch
  • explain concert pitched instrument show they relate to the staff & how they are notated
  • model proper mouthpiece placement and embouchure formation
  • review and reinforce music notation aurally/visually (Lines/Spaces)
  • review preferred counting/clapping method for note values and rest patterns
  • distribute the region/district audition material
so that the student will:
  • the importance of properly reinforcing basic music fundamentals on a daily basis.
  • understand the importance of understanding how to count/clap and successfully state the note names.
  • understand how concert pitch operates within the various instruments in the bands and so that students will buzz/sing/hum Concert F and also so that the ear can begin to hear the pitch prior to it being performed.
  • be able to successfully identify which instruments are transposing and which instruments are non-transposing instruments.
  • understand proper mouthpiece placement and embouchure formation.
  • have an understanding on the notes and their placement on the musical staff
  • make connections on how basic rhythms are counted while performing on their instrument
  • understand what it expected of them as they prepare for the upcoming district/region band auditions later in the Fall season.
How to Teach
Key Questions / Student Behaviors
Getting the Big Ideas / Strategies
/ 1. Name the musical alphabet
2. Name the notes for all of your major scales
3. Name the steps to instrumental performance.
4. Demonstrate how you would count, clap, and perform a musical line.
5. Demonstrate how you would count and clap various rhythms.
6. Demonstrate proper hand position for your instrument.
7. Demonstrate proper embouchure formation for your instrument.
8. Demonstrate Concert F. Can you hum/sing the pitch as well?
9. Demonstrate the middle school warm-up procedure. / Proper hand position as well as posture
Read and write basic music theory concepts
Students will sing and hum concert F pitch to denote that class is in session
Continueplaying with proper posture and breathing mechanics
Learn and play exercises to find correct pitches and rhythms
Read and write basic music theory / Explaining
Explicit Teaching
Drill & Practice
Students demonstrate musical understanding basic theory.
Students will successfully count and clap basic music rhythms.
Students will successfully count a four measure phrase in written form.
Student will demonstrate proper hand position as well as embouchure formation.
Divide students into A/B and have one student hums/sings Concert F and the other student buzzes on mouthpiece.
Students will demonstrate proper breathing techniques (Body Stretching Exercise, 4-2-1 Breathing-Hand Resistance Exercise, 10 Second Air Exercise, 10 Second Mouthpiece Exercise).
Before:Have students review the basic fundamentals of the band warm-up procedure.
During:Have students demonstrate the ability to perform the warm-up procedure in tune with a
focused and centered sound.
After:Evaluate students through performance as individuals or sections (cassette tape).
Technology Connection: The Notes, Texas Bandmasters Association,Ricci Adams'
Special Education / Instructional Modifications/ Accommodations Determined by ARD/IEP / During: Check for Understanding
Partner special needs students with other students
Partner bilingual students with Spanish speaking students
Individually/sections assess students
Teach students how to record themselves on the cassette tape player
Individually assess students
Individually asses students utilizing the “Smart Music Program”

Band – Grade 8

Week 3Unit of Study: Analyzing musical sound and demonstrate musical artistry First Grading Period

TEKS Band 8 (Content)
  • 1 A Demonstrate characteristic instrumental timbre individually and in groups
  • 1 B describe intervals, music notation, musical instruments, musical performances, using
standard terminology
  • 1 C identify music forms presented aurally and through music notation
  • 3 C interpret music symbols and terms referring to dynamics, tempo, and articulation when
performing / TEKS Band 8 (Skills and Processes)
  • 1 A Demonstrate characteristic instrumental timbre individually and in groups
  • 1 B describe intervals, music notation, musical instruments, musical performances,
using standard terminology
  • 1 C identify music forms presented aurally and through music notation.
  • 3 C interpret music symbols and terms referring to dynamics, tempo, and articulation
when performing
College Prep / Vocabulary / Resources / Instructional Guidelines
Word Wall
Region scales
Region etudes
Place measure numbers on music
Comprehensive band warm-up procedure
Concert pitch
Practice card
Finger along
Breathing techniques
Hand/instrument position
Fingering charts
Practice cards
Key Signatures
Order of Flats
Order of Sharps / Standard Of Excellence, Comprehensive Band Method Book 1 & 2, Neil A. KJOS Music Company, Publisher, 2004, by Bruce Pearson
Additional Resources:
“Foundations for Superior Performance: Warm-ups & Techniques for Band, Neil A. KJOS Music Company, Publisher, 1997, by Richard Williams & Jeff King
“Note Speller” by Fred Weber
“Rhythm Flash Cards” 100 Large Colored Flashcards present sequentially for students in k-8 by Denise Gagne
“Theory Time Books 1-4” by Karen Wallace & Heather Rathnau
“Five Minute Theory Book #1” by Mark Wessels / The teacher will:
  • review the middle school warm-up procedure and stretching exercises for band
  • review the steps to successful instrumental performance: students will count line first, clap second, name the notes while fingering along is the third step, and finally the performance
  • review Concert F and allow students the opportunity to buzz (mouthpiece) and sing/hum the pitch
  • explain concert pitched instrument show they relate to the staff & how they are notated
  • model proper mouthpiece placement and embouchure formation
  • review and reinforce music notation aurally/visually (Lines/Spaces)
  • review preferred counting/clapping method for note values and rest patterns
so that the student will:
  • the importance of properly reinforcing basic music fundamentals on a daily basis.
  • understand the importance of understanding how to count/clap and successfully state the note names.
  • understand how concert pitch operates within the various instruments in the bands and so that students will buzz/sing/hum Concert F and also so that the ear can begin to hear the pitch prior to it being performed.
  • be able to successfully identify which instruments are transposing and which instruments are non-transposing instruments.
  • understand proper mouthpiece placement and embouchure formation.
  • have an understanding on the notes and their placement on the musical staff
  • make connections on how basic rhythms are counted while performing on their instrument.
How to Teach
Key Questions / Student Behaviors
Getting the Big Ideas / Strategies
/ 1. Name the musical alphabet
2. Name the notes for all of your major scales
3. Name the steps to instrumental performance.
4. Demonstrate how you would count, clap, and perform a musical line.
5. Demonstrate how you would count and clap various rhythms.
6. Demonstrate proper hand position for your instrument.
7. Demonstrate proper embouchure formation for your instrument.
8. Demonstrate Concert F. Can you hum/sing the pitch as well?
9. Demonstrate the middle school warm-up procedure. / Proper hand position as well as posture
Read and write basic music theory concepts
Students will sing and hum concert F pitch to denote that class is in session
Continueplaying with proper posture and breathing mechanics
Learn and play exercises to find correct pitches and rhythms
Read and write basic music theory / Explaining
Explicit Teaching
Drill & Practice
Students demonstrate musical understanding basic theory.
Students will successfully count and clap basic music rhythms.
Students will successfully count a four measure phrase in written form.
Student will demonstrate proper hand position as well as embouchure formation.
Divide students into A/B and have one student hums/sings Concert F and the other student buzzes on mouthpiece.
Students will demonstrate proper breathing techniques (Body Stretching Exercise, 4-2-1 Breathing-Hand Resistance Exercise, 10 Second Air Exercise, 10 Second Mouthpiece Exercise).
Before:Have students review the basic fundamentals of the band warm-up procedure.
During:Have students demonstrate the ability to perform the warm-up procedure in tune with a
focused and centered sound.
After:Evaluate students through performance as individuals or sections (cassette tape).
Technology Connection: The Notes, Texas Bandmasters Association,Ricci Adams'
Special Education / Instructional Modifications/ Accommodations Determined by ARD/IEP / During: Check for Understanding
Partner special needs students with other students
Partner bilingual students with Spanish speaking students
Individually/sections assess students
Teach students how to record themselves on the cassette tape player
Individually assess students
Individually asses students utilizing the “Smart Music Program”

Band – Grade 8

Week 4Unit of Study: Analyzing musical sound and demonstrate musical artistry First Grading Period

TEKS Band 8 (Content)
  • 1 A Demonstrate characteristic instrumental timbre individually and in groups
  • 1 B describe intervals, music notation, musical instruments, musical performances, using
standard terminology
  • 1 C identify music forms presented aurally and through music notation
  • 3 C interpret music symbols and terms referring to dynamics, tempo, and articulation when performing
/ TEKS Band 8 (Skills and Processes)
  • 1 A Demonstrate characteristic instrumental timbre individually and in groups
  • 1 B describe intervals, music notation, musical instruments, musical performances,
using standard terminology
  • 1 C identify music forms presented aurally and through music notation.
  • 3 C interpret music symbols and terms referring to dynamics, tempo, and articulation
when performing
College Prep / Vocabulary / Resources / Instructional Guidelines
Word Wall
Region scales
Region etudes
Place measure numbers on music
Comprehensive band warm-up procedure
Concert pitch
Practice card
Finger along
Breathing techniques
Hand/instrument position
Fingering charts
Practice cards
Key Signatures
Order of Flats
Order of Sharps / Standard Of Excellence, Comprehensive Band Method Book 1 & 2, Neil A. KJOS Music Company, Publisher, 2004, by Bruce Pearson
Additional Resources:
“Foundations for Superior Performance: Warm-ups & Techniques for Band, Neil A. KJOS Music Company, Publisher, 1997, by Richard Williams & Jeff King
“Note Speller” by Fred Weber
“Rhythm Flash Cards” 100 Large Colored Flashcards present sequentially for students in k-8 by Denise Gagne
“Theory Time Books 1-4” by Karen Wallace & Heather Rathnau
“Five Minute Theory Book #1” by Mark Wessels / The teacher will:
  • review the middle school warm-up procedure and stretching exercises for band
  • review the steps to successful instrumental performance: students will count line first, clap second, name the notes while fingering along is the third step, and finally the performance
  • review Concert F and allow students the opportunity to buzz (mouthpiece) and sing/hum the pitch
  • explain concert pitched instrument show they relate to the staff & how they are notated
  • model proper mouthpiece placement and embouchure formation
  • review and reinforce music notation aurally/visually (Lines/Spaces)
  • review preferred counting/clapping method for note values and rest patterns
so that the student will:
  • the importance of properly reinforcing basic music fundamentals on a daily basis.
  • understand the importance of understanding how to count/clap and successfully state the note names.
  • understand how concert pitch operates within the various instruments in the bands and so that students will buzz/sing/hum Concert F and also so that the ear can begin to hear the pitch prior to it being performed.
  • be able to successfully identify which instruments are transposing and which instruments are non-transposing instruments.
  • understand proper mouthpiece placement and embouchure formation.
  • have an understanding on the notes and their placement on the musical staff
  • make connections on how basic rhythms are counted while performing on their instrument.
How to Teach
Key Questions / Student Behaviors
Getting the Big Ideas / Strategies
/ 1. Name the musical alphabet
2. Name the notes for all of your major scales
3. Name the steps to instrumental performance.
4. Demonstrate how you would count, clap, and perform a musical line.
5. Demonstrate how you would count and clap various rhythms.
6. Demonstrate proper hand position for your instrument.
7. Demonstrate proper embouchure formation for your instrument.
8. Demonstrate Concert F. Can you hum/sing the pitch as well?
9. Demonstrate the middle school warm-up procedure. / Proper hand position as well as posture
Read and write basic music theory concepts
Students will sing and hum concert F pitch to denote that class is in session
Continueplaying with proper posture and breathing mechanics
Learn and play exercises to find correct pitches and rhythms
Read and write basic music theory / Explaining
Explicit Teaching
Drill & Practice
Students demonstrate musical understanding basic theory.
Students will successfully count and clap basic music rhythms.
Students will successfully count a four measure phrase in written form.
Student will demonstrate proper hand position as well as embouchure formation.
Divide students into A/B and have one student hums/sings Concert F and the other student buzzes on mouthpiece.
Students will demonstrate proper breathing techniques (Body Stretching Exercise, 4-2-1 Breathing-Hand Resistance Exercise, 10 Second Air Exercise, 10 Second Mouthpiece Exercise).
Before:Have students review the basic fundamentals of the band warm-up procedure.
During:Have students demonstrate the ability to perform the warm-up procedure in tune with a
focused and centered sound.
After:Evaluate students through performance as individuals or sections (cassette tape).
Technology Connection: The Notes,Texas Bandmasters Association,Ricci Adams'
Special Education / Instructional Modifications/ Accommodations Determined by ARD/IEP / During: Check for Understanding
Partner special needs students with other students
Partner bilingual students with Spanish speaking students
Individually/sections assess students
Teach students how to record themselves on the cassette tape player
Individually assess students
Individually asses students utilizing the “Smart Music Program”

Band – Grade 8