Globalization Syllabus

Fall 2003

Week 1:Introduction to Globalization. Terms and Concepts

Read: Handout from

08.22 - Read 1. handout 2.
What is globalization? What are the main issues of globalization?
What are some of the benefits and challenges of globalization?
Think of local examples of "globalization"...

Week 2:Before Globalization.

Read: Kelleher and Klein, Ch.1

Read: Benjamin Barber, 2001 Intro, Original Intro, Ch. 1

08.25 (Day 3) - Kelleher and Klein, Ch. 1

08.26 (Day 4) - Benjamin Barber, Introduction (not 2001 Intro)
08.28 (Day 6) - Barber, Intro
08. 29 (Day 7) - Barber, 2001 Intro

Week 3: "How Globalism and Tribalism are Reshaping the World?"

Read: Barber Ch. 1, Kelleher and Klein, pp. 16-28, Ch. 3 (in groups)

09.02 (Day 1) - Discuss Intro 2001
09.03 (Day 2) - Barber, Ch. 1
09.04 (Day 3) - K&K pp. 16-30
09.05 (Day 4) - Ch. 3 in K&K (in groups)

Week 4:The End of History?

Read: Francis Fukuyama, The End of History

Is Globalization bringing a "clash of civilizations"?

Read: Samuel Huntington, The Clash of Civilizations

09.09 (Day 6) - Presentations
09.10 (Day 7) - Test #1
09.11 (Day 1) - Read Fukuyama, The End of History
09.12 (Day 2) - Discuss current events, Fukuyama
09.15 (Day 3) - Fukuyama
09.16 (Day 4) - Discuss Fukuyama. Begin discussing Huntington
09.18 (Day 6) - Huntington, The Clash of Civilizations. Begin reading Ignatiff.
09.19 (Day 7) - Huntington. Continue reading Ignatiff. Discussion of the Position Paper #1

Week 5:America in the Age of Globalization

Read: Michael Ignatiff, The American Empire (Get Used to It)

Read: handouts

Assignment: Position Paper #1 (on the US in the Age of Globalization)

09.22 (Day 1) - Discuss Ignatiff. The US in the Age of Globalization. Begin reading Benj. Barber, Ch. 2
09.23 (Day 2) - Finish discussing Ignatiff. Continue reading Barber, Ch. 2
09.24 (Day 3) - Discuss Ch. 2. Begin reading individual chapters (3-8). Prepare to present the chapter to the class and to lead discussion.
09.25 (Day 4) -Barber, Ch. 3 & 4

Week 6: The "McWorld" empire

Read: Benjamin Barber, Ch. 2-8

Read: handouts; Test # 2(?)

09.29 (Day 6) - Barber, Ch. 5 & 6.DUE: Paper # 1: Compare & Contrast the four theories of post-Cold War world system.
09.30 (Day 7) - Barber, Ch. 7 & 8
10.01 (Day 1) - The New World of McWorld
10.08 (Day 2) - Barber, 10. Jihad vs. McWorld or Jihad via McWorld
10.09 (Day 3) - Barber, 14. Essential Jihad.

Week 7-8:The Islands of "Jihad"

Read: Benjamin Barber, Ch. 10, 14; Ch. 11-13, 17 (in groups)

Presentation II

10.14 (Day 1) - Barber, Ch. 11 & 12
10.15 (Day 2) - Barber, Ch. 13 & 17
10.16 (Day 3) - Finish Barber's "Islands of Jihad"
10.17 (Day 4) - K & K, Ch. 8

Week 9:Role of International Institutions

Read: Kelleher and Klein, Ch. 8-9

Read: Robert Kaplan, The Coming Anarchy (intro, excerpts)

10.22 (Day 7) - K & K, Ch. 9
10.23 (Day 1) - TEST # 2

Iraq Wars: Multilateralism vs. Unilateralism

Assignment: Position Paper #2 (on International Organizations & Iraq)

10.27 (Day 2) - International Institutions. Multilateralism. 1st Iraq War.
10.28 (Day 3) - Not-So-International Institutions. Unilateralism. 2nd Iraq War.
10.29 (Day 4) - Multilateralism vs Unilateralism.
10.31 (Day 6) - Read: Robert Kaplan, The Coming Anarchy (Reader)

Week 10:Economic Development: Positive-sum game or Left-behind?

11.03 (Day 7) - Read: Robert Kaplan, The Coming Anarchy (Reader)
11.04 (Day 1) - Economic Development: K & K, Ch. 4
11.05 (Day 2) - Economic Development: K & K, Ch. 5
11.06 (Day 3) - Read: Margaret Mead, Overdeveloped and Underdeveloped

Week 11-12.5Environment
11. 11 (Day 6) - Environment: K & K, Ch. 6; Position Paper #2 is DUE
11. 12 (Day 7) - Environment: K & K, Ch. 7
11. 13 (Day 1) - Environment: Debate from both Sides (handout)
11. 14 (Day 2) - Environment: Discussion

Week 12.5-14So What? And Where Are We Going?

11. 17 (Day 3) - Test #3 (on Economic Development and Environment)
11. 18 (Day 4) - Where are we going?!
11. 20 (Day 6) - Read: "Has History Restarted Since September 11?" by Fukuyama - Reader
11. 21 (Day 7) - Read: "Power Shift" by Jessica Matthews - Reader
11. 24 (Day 1) - Read:Monsoon Wedding; looking for cultural and economic impact of globalization
11. 25 (Day 2) - Read: Monsoon Wedding, looking for cultural and economic impact of globalization

12. 01 (Day 3) - Read: "Culture is Destiny" by Fareed Zakaria - Reader
12. 02 (Day 4) - Read: Handouts ( Unit on Culture and Globalization)
12. 04 (Day 6) - Read: Handouts (Culture and Globalization)
12. 05 (Day 7) - Read: Handouts (Culture and Globalization)

12. 08 (Day 1) - Read:Barber, Ch. 19
12. 09 (Day 2) - So Where Are We Going?!
12. 10 (Day 3) - REVIEW DAY

Read: Excerpts from Thomas Freidman, Longitudes and Attitudes and Lexus and the Olive Tree

Read: Benjamin Barber, Ch. 19

Read: Jessica Matthews, Power Shift

Discussion of Patriotism and Citizenship

Position Paper #3

Weeks appropriated were approximate. Texts used: Reader (article names are listed in the syllabus above) and Benjamin Barber’s Jihad vs McWorld (2001 edition). Also, random in class reading of NY Times editorials, esp. from Friedman and Mead.