Instructions to Complete ILP Grant Application

  1. ILP receives grant applications any time during the year, but the project selection process will happen starting in April or October
  2. The selection process involves Pre-Funding Assessment (PFA) of the applicant organisation either directly by the ILP Team or through a consultant
  3. Read through thisgrant application format carefully before filling the details
  4. Provide all information completely prior to submitting this application
  5. Furnish relevant information as much as possible
  6. You may use any number ofpages, as there are no restrictions on number of pages
  7. All communication from ILP will be addressed to the Chief Functionary of the applying organisation. All accountability in relation to an approved ILP project will lie with the Chief Functionary of the applying organisation
  8. Send only a soft copy of this grant application by email to . Please do not send hard copies of any documents at the time of submitting the grant application.
  9. An ILP approved partner organisationmust provide the following when requested:
  1. Trust Deed or MOU of Society
  2. Registration Certificate of the organisation
  3. Registration Certificates under Section 12 A and 80G of IT Act
  4. Annual Reports for the last 3 years
  5. Audited Financial Statement for the last 3 years
  6. Form FC-6 submitted for foreign contributions for the last 3 years
  7. Registration Certificate under FCRA



(Organisational Background)

  1. Name of the Organisation

Response here

  1. Address of the Organisation

Registered Address / Address for Communication
  1. Legal Status of the Organisation

Legal Status of Organisation / Registered Society (OR)
Registered Trust?:
Registration No.:
Registration Date:
Section 12 A / Registered? (Yes/No)
If Yes, Registration No.:
Registration Date:
80G of Income Tax Act / If Yes, Registered? (Yes/No)
Registration No.:
Registration Date:
FCRA Registration / Registered? (Yes/No)
If Yes, Registration No.:
If Yes, Registration Date:
  1. Members of the Board

Sl. No. / Member’s Name / Designation / Educational Background Profession / Member since
  1. Briefly State Vision and Mission of the Organisation

Response here

  1. State the Aims and Objectives of the Organisation

Response here

  1. Describe your Organisation’s Philosophy Understanding of “Development”

Response here

  1. Provide Details about your Organisation’s Chief Functionary

Item / Description
Name & Designation
Educational Qualifications
Experience in Developmental Field
  1. Does the Chief functionary (or other members of the board) have family members / relatives whose organizations are currently being supported by ILP? Provide the details. Note that ILP supports NGOs irrespective of this condition, but this needs to be disclosed. Non-disclosure may result in disqualification.

Response Here

  1. Does the Chief Functionary (or other members of the board) have family members / relatives that are currently ILP staff members? Provide the details.

Response Here

  1. History of the Organisation
  2. How did the organisationcome into existence?

Response here

  1. Organisation’s previous experience in developmental projects. Provide list of non-education/non-literacy projects. See next question for education/literacy projects.

Sl. No. / Project Name[From Year - To Year] / Donor Agency Name& Address/Phone / email / No. of Villages covered / Block District / Qualitative and Quantitative Achievements

  1. Organisation’s previous experience in Literacy/Education interventions

Sl. No. / Project Name[From Year - To Year] / Donor AgencyName & Address /Phone / email / No. of Villages covered / Block District / Qualitative and Quantitative Achievements

  1. Mention the organisation's membership with the networks, resource centersetc.

Response here

  1. Mention if the organisation is a member of any state/district/ taluk committees constituted by the government. If so, please provide a brief description.

Response here

  1. Explain in detail the organisation’s involvement in advocacy. Mentions specific work done by your organisation towards various issues.

Response here

  1. What is your organizational policy with respect to advocacy and taking up child rights, education related issues with the Government? Do you receive / foresee government support from any department in any form that would hinder your role as an advocate for the above-mentioned issues?

Response here

  1. Provide a SWOT analysis of your organization

Response here

  1. Strength of the Current Staff

Response here

  1. Human Resource Policies:List policies related to staff recruitment, staff welfare, staff development (training performance appraisal), and salary structures. You may attach a separate sheet.

Response Here

  1. Financial Information
  1. List major source of funding for your organisationamounts in the last five years

Sl No. / Name of the Project / Name of Donor Agency
Contact Name, E-mail & Phone / Years Funds Received in
[From – To] / Total Funds Received (Rs)

  1. Audited reports are available for last three years [Enter YES or NO]?:

Response here

India Literacy Project – Grant Application Form Revision A: Last Updated in Feb 2014

Page: 1



(Project Proposal)

  1. Name/ Title of the Proposed Project

Response Here

  1. Coverage Area and Details of the Proposed Project

No. of Gram Panchayaths
No. of Villages
No. of Anganwadi Centers
No. of Primary Schools
No. of High Schools
Detailed Data / Please provide the village level children’s data by per the table shown in Annexure 1
  1. Explain the Need for the Proposed Project?Describe current geographical, socio- economic,political educational conditions of target population. Please specify issues / problems related to education in your target area and also your observations about Anganwadi Centers and Schools

Response here

  1. Objectives of the Proposed Project
  2. Long term Goals, including the expected macro efforts of the proposed project

Response here

  1. Short term Goals, including the expected micro effects of the proposed project

Response here

  1. Provide a Detailed Action Plan that explains how the issues and problems will be tackled. Give details of every activity with clear (a) objectives for each activity (b) methodology of implementation (c) expected outcome with qualitative and quantitative Indicators]

Complete Annexure No. 2

  1. Is the proposed project already underway? If yes, then who is funding? What is the budget? Explain why you are seeking a new donor?

Response here

  1. Please describe the organisation’s current involvement in this area, if any. What are the other projects by your organisation running in the same area/ villages?

Response here

  1. Apart from above mentioned activities what are the other proposed activities for these target areas?(Other than ILP’s Support)

Response here

  1. Staff Requirements for this Project

Designation / Job Description / Required Qualification& Work Experience / Number Required
  1. Project Monitoring &Review: Please specify how the project will be monitored, and how the community will be involved in planning and monitoring?

Response Here

  1. What additional non-financial support do you desire for greater success/impact of the project?

Response Here

  1. Budget. Please provide the Budget per the format in Annexure No. 2 in an Excel worksheet. Budget must correspond with the action plan, and specify recurring & non-recurring costs

Complete Annexure No. 3

  1. I certify that the information in this application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge.
  2. I also certifythat I am authorized to represent the applicant organisation and in case if the applicant organisation receives a grant from India Literacy Project (ILP), the organisation and I will abide by the terms and conditions of the grant as established by ILP.
  3. I further certify that all ILP grants will be used exclusively for the purpose stated in this application unless I request and receive prior authorization from ILP for any changes.
  4. Further, I understand that if the funding is granted for the project described above, it will be for an initial period of ONE year and can be extended, if necessary, by renewing the application. Also, regular status and financial reports on the project will be provided by the organisation to ILP for the duration of the funding.

Signature: ______


India Literacy Project – Grant Application Form Revision A: Last Updated in Feb 2014

Page: 1


Part C


Annexure 1: Detailed Village Level Child Data

No / Name of the village / Name of Gram Panchayath / No. of Anganwadi Available (1,2 or mini) / Children covered
(0-3 years) / Children Covered
(3-6 years) / School Type 1-5th, or 1-8th or 6th -8th / Total Admissions in School
[6 – 14 years] / Drop outs / out of school children
[6 – 14 years] / Availability of High Schools
8-10th or9-10th / Total Admissions in High Schools / Drop outs / Out of school children in High School



Issues/ problems / Objectives / Activities and Methodology / Time Period / Expected Outcome / Verification Method
Quantitative indicators / Qualitative indicators

Annexure 3: Budget Format (Please Use Excel Sheet)

Name of the Organisation
Budget For the period
Sl. No. / Budget Line Item / Calculations / Total / Qtr.I / Qtr.II / 1st Half Year Total / Qtr.III / Qtr.IV / 2nd Half Year Total
1 / Programme Costs

Programme Total
… / Administration Costs

Administration Total
Grand Total

India Literacy Project – Grant Application Form Revision A: Last Updated in Feb 2014

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