Wednesday 25th OctoberMile EndBancroft 320 5.00-9.30pm
1)Apologies / Present
3)New Society Affiliations
3.1 Albanian Society
SB are concerned that from the application form, it could be any society, there is nothing specifically linking it to Albania and instead being very general. SB would like aims that are specific to the society and Albania on the whole.
SB are happy to affiliate once the aims and objectives are made clear.
3.2 Anti-Imperialist
SB are concerned with the wording of the application. It must be made clear that donations are not allowed by attendees and therefore this must be removed from the application. If the society would like to make money from their tickets, they should aim to increase their attendance numbers. SB believe that the society could have the potential for being quite controversial and conflicting with existing political societies.
As long as they clear up the donations issue, SB are happy to affiliate.
3.3 Athena Swan
SB believe the society could be very similar to QM Equality but after doing a little more research they see how it differs. It was discussed that they will not be affiliated with the organisation commonly known as Athena Swan as this is a Charter. Their aims must clearly demonstrate how they are different to QM Equality to justify their affiliation and role within the Union. From the 3rd aim, it was discussed that there was the potential for the student group to actually be a volunteering group as they will be working with young people based on their goals and aims.
After the group having met with the volunteering team to discuss the idea of being a volunteering group, SB would like them to clear up their aims and objectives before being affiliated.
3.4 Austrian Society
SB believe that the plan was created very well and is very detailed in its structure. SB are very happy with how things were worded and written up in general. From the wording of the application, it appears the Austrian society has functioned within the Union in the past.
SB are happy to affiliate with no amendments to the application.
3.5 4.Barts East Asian BEADS.
5 aims
SB would like the group to clarify if they will be more about experiences in East Asia or if they will be targeting people from an East Asian Heritage. The working of ‘Charity Fundraisers’ should be changed to ‘Fundraiser’ to avoid confusion. SB believe the idea to work with ABACUS and KCL is a great idea and sounds strong.
SB are happy to affiliate.
3.6 BL Art
SB noted that the society has existed in the past but missed the deadline for round 1. It was raised that there have been some issues with the society and the President but this shouldn’t happen again. SB liked the ideas for events.
SB are happy to affiliate.
3.7 BL Christian Union
SB would like a 3rd aim before affiliating. The society has existed before and there are no objections for re-affiliating. No issues or problems have been caused by the society in the past. More events could be added to the list already created.
SB are happy to affiliate after the addition of a 3rd aim and more events.
3.8 Dental Journal
SB liked the addition of an academic society but showed concerns regarding the similarity to the Dentalks Society which already exist. It must be confirmed and proved that they will be different. The objectives are well listed but SB believe it may sound like more of a study group than a society by its description.
SB are happy to affiliate.
3.9 Book Society
SB thought there were already book clubs existing and believe that there may be book clubs running within existing societies. SB like the idea of the Book Club and think they could work in conjunction with other societies to hold events.
SB are happy with affiliating.
3.10 Chemistry Society
SB believe this looks like a typical academic society and like the idea of it. SB would like the society to speak with the school of Chemistry to see how it may be partially funded.
SB are happy to affiliate.
3.11 Chinese (Cantonese)
SB believe that it may be similar to ABACUS and would like to ensure there are clear differences. SB noted that there is nothing on offer specifically for Cantonese students. The plans look clear and the goal of members is achievable.
SB are happy to affiliate.
3.12 C.L.A.S.S
SB believe this may have been a society in the past from the form and prior knowledge. The SB liked that the society will be providing exam practices with its members. As shown by the AGM stats (80 attendees) it was very popular. Due to the style that the society works under, they seem to be re-affiliated in round 2 every year.
Happy to affiliate.
3.13 Disco
SB noted that the society has worked well in the past but as the President is on a year abroad it has somewhat crumbled. In the past they have had a high number of members as well as lots of events which raised money for charity.
SB are happy to affiliate.
3.14 East Africa
SB noted that the society existed last year but did not complete a handover for this current year. The form which was submitted was an old version of the form that should have been sent. It is clear that this society is different to other societies that are linked to Africa. The events and plans seem clear.
SB are happy to affiliate.
3.15 Eastern European Society
SB noted that the form had sections missing including that of the person who completed the form. Paul realised that the email will have been sent to him and he should be able to chase this up. Name ‘Olga’ is on sheet. SB mentioned that Russian culture was mentioned throughout the document and would like to ensure it does not copy anything that the Russian society would like to be doing. Their ideas need to be a little more specific. No objections are listed, must be added.
SB are happy to affiliate once the Principal Officer information is complete and the objectives are clearly stated.
3.16 Effective Altruism
SB believe that the society would be able to work with the social enterprise team as there are aims and objectives which demonstrate social enterprise attributes. The objective ‘startupsociety’ does not count and must be replaced. The society also sounds relevant to RAG and could work in conjunction with them. They cannot be affiliated to a charity as we are already a charity and SB would like this to be made clear to them, they could however work under the ‘adopt a charity’ scheme. SB are not sure how they will be raising any money and would like this clearing up.
SB are happy to affiliate.
3.17 French Society
SB noted that QM is one of the only London colleges without a current French Society. It is believed they could work alongside other European centred societies as well as the Wine Society and United Nations. The form needs to be updated with all of the objectives, targets and proposed events.
SB believe that the form is not completed to a sufficient level and therefore ask that French Society submit next round.
3.18Greek and Cypriot
SB would like the aims to be made a little clearer and also to include events which are linked to the Cypriot side of the society. The society should ensure they are different to the Hellenic Society and do not cross over with their aims/objectives/events, unless working in conjunction with them.
SB are happy to affiliate once the aims are made clear.
3.19 Italian
SB would like the sign-up fees to be made clear as charging Principal Officers more money seems a little odd. SB however noted that the aims and objectives are clear and concise. The events seem thorough and academic but they will be a cultural society, not political or academic.
SB are happy to affiliate.
3.20 Just for Bantz
SB would like a 3rd aim and objective for the society. SB are not sure what the society will be doing, their aims and objectives are very vague and unclear. SB believe the society could be both problematic and exclusionary. SB would like more refined aims and objectives.
SB invite the society to apply in the next round.
3.21 Makeup and Beauty
SB believe all aims and objectives are clear. SB noted that there was a small turn up at the AGM but that is because there are few members currently. The society has lots of events plans which will be good for enticing members. SB do not know much about their previous successes as a society.
SB are happy to affiliate the society.
3.22 MedTech
Changed from QM to BL. SB are confused if the society would now like to be QM or BL, this is not clear. SB noted that they have had good talks and speakers in the past as well as links with other colleges and universities. SB would like is to be made clear if they will be a BL or QM society before being affiliated. Paul thinks the society have clear intentions of being BL.
SB are happy to affiliate as a BL society once this has been made clear.
3.23 BL Orthopaedics and Rheumatology
SB noted that the Surgical Society will not be happy about the surgical element of the society which may cause of annoyance and cross-over. Surgical involvement should surround orthopaedics and not cover all surgery. This being said, SB believe the objectives to be clear and precise. SB believe the events plan to be positive.
SB are happy to affiliate.
3.24 QMSA Lawyers for Animal Welfare
SB believe aim 3 not to be specific enough and a new one should be added, this could mean splitting the second aim into 2. SB would like the student group to clear if they would be acting as a charity and how they would be donating money.
SB would like the application to be improved and then will be able to affiliate them.
3.25 QMUL Mind
`SB are concerned that this society is simply mimicking the charity MIND and would not actually affiliated to it, this would create a duplication and cause confusion. SB also believe that the fact there is already a mental health society may cause duplication. Many of the events seem to conflict with the ‘Study Well’ campaign.
SB do not wish to affiliate the society at this moment in time.
3.26 Red Cross on campus
SB stated that the Union already offers some first aid provisions but this is a small capacity which means this society may be able to fill in a gap for students wishing to complete this course. SB noted that is the society were to be affiliated to the Red Cross group, they may be able to provided discounted/free first aid courses. The society does show some confusion regarding the cost of these courses but also imply they would be linked to Red Cross.
SB are happy to affiliate as long as the society clear up the confusion regarding sponsorship and donations and link to the Red Cross
3.27 Russian
SB stated that the form used to application was incorrect in its form. The society clearly states itself as different to the Eastern European Society. Due to both aims and targets lacking from the form, SB would like the form to be completed again. SB are confused with the form and also with the donations which would be donated by individuals. There are also no events listed.
SB would invite the society to apply in the next round.
3.28 Save the Youth
SB believe that the wording of the application is a little strange due to the use of ‘thug life’. SB are not sure if this group would be a volunteering group or a society. The objectives have been provided in a very detailed format. It was suggested that the group may benefit more so from being a volunteering group. SB would like them to contact Bronwen regarding this option. this is the link they can use to contact Bronwen regarding this.
SB would first like the group to explore the option of becoming a volunteering group before affiliating them as a society.
3.29 Taekwon-Kode
SB are a little concerned this group is very similar to the Computer Science Society. The group seems to be quite focused on study and revision groups but should be clear they are not an academic group, this should come across in their aims which currently are very academically focused. SB think that the name may be a little confusing and it may be suggested that the name is looked at. SB would like the society to make it clear they will not be treading on the toes of any existing societies.
SB are happy to affiliate this society should they meet with ECS to speak with them as well as change the aims to be less academically focused. A name change is suggested but not mandatory.
3.30 Travel
SB noted that the application is missing a 3rd aim which needs to be added.SB were happy that the society had been very successful in the past. It has not been made clear what scholarships were mentioned and how they would be sourced.
SB are happy to affiliate once a 3rd aim has been added.
3.31 Turkish
SB believe this society to be a strong cultural society. There may have been a QM Turkish society in the past.
SB are happy to affiliate this group.
3.32 Women Empowerment
SB believe this group may be crossing over with QM Feminist Equality. It was also noted that the group is similar to Woman in Business and Law.
SB would like the society to clarify how they are different to both of these societies before affiliating them.
3.33 Yoga
SB see no issues with this society. They would like to ensure there is space for them in the dance studio for a weekly session. SB noted that the society may have to accepted different weekly slots which work around existing bookings.
SB are happy to affiliate.
4)Grant Funding Applications
5)Next meeting date & location