WECAN Full Membership Renewal2017-18

Home Programs

Self-Study Update: Section I


Program name:



City, State/Province, Postal Code:


Program phone:

Program e-mail:

Program website:

Program contact



Number of nursery/preschool children as of Sept. 1, 2017:

Number of kindergarten (mixed-age) children as of Sept. 1, 2017:

Number of children in parent-child/parent-tot groups as of Sept. 1, 2017:

Year established:


Send both Sections I and II electronically to:

  • Your Site Visitor at least two weeks prior to the visit
  • The WECAN Membership Coordinator,
  • Your Regional Representative(s), listed in the Membership Handbook

The Self-Study Update will be reviewed by your Site Visitor in preparing for the visit, and by your Regional Representative(s) and the WECAN Membership Coordinator in making a decision regarding your renewal.

Thank you!

WECAN Full Membership Renewal2017-18

Home Programs

Self-Study Update: Section II

Please share with us the following information:


2)Review your previous site visit report. How have you addressed each recommendation made in the report?

3)Programs and facilities

  • List all groups including number of children and ages for each group, and hours of operation.
  • Have the program and enrollment changed significantly since your last visit?
  • Please describe your current location and indoor and outdoor facilities. Have these changed since your last visit? Are they adequate? Permanent?
  • What particular challenges or successes have you had in the past five years with your program and facilities?

4)Commitment to the ideals and practices of Waldorf early childhood education and anthroposophy

  • Describe how this commitment comes to expression in your program(s) and work with children and how this has developed since your last visit.
  • Describe how this commitment comes to expression in your personal study, other study groups, or other activity with your colleagues(if applicable). What is your current focus? Has this changed since your last visit?
  • How do you see your strengths and challenges in this area today?

5)Teacher preparation and professional development

  • Please let us know how you are progressing toward meeting the WECAN Expectations for Teacher Education by sharing in a clear formatthe following information for yourself andanystaff working with you:
  • Waldorf early childhood teacher training credentials
  • Name of program, teacher training institution, date of completion
  • Other Waldorf courses and workshops
  • Course/workshop title, provider, location, length, date
  • Waldorf professional experience
  • School/program, position, date
  • In light of the WECAN Shared Principles and Expectations for Teacher Education, describe your ongoing professional development activity and any arrangements you have made for mentoring or peer evaluation.
  • What are your goals and policies for the hiring of new teachers/caregivers?
  • If you or any other lead teachers in your program have not completed a recognized Waldorf early childhood training, please describe what steps you are taking to fill in any gaps in preparation, with reference to the curriculum and course content outlined in the WECAN Membership Handbook, Appendix I.
  • How do you see your strengths and challenges in this area today?

6)Decision-making processes, finances, and enrollment

  • How are program development, enrollment, hiring, finances/budget, and legal matters carried for your program? Have there been any major changes in these areas since your last visit?
  • Is enrollment healthy?
  • Do you have sufficient financial and administrative resources to support your program? How has this changed since your last visit?
  • How do you see your strengths and challenges in this area today? What are your current goals in this area for the next five years?

7)Collegial and community relations

  • If you work with an assistant or other staff, what are yourcurrent strengths and challenges in collegial relations?
  • What are the current strengths and challenges in your relation with parents and the larger community?
  • How has this developed since your last visit? What are you focusing on this year?

8)Growth and Development

  • Describe the three main strengths and challenges in your work.How has this changed since your last visit?
  • How do you envision the development of your program over the next two to five years?

9)Relationship to the wider Waldorf movement

  • How do you see your involvement with the wider movement in North America and internationally?