Rivers and People
These websites have been checked, however, Hamilton Trust wish to stress that it is the responsibility of the parent/carer to check the web addresses provided before using them. While we do our best to ensure that the web addresses are accurate and stable it is imperative that parents/carers check them before using them with the children.
General Sites
Very clear site, perfect for this age range to research and get an overview as well as the detail of where and why areas flood and the management systems in place
Good for advice: protecting your home and what to do in a flood situation
BBC – great short intro to floods and the devastation they can cause
An excellent why and how on flooding including examples and how man can use flooding to his advantage
Info on the health issues surrounding flooding – quite a hard read but very informative
great site although some video shot of real devastation but good explanations and advice on all issues
Some quite major consequences of the effects of flooding
Some useful fact sheets giving advice!
Useful overview and also talks about the positive effects of flooding
Advice on how to protect yourself and your home
Brilliant – aimed at KS3 bit great links to other sites and pictures and very logical cause and effects of flooding
A fab pack from the environmental agency packed with teaching ideas and resources - aimed at KS2
An interesting article on using natural flood defences
Stunning section on the 1953 Suffolk floods - what happened, what has happened since…
Generic pictures of building barriers
South East England 2000
Somalia/ Kenya 2006
Wales 2006
Mozambique 2000
Looks at effect of flooding in Bolivia early in 2006 – very detailed and specific
All about Boscastle 2004
All about Bangladesh 2002
Thames Barrier
Virtual tour
Great diagram of how gates work
River Nile
Great Maps, Nile facts, includes info on People & the Nile, Human Impact of Aswan Dam, and a case study on Cario (urban people and the Nile). Very child friendly text.
Aswan dam into (text only)
Some basic info, facts etc. Excellent links to other sites.
Famous Rivers
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