The aim of the Mathematics Department is to promote high achievement through confidence in the use and understanding of Mathematics. Last summer the department achieved above national average results with and 79% at A*-C and 23% grades at A*/A. Our students make good progress at Stanway and last year 82% made 3 levels progress and 40% 4 level progress. We anticipate that these excellent results will continue to improve over the next 5 years with expected progress increasing to 85%. We are looking for an outstanding Mathematics teacher to help us achieve our aim.
Mathematics is currently taught in a suite of specialist Mathematics rooms and they all have interactive whiteboards.
Students follow the same scheme of work across all year groups, the start and end point within each year is determined by the ability of the class or individuals and their progress through that particular topic. In years 7 and 8students are assessed and measured against their expected progress. In years 9, 10 and 11students have targets based on the GCSE grading system they are assessed and their progress is then measured against their target. Thereisa strong emphasis on past GCSE paper questions to ensure students are well prepared for their exam in Year 11. We currently subscribe to Pearsons Edexcel GCSE 9-1 Online text book, Maths Watch online, MyMaths and Mathsbox.
Assessment is both formal and informal. There is a structured assessment programme for each year group throughout the school year. The format of these assessments varies but can include full past paper mock exams, full topic assessments, mini milestones, short exit sheet assessments and end of year exams. Assessment for learning is a key part of every day lessons and students are encouraged to use mini white boards and other methods of showing understanding to enable the teacher to assess learning throughout the lesson. Colleagues are strongly encouraged to use a wide variety of teaching and learning styles, including group and paired work as well as student lead investigational work. All Maths classrooms are equipped with interactive flat panel TVs with Smartboard software. . We currently subscribe to Pearsons Edexcel GCSE 9-1 Online text book, Maths Watch online, MyMaths and Mathsbox.The department has shared use of ICT suites and laptops with specialist Mathematics software including Active Teach, Geometers Sketchpad and Autograph.
Students are set from the start of Year 7, setting is kept under regular review with progress being monitored to ensure that students who are not making expected progress are identified and those students who are making more than expected progress continue to be challenged.
The school follows a 5-day timetable and each period is 50 minutes. Each year group has 4 periods of maths each week.
We are seeking to appoint a dynamic and forward-thinking teacher of Mathematics to join a team of dedicated teachers. The successful candidate will teach students across key stage 3 and 4 and will take ownership of their own classroom base.
We are looking for an enthusiastic teacher committed to help build upon the current level of success in Mathematics. The school has seven dedicated Mathematics classrooms, all with interactive SMART boards, and access to ICT rooms and laptops. We use a range of ICT programmes to support learning within the classroom and we are currently developing the use of teacher iPads. The Mathematics team share ideas and resources and have built up a bank of activities to engage students. The team would welcome new ideas to contribute to these resources.
The department has a strong ethos of working together and regularly share resources and ideas to support planning and teaching.
The school follows a 30 period week and each period is 50 minutes. Students in Key Stage 4 have five periods per week whilst Key Stage three have 4 periods. Pupils are placed into sets from the beginning of Year 7 and through regular assessment the sets are regularly reviewed. The department have a wide number of interventions to support progress in KS3 and KS4 and are keen to widen this with new ideas and involve new staff to make this stronger.
The schemes of work are objective led and allow for easy differentiation and challenge at both KS3 and KS4. A major focus of the department is the effective use of AFL in the classroom to track pupil progress and a particular strength is how literacy based activities are incorporated in to lessons to support students in the QWC GCSE questions. Acting on feedback is also a key focus and the department has developed successful structures to ensure students receive the best feedback possible in order to make progress.
KS4 follow the Edexcel linear course complemented by the Edexcel text resource. Students follow either the foundation or higher course. There are many opportunities for Mathematics staff to be involved in developing new lesson ideas and activities based around the new 9-1 GCSE.