Web Searching and Web Pages—Multiple Choice—no notes
- Know the meanings of
Hyperlink, target, url,
- Read through the PP on Online Database and Search engines. Be familiar and able to answer multiple choice questions from that material.
Web Searching and Web Pages—Application—notes allowed
- Know how to convert a Maple file to a web page.
- Know how to copy and paste graphs or information in the session window of Maple to Paint, save it as a gif and insert into FrontPage.
- Know how to insert clip art onto a web page
- Know how to create hyperlinks to pages not stored on the web server as your page
- Know how to create a hyperlink within the same document.
- Know how to create hyperlinks to other pages in your site.
- Know how to use advanced search engine techniques.
Maple—all of it will be application—You will be allowed to use the help features of Maple for all of it. The more advanced features you will do as a second part of the test and will be allowed your notes for full credit. On the basic elements, if you do not know how to do something, you can receive half credit for doing it using your notes. You will first do all you can without notes, turn that in and then get your notes out for the other part of the test.
Basic Maple
Be able to enter commands to perform the following
- Graph in 2 and 3 –D
- Define a function and do the following with it—evaluate at a value, set =0 and solve, graph, find the composite and other function operations like +, a number times a function, etc.
- Solve linear equations
- Add matrices, find the transpose, inverse, determinant
- Solve equations
- Add complex number
- Find prime factorization of a number
- Solve m variables in m unknowns
- Perform basic mathematical expressions
- Use the evalf command to evaluate fractional expressions as a decimal
- Use basic trig, abs, and sqrt functions
- Know how to generate a sequence
- Know how to define and expression and use the subs command with it
- Know how to expand and expression
- Factor expressions
- Plot piecewise functions
- Use implicitplot command to graph relations
- Solve inequalities
- Check to see if a number is prime or not
- Find the quotient and remainder when you divide two integers
- Find the union and intersection of two sets
Advance features—You will be allowed to use your notes on these.
- Take the derivative(s) and integral (multiple integrals)
- Define and evaluate a multidimensional function
- Use the animate feature on 2 and 3 D functions
- Find the limits of a function
- Use the student package and some of the functions there
- Define a procedure and execute it
- Define a set and evaluate a function over that set
- Define a set and apply the statistical functions to it
- Perform a 3D plot using implicitplot3d on a relation in 3 variables.