Web Advisory Committee Meeting

Wednesday September 5, 2012, 2:30 – 4pm

Knowledge Innovation Technology Lab (KITL), 3rd Floor OISE Building

Present: Monique Flaccavento (OISE) (Chair), Carla Hagstrom (Gerstein), Eveline Houtman (Reference, Robarts), Pam King (UTM), Lari Langford (Access & Info, Robarts), Judith Logan (Reference, Robarts), Kate MacDonald (Trinity), Andrew McAlorum (ITS),

Mike Serafin (UTM), Nalini Singh (Fac. Of info./Inforum), Jen Robertson (CDD, Robarts),

Michelle Spence (Engineering), Susanne Tabur (Gerstein)

Regrets: Maria Buda, Heather Cunningham, Angela Hamilton, Marc Lalonde, Susan Stone, Rita Vine

1.  Selection of a minutes-taker: Pam King

2.  Introductions and welcome to guests Joanne Oud and Dillon Moore

3.  Minutes of the August 1st, 2012 meeting

a.  Corrections – none. Approved.

4.  Business arising from the minutes

a.  Monique provided an update from Rita Vine

i.  In response to faculty who were unable to find links to faculty reserve services:

·  links to faculty reserve services have been added to the ‘Common questions’ page of the ‘Supporting teaching’ pages

·  links to UTSC, UTM and St. George reserve services for faculty have been added to the ‘Services for faculty’ page

·  Rita will be in touch with Marc to discuss options for making faculty reserve services more visible on the ‘Supporting teaching’ sidebar.

ii. In response to the committee’s suggestion that the plagiarism section be split out from the citation section of the ‘Citing Sources & Avoiding Plagiarism’ LibGuide that is linked to ‘Create your bibliography’, Rita intends to make that happen before the end of September. Rita thanks the committee for their suggestions.

b.  Andrew McAlorum reported that the new library web sites are now up; email Andrew if there are any problems.

5.  Updates from Marc – Marc sends regrets for the meeting. Andrew reported that there area few more libraries that need to go live; Marc is working from home, contact Andrew if needed.

Lari Langford questioned if there was a need for direct linking to TCard information page. Currently it takes 3 clicks to reach the page. This discussion was deferred to the next meeting.

6.  Volunteer to chair our Wednesday Oct 3rd meeting - no decision. Let Monique know if you are available.

7.  Invited presentation - Web Accessibility: Joanne Oud , Instructional Technology Librarian and Dillon Moore, Web Initiatives Librarian, Wilfred Laurier University Library. The presentation was recorded by Gordon Belray and is available: https://media.library.utoronto.ca/uoft/play.php?E9IamKTWeCtJ&id=8932&access=uoft

or download from: https://media.library.utoronto.ca/uoft/serve/E9IamKTWeCtJ.mp4

Q&A followed the presentation.

Points raised:

·  having sufficient staff time to work on site accessibility is challenging.

·  The more people contributing to the site necessitates good training to ensure clean and accessible code.

·  WYSIWYG editors are a necessity but may require modifications for code to be fully accessible.

·  Suggested that committee members experience the website through one of the web accessibility tools, e.g. JAWS. Monique may be able to arrange a demo of JAWS.

·  Suggested that the committee consider establishing a subgroup to discuss web site accessibility. Monique will follow up with Lari.

Next meeting October 3rd, 2:30, KITL