February 2012
Dear Parent / Guardian
You will have heard of the exciting Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation’s project that is now a part of the education of all children in grades three to six at Collingwood College. The children participate in the Kitchen Garden Program at Collingwood College by taking classes outside in the garden where they grow and harvest plants and follow this with classes in the kitchen where they cook a meal and enjoy sharing the food they have made around a table with their friend’s, staff and volunteers.
We would like to hear about any special requirements relevant to your child.
Please let us know of any ALLERGIES and precautions needed. For example is your child allergic to bees, ants, peanuts or any other thing?
What is the procedure for dealing with exposure to the allergy?
Is your child aware of this procedure?
This is important so that the staff and volunteers can be alert and exercise adequate caution when working with your child.
Please also tell us about any other dietary requirements your child may have. They may not be life threatening, like allergies, but may cause discomfort to the child, as in the case of intolerance to wheat or dairy products. Other examples of dietary requirements are Halal, Kosher, Vegetarian, or Vegan food. Please indicate how strictly your child must adhere to these dietary principles. For example if meat is cooked (around once a term!), can your child participate in sharing this meal?
A form is attached, please make sure you fill it in and your child returns it to their classroom teacher as soon as possible.
On the reverse of the Allergy and Dietary Requirements form is a request to permit the Foundation to use a photo of your child on the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation’s website and in other publicity materials (such as newspaper and television articles). This is an exciting program and the media are very interested. Any publicity we generate will help to further the program in your school and other schools and also raises community support for the program. Can you please sign this form indicating you have no objection to the photos being used to promote the Kitchen Garden Program.
If you would like to discuss any of these matters further, please feel free to contact me on 9417 6681 or send an email to me at
Kind Regards,
Keir Jasper
AssistantPrincipal Prep-Yr 6
Allergy and Dietary Requirements FORM
For students participating in the
Kitchen Garden Program at Collingwood College
PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY and return to the class teacher as soon as possible
Child’s Name
Known AllergiesYES / NO (circle one)
Please give details of all dietary and other allergies. Please supply a allergy management plan where needed.
Other Dietary RequirementsYES / NO(circle one)
Please give details
How strictly is this adhered to
Parent / Guardian’s Name Parent / Guardian’s Signature
Date / / 2012
For students participating in the
Kitchen Garden Program at Collingwood College
PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY and return to the class teacher as soon as possible
I give permission for my child
(Child’s Name)
to be photographed and for the image to be used for promotion of the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program at CollingwoodCollege. I understand their image may appear on the Foundation’s general publicity material and on their website (as well as on Collingwood College website and noticeboards/classrooms)
and may also be used to promote the goals and values of the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation more widely.
Parent / Guardian’s Name Parent / Guardian’s Signature
Date / / 2012