I can’t believe that we are already in February. The first month has been extremely busy and we are already half way through the spring term. I hope that the information provided below is helpful and useful.
Parent Governor Vacancy
The governing body are looking for expressions of interest for any parent to become part of the Governing Body here at Heathrow Aviation Engineering UTC. If you are interested in this position please send me an email expressing your interest using the address below and we will contact you to discuss the role in more detail.
Severe Weather protocol (all)
In the event of the UTC needing to close due to bad weather we will:
- Aim to make a decision by 6.30am on the morning of the closure, if the UTC is to close for the whole day.
- Inform all students and contacts via parent pay email as soon as a decision is made to close the UTC. If this is during the day the email will contain details of the time of the closure so that arrangements can be made for students to return home safely.
- We will place a notice on our website.
We are always keen to be the best we can possibly be at the UTC, whilst understanding that in any organisation it is hard to be all things to all people, all the time.
As parents we greatly value your opinion and would ask that you take a few minutes to take part in our annual survey so we can use the information to identify areas for improvement. Please click here to complete the survey.
In my next communication (towards the end of the Spring Term), I shall summarise any findings and describe what we will be doing to improve further.
Mock Examinations – Y11, Y12 and Y13
The week beginning the 5th March 2018 – 9th March 2018, Years 11,12 and 13 will be sitting their final mock examinations before the summer examinations. These examinations are really important as this will indicate to us where the students are and areas to concentrate on ready for the summer. A timetable will be given to all students in the next couple of weeks and will be sent home.
Taster Evening (all)
The UTC has now begun its recruitment of students for September 2018 and consequently there will be one Taster event during this term so that prospective students and parents can visit. This will be on 21st February 2018.
On this day, we shall finish early at 2.35pm so the building can be ready for the evening and we will start slightly later on the following day at 10.20am, so the building can be returned to normal in readiness for the days’ timetable.
Apprenticeships (Y11 and Y13)
If you are looking for an Apprenticeship please follow the links below
UCAS (Y13)
If you are wishing to apply for University, please follow the UCAS link below about applying.
What Uni.com is another website that can help you narrow down your selections and compare possible options.
Special Educational Needs (All)
In the next few weeks we will be completing all access arrangements for every year group. If your son/daughter had any extra time or support in their previous schools for examinations, please contact: Ms Farnaz Saremi-Yarahmadi, on the email below, so we can make sure we can complete the necessary paperwork for them at the UTC.
UTCs Prepare students for their futures
The 33 open UTCs across the country who had students complete their study at the end of Post 16 have compiled a set of impressive statistics regarding the students’ destinations, see below:
Dates for your diaries:
Friday 9th February 2018 – End of term
Monday 19th February 2018 – Start of Term
Wednesday 21st February 2018 – UTC Taster Event
Thursday 22nd February 2018 – New Year 12 information Evening
Wednesday 28th February 2018 – Year 10 parents evening
Monday 5th – 9th March 2018 – Y11, Y12 and Y13 pre public examinations
Tuesday 13th March 2018 – New Year 10 information evening
Monday 19th March 2018 – New Year 12 information evening
Tuesday 27th March 2018 – SLT Intervention
Wednesday 28th March 2018 – Y12 parents evening
Thursday 29th March 2018 – End of Spring Term
Tuesday 17th April 2018 – Start of Summer Term
Wednesday 18th April 2018 – New Year 10 information evening
Kind regards,
Wayne Edwards
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