NewEmployeeChecklistfor Leaders
TheNew Employee ChecklistshouldbesenttoHuman ResourcesfortheEmployee’s file.The30-dayand90-daymeetingformsshouldbekeptin theemployee’s departmentfile.Someitemsarenotapplicablefor employeeswhohavetransferredto anewposition.
CallnewEmployeeandinformthemofwheretogo onthedayfollowingorientation,what to wear,what time to report,andwhoto askfor.
__Complete new hire checklist through HR Payroll Connect. Use 00000 for badge number.
Work to ensure computer access is requested for new employee.
Ensureallequipmentandsuppliesareavailable (e.g., phone, computer, email address, clockinsystem).
__Set up orientation schedule to include meetings with others as appropriate.
Day1 in department:
ExplainClock in system if applicable (approvedlocation, codes,etc.)–giveemployeeclockin number.
DiscussHR Payroll Connection–accesstopaycheckstub,etc.
__Tour offacility(identifycafeteria,giftshop,ATMmachines,restrooms,lockerrooms,employeehealthofficelocation, etc.).
Discussdiscountingiftshopandcafeteria if appropriate.
Discussany Orientation schedules beyond New Employee Orientation (which is held Day One of hire).
Discussdepartmentworkschedulesandcallinprocedures(hoursper week,locationof postedschedule, vacation,holiday,andtimeoff requests, includingcontactingsupervisorin casesofillness/injurylongerthantwo days,andschedulingpolicy).
Share location of allequipmentandsuppliesrequired. (i.e.desk,computeraccess,businesscards,phone).
__Identifyindividualto havelunchwithnewemployee.
Confirmparkinglocation for employee.
__Givealistingof keycontactpeoplewithtitlesandphonenumber(departmentspecific).
ExplainPersonal Electronic Devises policy.
Providea copyofemployees’jobdescriptionandcompletereceiptform(formattached).
Schedule30-dayand90-daymeetingwithnewhire (form attached).
__Identifylocationof firealarms,fireexits,andfireextinguishersindepartmentorworkarea.
Discussdisastermanualforprocedures/Utilities Outage.
DiscussPolicyStatLibrary and location for PolicyStat Library, My Handbook in HR Payroll Connect (including Policy Table of Contents, Attendance, MealBreakPeriod, PaidTimeOff, Corrective Action).
During Week 1
Discuss SafetyFirst: Error Prevention Training and assist employee in registering through LEARN?
Show employee how to access LEARN module and discuss importance of completing module by deadline.
Discuss how to use the HR Payroll Connection system (ActivityCenter, My Pay, My Benefits, Career Opportunities, My Handbook, Personal Information, Your Spending Account, Direct Deposit, Tax Information, Request for Electronic W-2, and Benefits enrollment, Live Chat, PTO balance). Share the HR Support Center contact number - (888-450-9450). Highly recommend the HR Payroll Connection module in LEARN as a learning resource.
During Month 1
Ask employeeto complete“PreferenceCard”Discuss (form attached).
ExposureControlPlan/Protective Equipment.
Discussorganizationalcommunicationmethods(i.e.newsletters,communicationboards,employee forums,intranet,E-mail,, etc.)
Precautionsforradioactivematerials(if applicable).
EnsureEmployeeis compliantwithEmployeeHealthrequirements(HepatitisB Vaccine,TBTest,etc.).
__Tuberculosisprecautions(if applicable);particulaterespiratorfit screening.
__Remind employee of benefits enrollment deadline, within 30 days of date of hire. Reminderofautoenrollmentin401(k)at 4%.Ifemployeewishestoopt-out,he/shewillneedto contactFidelity Investments.
Discussdepartmentalannualrequirements, Licensure & Certification PolicyandMandatory Learning Activities Policy(i.e.TBTesting,competencies, LEARN, CorporateCompliance,etc.).
Assistemployeewithsettingupa profile on the KentuckyOne Health Recognition websitehomepage.
Complete30-dayemployeemeeting(formattached).Placein departmentalfile.
During Month 2
Discussthecompensationstructure/ pay increase process.
__Discuss Media Communications Policy.
DuringMonth 3
CompleteConflictof InterestStatementandsubmittoHumanResources for scanned HR file.
Complete90-dayemployeeinterview(formattached).Placein employee’s departmentalfile.
RemovalofLend-A-Handfrom namebadge, if applicable.
__Employee has completed Error Prevention Training.
Hire Date: Job Title:
1. Howis your experience to date, as compared with your expectations prior to hire?
2. Whatisworkingwell for you in your new role with KentuckyOne Health?
3. Havetherebeen anyindividualswho havebeen helpfultoyou in your new role with KentuckyOne Health?
4. Based onyourpriorexperiences,what ideasfor improvementdoyou have relevant to your job role/job function/work environment?
5. Isthereanyreason thatyou feelthisis nottherightplaceforyou, and if so, what recommendations would you make for improvement?
Supervisor'sSignatureandDate / Employee'sSignatureandDate
Name: Department:
Hire Date: Job Title:Employee#:
1. Whatisworkingwell for you in these last three months of hire?
2. Howdo you feel about your job role within last three months, as compared with your expectations prior to hire?
3. Based onthe last few months,what ideasfor improvementdoyou have relevant to your role/function/environment?
4. Havetherebeen anyindividualswho havebeen helpfultoyou in your new role?
5. After the last months, do you feel that KentuckyOne Health is the right organization and right culture fit for you?
6. Doyou knowofanyonewhowouldbeagoodfit forourKentuckyOne Health organization and culture?
7. Asyoursupervisor,howcanIhelpyou be more engaged and satisfied in your role?
Supervisor'sSignature/Date / Employee'sSignature/Date
Ihavehadmyjobdescriptionreviewedwithmeandhave receivedacopy.
11 26 2014