Mr. Young 2009/2010 School Year

English Language Art 9 is organized around the themes “Conflicts and Challenges” “Love and Loyalty,” “Surviving and Conquering,” and “Cultural Roots”. The focuses of our course is on the four language processes; reading, writing, speaking, and listening. These objectives will be reached through individual and some group collaboration.

We will be covering the following topics during the year:

1. Short stories and poems, Values, Biography, Crossroads, Sightlines and

Strawberries and Other Secrets

2. Novel Study – Losing Joes Place and Killing Mr. Griffin

3. Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet

4. Grammar/Usage/Writing

5. Figures of speech

6. Paragraphs (expository, descriptive and narrative)

7. Essay

8. Letter writing

9. Oral speaking

10. Vocabulary growth and spelling

11. Proofreading


A Assignments - Students will be required to complete a variety of written and oral assignments. If you fail to complete an assignment you will be put into Peacock’s HIP program (explained below) until the assignment is completed.

Your evaluation requires you to hand in all of you assignments. If you do not hand in your assignments you will be placed in Homework Intervention Program
(with Ms. Rowe). Instead of having a date when the assignment is due. You will have, what is called, a “due week”. I will give you four days to hand in your assignment with no penalty in marks (Monday to Thursday). If you do not hand in your assignment on the Thursday, the following will happen:

1.YOU will make a phone call to your parent or guardian to tell them you have not completed your assignment. You will then be placed on the HIP list.

2.On Friday, Mr. Huschi will come around with the HIP letters. You will then have 72 hours (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday) to get the assignment completed at 8:45 Monday morning. No marks will be lost.

3.Any assignments handed in after 8:45 am on Monday morning will be docked 50% of the assignments total worth.

4.You will be required to attend HIP until the assignment is completed.

5.If the assignment is not completed by Thursday of the week you are in HIP, you are still required to complete the assignment, but you will lose all of the marks, thus resulting in a 0 (zero)

B. Tests and Quizzes - There may be an exam at the conclusion of each unit. As well there will be quizzes throughout the semester.

C. Missed work and/or assignments are YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. (Do you get the hint?)
Please check for more information.

D. Lates - You are allowed to have 4 free lates. Use them wisely as on the 5th one you will be sent to Mr. Huschi for an late contract.

E. Attendance - Follow the school’s attendance policy

Mark Break Down

1. Written and oral assignments, test, quizzes – 90%

There will be a midterm exam during exam week in January and a final exam during exam week in June. The final will be worth 10% of your final mark for the class.

Some classroom specifics for you to remember:

1. Cell Phones – Peacock Collegiate has set the following rules in place in regards to the use of cell phones:

1.  Students are to put cell phones in their lockers immediately upon entering the building.

2.  If you are caught using a cell phone within the building, the phone will be taken to the office and given to Mr. Boyes or Mr. Huschi.

3.  1st offence – you will be allowed to receive your phone from the office at the end of the day.
2nd offence – a phone call home will be made and the phone is not allowed at school for five school days.
3rd offense – the phone will remain at school until a parent meeting is called.

If there is a family emergency, parents/guardians are encouraged to call the school directly and the message will be passed on to the child.

Mr. Young’s cell phone rule: If your cell phone goes in the bucket, at the front of the room, you can pick it up at the end of class. If Mr. Young catches you with your cell phone, Mr. Huschi gets the phone and call home will be made for the parent to come and pick it up.

2. Backpacks – For safety reasons I please ask that you leave your backpacks in your locker. This is a school rule and must be followed. Plus, I really don’t want to trip and have you all laughing at me.

3. Food and Beverages – You are allowed water or juice (from the vending machine) and a healthy snack (apple, carrots, granola bar, etc.) in my classroom. You are NOT allowed anything that is junk food.

4. Late Policy – If you come in after the bell, you are considered late so please be in the room and in your desks when the bell rings. You will be given 4 (four) free lates. On the fifth late you will be sent down to Mr. Huschi to be put on a late contract, no questions asked.

True Potential

If you treat a person as

they appear, they have no reason

to improve,

But if you treat a person to what their

potential could be,

you will help them to

become what they should be.

I will help any student who wants to pass ELA A90.

It is all up to you!

Good luck and have a constructive year.

I am really glad you are here this year and I am looking forward to getting to know each and every one of you. You are in for a great year, but you have to be the one that makes it fun! Whether we are working on vocabulary or a Family activity, a positive attitude will go along way! Whining and complaining does not.

I am here at noon and until 5:00 every afternoon to assist students that need extra help. If for any reason I cannot be here on a certain day, I will notify the class. At noon hour you can usually find me roaming the halls, here in my room, or in the gymnasium. After schools you can find me in my room. If my door is open after school, I am here. You don’t need an appointment, just come and see me! I am not that scary! Plus, it’s a good opportunity for you to get some help one on one.

Remember, if you have any questions about English or something in the school, come and talk to your Family teachers. We are here to help you succeed!!

-Mr. Young

Mr. Young’s Classroom Expectations and Policies

Respecting others

·  Respect those around you. Peacock is a great place to attend school. You are the ones who make the difference.

·  Listen when someone is speaking to you.

·  Respect other’s personal property.

·  Respect Mr. Young’s property and he will respect yours

·  Respect the school rules - no hats, no food or drink in the classroom (unless it is water and healthy snack), no cell phones, and respect for school property.

·  Any issues with respecting one’s self, others, and Mr. Young (or any teacher) will result in YOU contacting your parents and a meeting with Mr. Hushi.

Attendance/Arriving Late

·  When the bell rings you are to be in the classroom. If you are late, you have 4 free ones to use. On the 5th your are on your way to see Mr. Huschi.

·  Good attendance equals success at school. It is hard to be a successful student when you are not in the classroom. If attendance becomes a problem a phone call home will be made as well the counselors will be notified.

·  You are responsible for missed work. You can find everything you need, if you miss a class, on

·  If, for any reason, you know you are going to be away for a reason (family vacation, personal reasons, sports, extracurricular activities, etc.) please let me know at least a week in advance so that I can get things ready for you to complete while you are gone. If it is going to be for an extended period of time, I would appreciate a phone call from your parent or guardian.


·  Homework checks continually happen throughout the semester. It is your responsibility to have your homework completed. If you are having difficulty with your homework you need to see Mr. Young for assistance before the homework is due. I am always here after school, come see me!

·  Peacock Collegiate has developed a program called HIP (Homework Intervention Program). I have already gone through the HIP guidelines above.


·  If you miss the day of an exam your parent/guardian must phone the office to let Mr. Young know that you will not be in attendance (a message can be left with one of the secretaries).

·  If you need to reschedule an exam you must see Mr. Young. Rescheduling of exams will not take place after the exam has taken place unless a parent phone call has been made.

·  If you need assistance before an exam, see Mr. Young. Do not let yourself get behind. If you are having any problems, come and see me and we can look at it together.

·  You will write make-up exams during lunch hours in HIP


·  Go to the washroom before you come to class. Only in emergencies will you be allowed to use the facilities.

·  There is no food or drink (pop, slurpee, coffee, etc.) allowed in the classroom. Please never ask me if you can have it in the classroom.

·  All school rules (dress code, respect, etc.) will be enforced in my classroom.

·  Use the garbage for garbage and the recycling bin for paper. The recycling bin is located at the front of the room by the door.

·  You are responsible for your textbooks. If you lose them you pay for them.

·  Always come to class prepared with your notebooks, paper, pens, and textbooks.