July 14, 2016

We want to welcome you to another exciting year at AMES. We look forward to continuing the legacy of AMES through our teaching and learning, the relationships we form, friendships that are made and the ongoing excellence demonstrated by our graduates. This school is a special and unique place where learning and scholarship is encouraged and reinforced. Where tolerance and support of others is part of what we do every day.

We have had very few staff changes and for the 2016-17 school year. Ms. Touchet has moved to California with her family and Carter Jensen will replace her. Mrs. Strong will be teaching the University of Utah Calculus class and Mr. Miller will be teaching University of Utah Math 1040 and 1070 in addition to our regular offering of math classes.

As we begin the 2016-17 school year registration will occur on the 9th and 10th of August from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm. You may print out the registration papers or they will be available here on request. Registration materials will be available online through our website. AMES will be collecting all fee waiver information. It is very important that if you qualify for fee waivers that all paperwork be in the AMES office by the 16th of September. This date is for all activities that occur throughout the school year.

The PTSO has included information for you in the enclosure. Please support our PTSO as most of the activities are in support of students and the fund-raising done by the PTSO supports student scholarships.

If you are not returning to AMES please notify us by calling 801-278-9460.

Thank you for choosing to come to AMES, for choosing to put in the work and scholarship to improve as a student. We appreciate your continued support and belief in AMES.


Brett T. Wilson
