June 2017

Dear friends, well, the days are winding down now and after 274 newsletters (starting April 1994, I’m sure you have all of them), this is my last one. I’m sure the new pastor will be a lot more social media savvy then I am. The only tweets I deal with are the birds that wake me up at 4:00 in the morning. I have enjoyed keeping in touch with everyone through these monthly updates. God has certainly blessed South End with an abundance of relationships. People are scattered all over the world who were at one time part of the family of God here. The newsletter was one of those connections that helped people feel those “ties that bind”. The all too familiar “How about that snow” or “This has been a scorcher of a summer”, also included things that you would talk about at the kitchen table. Things like updates on people, our latest sermon series, missions, special events coming up, what’s up with the sports, and of course “The Stats” - well, maybe some of that you wouldn’t talk about at the kitchen table but you get the idea. So what can I say, #275. That represents a lot of life that has gone on through this particular church. I am so blessed to have been the pastor here and to report it all. I hope these newsletters have been an encouragement to you as well. Now, down to business… “How about this chilly spring!”

Of course everyone is wondering who is going to be the next pastor. We don’t have a definite answer yet but the Pulpit committee is hard at work. As Rod Hoffman (Chair) said in his annual report, there have been candidates who have learned of South End Church and “were drawn to this particular body. Who have both a heart for God and a heart for this church. We are still in the process. If we had our druthers, everything would be done and all the loose ends neatly tied

up. Now. But God’s timing is not necessarily our timing. We on the committee believe that God has identified out next pastor and that His choice will be our choice if we are faithful.”

We say Amen to all that. There is a bit of a question mark as to what things look like for the near future but it will all work out. Once a candidate is voted in by the church I will certainly let everyone know who is on the newsletter list.

Meanwhile, we continue our Sunday sermon series in the book of Acts called “New Beginnings”. There has been a lot of time that separates that early church and us who live in 2017, but when you read these stories you feel akin to them. It’s the Holy Spirit who is always fresh, always full of life. If we walk in step with the Spirit we are in good hands. As the song says, “Greater things are yet to come, greater things are still to be done in this city”.

Sunday, June 4th is a special day here – A Celebration of Ministry. We will be recognizing what God has done in these past years and recognizing the change in leadership. It really is a change of an era. If you go on our web site you see our ministry team – Pastor Neal, Pastor Clarence and Carmen. This is the era that is changing. We all will still be here, involved in the church, serving, helping, washing the dishes, but there will be new leadership – and leadership is everything. The schedule is the same for that day – 8:45 Sunday school, 10:00 Service. The Spanish congregation will be joining us. And of course, what is a celebration without food. We will have plenty – catered, nothing but the best!

In June Rudy Mitchell will be leading the Adult Sunday school class looking at the Reformation. This year is the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther nailing the 95 Thesis to the Wittenberg door, and who would have thought it would change Christianity as we know it. Thanks to Sarah and Jared for leading in May. They will be leaving Boston in July to travel around the country visiting intentional communities to see where God would have them. On Sunday July 2nd we will have a sendoff for them.

During the summer there will be no Children’s Sunday school. The nursery in the library will be available and there will be work sheets and crayons for the older ones.

It was good to hear all the reports at the Annual Meeting. All those who were nominated were voted in. While space doesn’t allow me to mention every committee, the Elders elected were Pastor Jose Flores, Rod Hoffman and Justin Lowe. They will join Sara Mitchell and Nate Clark as well as the new pastor. It is these folks who are responsible for the spiritual life of the church. Pray for them.

On a sad note, Zep Johnson passed away on Sunday, May 28th. You might not know this but Zep was his stage name, his real name was Daniel Falletti. We will miss Zep, miss his guitar, miss

South End Neighborhood Church

P.O.Box 180245

Boston, MA 02118

his one of a kind personality. I will let you know about funeral arrangements when they are finalized. As Zep would sing, “You can have this old world but give me Jesus”.

As far as the stats for May, our average weekly offering was $1,308.93. This brings our year to date average to $1,708, still above our budget goal of $1,663 with only June to go. So close so let’s finish the year out on top. The average attendance for May was 67.

Now the sports… The Celts gave it a good try but we all knew they had no chance. They had nobody who could rebound but that’s OK, they have the top pick in this year’s draft. The Red Sox are really starting to play good baseball. As I write this they are in 2nd place. They are getting great pitching from everyone. Stay tuned, this is going to be a fun summer. By the way, David who?

As this is my last sports report – I hang up the pen - I have to say I’ve had a lot of fun doing this. From the bottom of my heart I love you all. Thanks for reading… Big Scoop Al Hill.

That’s all for this month and as Scoop Al said, thanks for reading. The next era will find ways to keep in touch as well. This is a great church here. Let’s keep it going. Pastor Neal