Want to Challenge the Principal?

Dear Parents/Guardians;
Please note that all students will take a math assessment upon returning to school in August. If your child complete their daily fluency and completes their log they will earn an extra recess. If your child gets a 90% or better they can earn a homework pass. With that being said each grade level will determine the top ten to compete against Ms. McGovern in a fluency test and enjoy a special treat.

Practicing facts regularly will prepare students not only for the assessment, but for their overall math studies. Learning math facts is essential to doing well in math. Learning independent study skills is essential to doing well in school. This is an ideal time for children to learn to develop study skills by practicing math facts. Your children’s job is to practice. Your job is to support them and to make sure they have the tools to succeed.

To prevent this “summer slide” each student will be required to complete skills practice each week and record his or her time on the tracker that is provided. If your child is entering:

First Grade – He or she should have an understanding of sums and differences, simple pattern skills, single digit addition and subtraction.

Second Grade – He or she should have an understanding of sums and differences (no fingers), simple pattern skills, single digit addition and subtraction, and ordering numbers.

Third Grade – He or she must be able to fluently add and subtract numbers from 1-20 (no fingers). He or she should have an understanding of sums and differences, simple pattern skills, single digit addition and subtraction, ordering numbers and beginning multiplication, and basic word problems.

Fourth Grade – He or she must be able to fluently multiply and divide numbers from 1-10 (no fingers). Students should have an understanding of place value, ordering of fractions and basic word problems.

Fifth Grade – He or she must be able to fluently multiply and divide numbers from 1-10 (no fingers). He or she should develop fluency with addition and subtraction of fractions, comparing fractions, multi-digit multiplication, division and subtraction across zeros.

Online Activities These websites offer printable test as well.






Students can always practice with flashcards or orally in the car, dinner table, at the dentist, etc.

After your child has completed at least 10 minutes of practice, each day, they need to record their work on theSUMMER MATH FACT PRACTICE LOG.


Date / Type of Fact Practice / Total Time / Parent/Guardian Initials
7/2 / Examples:
Flash card sort; IXL, Addition Facts / 10 min / CS

*Use BOTH SIDES *TRY TO PRACTICE EVERYDAY*RETURN THIS LOG TO YOUR NEW TEACHER IN AUGUSTIf you run out of room, please add more pages to your log.

Date / Type of Fact Practice / Total Time / Parent/Guardian Initials
7/2 / Examples: Flash card sort; IXL, Addition Facts / 10 min / CS

*Use BOTH SIDES *TRY TO PRACTICE EVERYDAY *RETURN THIS LOG TO YOUR NEW TEACHER IN AUGUSTIf you run out of room, please add more pages to your log.