We’re gonna describe the overall general experience

Why do we do that?

It’s to direct her mind downward

You are going to direct her mind downward by saying

I think the conscious mind goes down into the unconscious and brings back up all these thoughts and ideas and fantasy’s

And you may think those thoughts are above me but really I think they are below me (direct command)

Because your coming from another part of your mind

Do you like chocolate (yes)

If they say no ask what food do you like is there some food that if you see it you absolutely have to put in your mouth

Can you stop and remember a time when you see that piece of chocolate and your mouth is already tasting it

Before you even put it in you can already feel that sweetness against your tongue and you can feel the special rich

Texture of it against your tongue as well

You know the texture that really good chocolate has?

And then there’s that moment where the first molecule of chocolate touches your tongue and you know it’s inside your mouth but you just want to keep it there because it’s so sweet and so good and there’s that extra special warmth when you swallow that sweetness down

Or then maybe sometimes you meet someone and you’re really attracted to him and you both know it and there’s moment when your eyes lock it’s that special look just before you kiss before the first time and you are trembling with anticipation and your heart is pounding because your thinking about how good it’s going to be

It’s like every physical moment of that relationship is rolled into that first touch of the lips

And there’s that excitement and that wanting it just before you touch

Where your heart is racing and there’s that first soft contact of the lips

Where you don’t even know if your touching or not, but ah man it’s like a jolt of electricity

See I think what happens is the conscious mind goes down into the unconscious and brings back up all these thoughts

Images and desires and you may think those thoughts are above me but really I think they’re below me because your coming from a much deeper part of your mind

Overall structure of the blow job pattern

First you introduce so it sounds like a normal topic of conversation

The second piece is you start to give examples, every example is pushing her in the right direction

The first example is general body pleasure and being naked right

But I don’t say do you remember being naked. I don’t talk about that

It’s all structured so it’s ok to talk about

Then we get more specific we’re getting to pleasure in the mouth wanting to put something in the mouth and keep it there

Then we’re getting more specific it’s pleasure in the mouth relating to something sexual and really good

Then we talk about the mind going down which is an innuendo plus it’s the direction for the mind go down and bring up the pleasures and the thing that does is it justifies saying below me, above me below me

And what’s it like when it’s better than you ever imagined

If you understand the principle well enough you can come up with your own patterns

It’s interesting how there’s a difference between compulsion and anticipation?

Do you ever just find yourself reaching for the refrigerator or do you ever just find yourself reaching for a piece of food?

But then there’s anticipation!

Where your mind anticipates pleasure before it arrives

You want to start describing the process of coming home from a hard day of work

You come home from a hard day of work and all you can think about is dropping your clothes and stepping in to that hot shower

And begin to describe the process of enjoying a hot shower and before you even step you can already feel that heat

Working it’s way through every part of your body

Working it’s way though every muscle as you step out of tension and step into pleasure

And then there’s that moment of sliding in


Where you just let the heat and the pleasure take you and it just feels so great doesn’t it

Then go to another example

Do you like chocolate (yes)

If they say no ask what food do you like is there some food that if you see it you absolutely have to put in your mouth

Can you stop and remember a time when you see that piece of chocolate and your mouth is already tasting it

Before you even put it in you can already feel that sweetness against your tongue and you can feel the special rich

Texture of it against your tongue as well

You know the texture that really good chocolate has?

And then there’s that moment where the first molecule of chocolate touches your tongue and you know it’s inside your mouth but you just want to keep it there because it’s so sweet and so good and there’s that extra special warmth when you swallow that sweetness down

Have you ever been with someone and you both know you are really attracted?

and you both know it and there’s moment when your eyes lock it’s that special look just before you kiss before the first time and you are trembling with anticipation and your heart is pounding because your thinking about how good it’s going to be

It’s like every physical moment of that relationship is rolled into that first touch of the lips

And there’s that excitement and that wanting it just before you touch

Where your heart is racing and there’s that first soft contact of the lips

Where you don’t even know if your touching or not, but ah man it’s like a jolt of electricity

See I think what happens is the conscious mind goes down into the unconscious and brings back up all these thoughts

Images and desires and you may think those thoughts are above me but really I think they’re below me because your coming from a much deeper part of your mind

Timeline therapy and the basis of personality – Tad James Wyet woodsmal

Beliefs pathways to health and well being - Robert Dilts

Using your brain for a change – Richard Bandler

Eric rosi –jay haley-books about erickson

Phoenix ( the therapeutic patterns of Milton h. Erikson) – David Gordon

Secrets of speed hitting – doctor jack la torret 503 – 535 3188

Mental training of a warrior – “

Cheap shots ambushes and other lessons – mark the animal mac young

Influence the psychology of persuasion- Robert cialidini

Psychic sexual commands-

Books to look into

Nlp volume one – Richard bandler

The more the more pattern-

The more you laugh the more you look forward to having a great time with me

Ross Jeffries e-mail


I’d really like to go out with you but I’ve broken up with someone and I’m just not ready

(you hear congruently from her tone that she means it)

first express agreement

you never want to resist

cause that creates more resistance

I know that there’s a part of you that doesn’t want to do this

(presupposes that some part does want to do it)

anchor the part in space give a location


express agreement and create a wedge by presupposing a part that doesn’t want to cooperate

associate a tremendous amount of pain to the part that doesn’t want to

why would we want the part that is going to disobey or disagree with us why would we want to associate tremendous amount of pain with it

so she will jump at the first opportunity to get out of there