“Serving Up More Than Cookies”

By: Abigail Kirkland

Director of Education and Public Relations, GRTL

“We partner with many organizations. We have relationships with our church communities, with YWCAs, and with Planned Parenthood organizations across the country, to bring information-based sex education programs to young girls,” stated Kathy Cloniger, the recently appointed CEO of the Girl Scouts of the U.S.A, on the March 5, 2004 edition of NBC’s “Today” show.

This statement came after a boycott in Waco, Texas where parents insisted their local Girl Scouts sever all ties with Planned Parenthood. In Texas, the local Girl Scout organization had endorsed a “Planned Parenthood sex education program, which admittedly claimed not to officially mention abortion but provided material on masturbation, homosexuality and illustrations of couples having sex.”[1]

Unfortunately, Texas is not the only place where the Girl Scouts and Planned Parenthood link arms. Two troops in Kansas City allowed girls to earn badges by listening to a Planned Parenthood speaker, and in Omaha, Nebraska a former Planned Parenthood official has been appointed to lead the Great Plains Council.

American Life League’s STOPP International, the nation’s premier organization fighting Planned Parenthood, has recently completed its investigation of the Girl Scout’s connection with Planned Parenthood. STOPP contacted every Girl Scout Council in the United States and asked if they had ANY relationship with Planned Parenthood (PP). STOPP International defined “any relationship” as one or more of the following:

  • Do you invite PP to talk to the girls?
  • Do you send the girls to PP for sessions?
  • Do you co-sponsor any PP event?
  • Do you and PP promote any events put on by third parties?
  • Do you give awards to PP executives?
  • Are any of your Girl Scout leaders or board members also on the board of Planned Parenthood?

When asked these questions, more than 70 percent of the Girl Scout Councils in the United States would not disclose their position, stating, “I have been instructed to say ‘no comment’ to whatever you ask.”[2]

According to the STOPP International website, ALL six Georgia Councils have stated that they have NO association with Planned Parenthood. However, the Republican National Coalition for Life states, “Parents should not be complacent if they discover that their local troop is not connected with Planned Parenthood. This is a national policy. Girl Scout troops often go on group outings with troops from other areas. ”[3]

GRTL urges parents to contact their local Girl Scouts Council and encourage them to continue with their “no association” policy with Planned Parenthood, and also contact the national office and request that they adopt a national “no association”.

It is important for the pro-life community to share the pro-life message to young girls and make materials accessible to Girl Scout Troop Leaders. Pro-lifers can become trained through local pregnancy resource centers in abstinence education and then can actively contact troops across the state to volunteer and teach positive, pro-life, abstinence education to Girl Scouts. If we are proactive in helping the Girl Scouts continue preparing young girls for the future, we will not have to worry about Planned Parenthood picking up where we slacked off.

It is important to understand that Georgia Right to Life IS NOT AGAINST the Girl Scouts. GRTL is opposed to Planned Parenthood, the world’s largest abortion provider, and is encouraging a disassociation between Girl Scouts and Planned Parenthood nationwide.

National Girl Scouts Office:

Girl Scouts of the USA
420 Fifth Avenue
New York, New York 10018-2798

(800) GSUSA 4 U [(800) 478-7248] or (212) 852-8000

Georgia Girl Scouts:

  1. Girl Scouts, Central Savannah Rivercouncil, Inc
  1. Girl Scouts of Concharty Council, Inc
  1. Girl Scouts of Middle Georgia, Inc
  1. Girl Scouts of Northeast Georgia, Inc
    Web Site:
  1. Girl Scout Council of Northwest Georgia, Inc
    Web Site:
  1. Girl Scouts of Pine Valley Council,inc
    Web Site:
  1. The Girl Scout Council of Savannah,georgia, Inc
    (800)750-6468- Local Toll Free Phone
  1. Girl Scouts of Southwest Georgia, Inc
    (800)448-4762- Local Toll Free Phone


Georgia Right to Life

Georgia Right to Life

[1] Weyrich, Paul M. “Planned Parenthood Invades Youth Groups.” 11-March-2004.

[2] “Exposed: Girl Scout councils have relationship with Planned Parenthood.” 12-April-2004.

[3] Parro, Colleen. “Parents beware: Girl Scouts serving up more than s’mores.” Fax Notes. 12-March-2004.