Dear Pupils, Families and Friends
We hope you are all well and enjoying the autumnalweather.
We’ve welcomed nine super new pupils and their families to our school. It’s great to see Luca, Zara, Cassie, Alfie, Clara, Holly, Casey, Leonie and Ruby settling in well and enjoyingtheir learning with us. Welcome!
It was super to see so many of you at the recent consultation evening and to share in in the co-production of targets for learningandpositivebehaviourstrategies, asappropriate. Thank you also for thecompletedfamily surveys, your views are very much appreciated and we will take on board your feedback to shape school improvement. The revised vision and aims are to be shared with Governors and will soon be placed on our website. Look out soon on our website for the short film we’ve made with a group of pupils sharing with us what they likelearningabout!
Best wishes
Harvest Festival
Thank you for all thecontributionsto ourHarvest Festival. The produce was donated to a localchildren and women’s charity
Roald Dahl Day
We enjoyed the Roald Dahl day on 13/9/16-lots of story telling and sharing offavouriteRoald Dahl stories and poems.
Jeans for Genes
Thank you for wearingdenimand donating to the Jeans for Genes Day on 23/9/10 which raised £77.00 for this specialcharity.
Dinner Money
Can we ask all parents to regularly check their ParentPay account to ensure that all balance are kept up to date.
Please can we remind you that all payments for dinners and Allstars should be made in advance.
Children in Need
To support Children in Need on Friday 18th November, pupils and staff are invited to wear “spots” or spotty clothing to school and make a donation to Children in Need.
As an important aspect of keeping children safe we place great importance in supporting pupils and their families to stay safe online. As part of our learning about e-safety we are having a whole school “e-safety day” on Friday 4th November to which families are invited to join a workshop at 2.00pm followed by an assembly.
In Other News
Class 1 enjoyed spending a “Parents as Partners” morning celebrating all things Autumnal. They built a scarecrow, decorated biscuits, played with playdough, painted pumpkins and collected leaves.
Key Stage 3's topic this half term was festivals and celebrations.
As part of this topic we have been learning about weddings, key stage 3 all visited our local church.
Students in Post 16 have been enjoying work experience in some of the local charity shops. Jack D, Jasmine, Livvy, Eleanor, Jocelyn, Callum, Jake and Holly have been working hard every Friday morning this half term. They are practising some essential vocational skills such as teamwork, self-management, time-keeping and problem solving as well as learning some new ones such as sorting and displaying merchandise and using a price-labeling gun! The students have been a credit to the school and they have had some very positive feedback from their employers. Well done everyone.