To: 11 may / 14





We hereby request from Caritas Europa the reimbursement of the following expenses:

Transport Costs
Means of transport / Detail / AMOUNT
Other Costs: / Date / Detail / AMOUNT

Payment Data

Account in the name of:

Account number / IBAN:


Each request of reimbursement of travel expenses should reach Caritas Europa strictly no later than 1 month after the event.Documents arriving after this date will not be taken into consideration.

The expenses claim template must be accompanied by alloriginal invoices, boarding cards and flight tickets.

Reimbursement of Travel and Accommodation expenses

Caritas Europa will cover travel and accommodation expenses of the participants from Caritas organisations eligible for the funding covered by the CARES project: EU Countries + Iceland, Norway, FYROM, Serbia and Turkey.

Only 2nd class tickets of flights and trains can be reimbursed.ONLY FOR LEADERSHIP FORUM not Regional Conference.

We recommend spending with stewardship and book travels in advance.

Reimbursement ceiling for direct flights in the EU is 300 €.

Reimbursement ceiling for flights with transfer or further away is 500 €.

Flights with higher costs will only be reimbursed after previous authorization of the Caritas Europa Secretariat: Albert Puyo ().

Taxi expenses must be reasonable and explicitly motivated if a reimbursement is requested.

For the Caritas participants who are not listed above, the Caritas Europa Travel Support (CETS) conditions will apply. Participants from CETS beneficiary Member Organisations may apply for a reimbursement of their travel costs according to the updated rules of reimbursement in force since December 2013: 75% of the travel costs can be reimbursed, up to the maximum of € 400. No public transport is reimbursed.

All meals are already booked by Caritas Europa from the diner of the 10th to lunch of the 12th included. Other meals will not be covered.

Hotel nights are already booked from the 9th to the 11thif needed. ONLY FOR LEADERSHIP FORUM. Other hotel nights, including the 12th related to Regional Conference meeting will not be covered unless special cases to be communicated and agreed previuosly with Caritas Europa.

Rules for Reimbursements

Each request of reimbursement of travel and accommodation expenses should reach Caritas Europa secretariat no later than 1 month after the event by postal mail or in hand. In case is later it would depend on

The expenses claim template must be accompanied by the original invoices, boarding cards and flight tickets.

Signature and date: ______/ ______

This activity has received financial support from the European Union Program for Employment and Social Innovation "EaSI" (2014-2020). For further information please consult: