Required submittal of proofs of authority

When a firm applies for a project in the conventional selection process or is short-listed in the electronic selection process, the following proofs of authority for the prime consultant. Joint Venture partners, and all Subconsultants, are to be provided to if they currently exist.

Since the information should be current, it is expected that the consultant will print the information from the websites or sign the affidavit no greater than a week before the submittal to NYSDOT:

New York State Education Department authorization to provide professional services

No greater than one week before submittal to NYSDOT the consultant should print the current licensure information from the New York State Office of the Professions Online License Verifications. The consultant should obtain this at then click on “Online License Verifications.”

·  Provide the consultant’s current New York State Education Department authorization to provide professional services for those that the prime will provide (i.e., engineering, land surveying, architecture and/or landscape architecture. )

·  If the consultant will practice land surveying or architecture, provide a copy of one officer’s current New York State Education Department authorization to provide that professional service.

·  If the consultant is a sole proprietorship, provide a copy the owner’s current New York State Education Department authorization to provide the professional services.

Authority to do business in New York State

·  No greater than one week before submittal to NYSDOT the consultant should print from the New York State Department of State web site of the consultant’s current New York State Department of State information. The consultant can obtain this at then click on “Corporation/UCC”. Select “Search for Corporations or other Business Entities”.

·  If the consultant is a sole proprietorship or general partnership then please complete and submit the following Affidavit instead of New York State Department of State information.. The affidavit should be signed no greater than a week before the submittal to NYSDOT.

When a prime is designated, they will be required to certify for each subconsultant that they have verified that the subconsultant has the necessary:

·  New York State Education Department authorization to provide professional services

·  Authority to do business in New York State.


I, ______, in my capacity as ______with the firm of

Name Title

______, located at ______,

______, which is a: (check applicable boxes)


Sole Proprietorship

 General Partnership

do hereby affirm that we have complied with all applicable requirements of New York State Law, including but not limited to the General Business Law, General Corporation Law, Partnership Law and Education Law regarding the following contract:

Contract Number: PINS:


Counties in which work is necessary:

I recognize that this affirmation is submitted for the express purpose of inducing the State of New York Department of Transportation to award a contract; acknowledges that the Department may in its discretion, by means which it may choose, determine the truth and accuracy of all statements made herein; acknowledges that intentional submission of false or misleading information may constitute a felony or misdemeanor as defined in the Penal Law or may be punishable by fine according to applicable sections of the United States Code; and states that the information submitted in this affirmation and any attached pages is true, accurate and complete.

Sworn to before me this

_____day of ______,______. ______

Signature of Principal/Officer


Notary Public Title