2001 Aiken County Survey

1. ID # ______Phone # ______Interviewer ______

2. Exchange: 1) Aiken 2) North Augusta 3) other


3. How much of the time do you think you can trust the government in Washington to do what is right-- only some of the time, most of the time, or just about always?

1) some of the time 2) most of the time 3) just about always 4) not sure

4. Public officials don't care much what people like me think. Would you [READ ANSWERS]

1) strongly agree 2) agree 3) have mixed feelings 4) disagree 5) strongly disagree

6) or have you not had time to think about this

5. Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling his job as President? [IF APP, ASK “DO YOU APPROVE STRONGLY OR NOT STRONGLY”–SAME FOR DISAPPROVE]

5) Strongly approve 4) Approve 3) Mixed feelings 2) Disapprove 1) Strongly disapprove

6) not sure/don’t know

6. How long do you think it will take for U.S. forces to kill or capture those responsible for the terrorist attacks? Will it be a matter of days, weeks, months or years?

1) days 2) weeks 3) months 4) years 5) don’t know/not sure

7. In general, how would you rate the job the press has done in covering the terrorist attacks on the

nation -- excellent, good, only fair, or poor?

4) excellent 3) good 2) only fair 1) poor 5) don’t know/not sure

8. Have you had any trouble sleeping because of the way you feel about the terrorist attacks on the

nation? 0) no 1) yes 2) don’t know/not sure

9. Do you generally consider yourself to be a Democrat, Republican, neither one, or what? [IF "DEMOCRAT" OR "REPUBLICAN" ASK:] Are you a strong or weak ______? [IF "NEITHER ONE" OR IF THEY USE THE TERM "INDEPENDENT" OR SAY THEY "VOTE THE PERSON" OR "ISSUES", ASK:] Do you LEAN TO the Democrats or Republicans?

1) strong Democrat 5) leaning Republican

2) weak (moderate) Democrat 6) weak (moderate) Republican

3) leaning Democrat 7) strong Republican

4) insist they are independent, 8) other: [SPECIFY]

neither, issues, or person ______

How would you rate the importance of each of the following in Aiken County, as extremely important, moderately important, slightly important, or is it not a problem?

10. Traffic Congestion 4) Extremely 3) Moderately 2) Slightly 1) Not a Problem 5) dk

11. Too Much Development 4) Extremely 3) Moderately 2) Slightly 1) Not a Problem 5) dk

12. Destruction of Green Space 4) Extremely 3) Moderately 2) Slightly 1) Not a Problem 5) dk

13. Which of the following comes closest to describing your views on politics? [READ ANSWERS]

1) liberal 2) slightly liberal 3) middle 4) slightly 5) or conservative

of the road conservative

[DO NOT READ THIS LAST ANSWER] 6) none/not sure/don’t know

Would you favor or oppose the following measures to curb terrorism?

14. Requiring that all citizens carry a national identity card at

all times to show to a police officer on request 0) Oppose 1) Favor 2) dk/not sure

15. Allowing the CIA to contract with criminals in

pursuing suspected terrorists overseas 0) Oppose 1) Favor 2) dk/not sure

16. Allowing the CIA to conduct assassinations overseas

when pursuing suspected enemies of the U.S. 0) Oppose 1) Favor 2) dk/not sure

17. Allowing the U.S. government to monitor your

personal telephone calls and e-mails 0) Oppose 1) Favor 2) dk/not sure

18. Allowing the U.S. government to monitor your credit

card purchases 0) Oppose 1) Favor 2) dk/not sure

19. Which of the following best describes your regional identity?

1) non-southerner 2) converted southerner 3) native southerner 4) other ______

20. How many days in the past week did you read the news (paper or electronic)? ___ (0-7; 0 for dk)

21. Do you or any of your friends or relatives know someone who is missing, hurt or killed in the

attacks on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, or the plane crash outside of Pittsburgh?

0) no/don’t know/not sure 1) yes

22. Do you consider yourself to be a religious fundamentalist? 0) no 1) yes

23. Did you vote in the Nov. 2000 elections? 0) no/not sure 1) yes 2) not eligible

Just a few more questions now. We need a little background information for statistical purposes.

24. Starting with the first grade, how many years of formal education have you completed? ______years [HS-12; ASSOC DEG-14; BS/BA-16; MA-18; PhD-20]

25. What is your age? ______

26. In which of the following ethnic groups would you classify yourself?

1) white 2) black 3) Hispanic 4) or some other ethnic group?

27. Finally, I'm going to read a list of family income groups. Just say "stop" when I reach the level that best describes your family's income last year.

1) less than $15,000 6) $35 to $40,000

2) $15 to $20,000 7) $40 to $50,000

3) $20 to $25,000 8) $50 to $75,000

4) $25 to $30,000 9) $75 to $100,000

5) $30 to $35,000 10) over $100,000 Thanks very much. I enjoyed talking with you.

28. [DO NOT ASK CODE AFTER INTERVIEW] Gender: 1) male 2) female