Root Groups

Leaders Guide


We believe that spiritual growth must be expected, measured, evaluated and celebrated. We also believe that life change happens best in a small group community where people are accountable to and responsible for one another. Therefore, we believe that the best place to grow spiritually and connect relationally is in a small group – or what we call Root Groups.

We have four expectations of every disciple of Jesus Christ:

1.  Gather as a True Worshipper to Bless the Name of God.

2.  Grow as an Obedient Learner to Become the Image of Jesus Christ.

3.  Give as a Humble Servant to Build the Church.

4.  Go as a Compassionate Evangelist Bring Others to Christ.

Our goal is to strategically instruct and equip every person who is a part of our church to invest and engage in these specific ways. In other words, we deliberately prepare each person by the Word of God to dynamically participate every day in the work of God. And the work of God is what our task is as a church:


Our strategy for growing disciples is Root Groups which provide a simple, yet intentional format where every disciple can actively pursue becoming more like Jesus Christ through three regular interactions – it’s as simple as ABC:

A – Apply the Bible through Sermon Discussion

B – Build Deep Relationships in Community

C – Care for One Another with Responsibility and Accountability

The goal of every Root Group is found is Ephesians 3:16-19, “that according tothe riches of his gloryhe may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith—that you, beingrooted andgrounded in love,may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length andheight and depth,and to know the love of Christthat surpasses knowledge, thatyou may be filled with allthe fullness of God.”

How We Do Small GroupsTwo Hour Format

A Apply the Bible by Sermon Discussion 40 minutes

Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together… but encouraging one another… Hebrews 10:24-25

We will focus our Bible discussion on specific questions that come from the Sunday AM sermon. These questions will be sent out immediately after the sermon to all registered SG participants. We encourage and expect everyone to engage in this application of the Bible to real life.

B Build Relationships by Knowing Each Other 40 minutes

My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. John 15:12-13

We will eat together, learn about one another, share stories and fun facts, and learn to trust and depend on each other as we grow deeper in our walk with God and each other. The Sunday gathering is a great time to worship and learn. But the small group is the place to really experience and grow deep friendships.

C Care for One Another by Praying and Serving 40 minutes

Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently… carry each others burdens and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. Gal 6:1-3

We will share prayer requests and pray together either out loud or silently. Sometimes we will stay together, sometimes we will separate into guy and girl groups. As needs are shared, we will pray, and sometimes do more than pray, as God leads us. We will also consider a way to show God’s love to our community by selecting at least one group service project that fits our group’s gifts.

Small Groups exist to help each other grow as disciples. We apply the Bible to real life, build deeper relationships and thereby care for one another effectively as followers of Jesus Christ together.



Root Groups are for adults and should be no larger than twenty adults and no smaller than ten adults. Maintaining an appropriate size ensures quality interaction and optimum participation. Groups may welcome new participants at the start of any semester as long as there is room in the group for them. Root Groups are not expected to split but rather are encouraged to train up leaders who can be sent to start new groups. Ideally, the core of a group should stay together to better facilitate deeper and more meaningful relationships.


Root Groups must be led by at least two (couples or individuals) co-leaders. We believe that teamwork motivates participation, multiplies productivity, and shares responsibilities.

Each potential Root Group leader must meet the following requirements and prerequisites before being approved as a Root Group leader.

1.  Have a personal and growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

2.  Be a member of Bible Baptist Church.

3.  Have completed regular attendance and participation in a Root Group for at least two trimesters.

4.  Demonstrate the time, emotional capacity, and moral discernment required to lead a Root Group.

5.  Commit to at least one entire year (three trimesters) as a Root Group leader and sign the Leader Agreement Form.

6.  Commit to Root Group training and coaching as a Root Group leader.

7.  Commit to identifying and mentoring potential Root Group leaders for the seeding of future Root Groups.

Growing as Obedient Learners

The Leader’s Two Main Tasks

Live a life that is pleasing to God

Love those in your group

1 Thess 2:10-12 You are witnesses, and so is God, of how holy, righteous and blameless we were among you who believed. For you know that we dealt with each of you as a father deals with his own children, encouraging, comforting and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who call you into His kingdom and glory.

Four Reasons We Prefer Sermon Discussion

Sermons instruct… Groups apply

Sermons impress… Groups process

Sermons unite… Groups customize

Sermons convict… Groups actionize


When identifying potential

new leaders in training

there are four qualities

to look for:

1.  Character

When what you see on the outside lines up with who a person is on the inside, that’s the stuff of character. And it matters, especially when it comes to leadership. You want to identify someone you can trust, and trust in, knowing they are consistent in who that are in all areas of life.

2.  Chemistry

Nobody wants group to be awkward. Awkwardness can be avoided by identifying leaders who are naturally “people people”. Who in your current group already has good relationships formed? Who do members of your group naturally gravitate toward? Who do they seem to enjoy interacting with?

3.  Contribution

Who always seems to make a difference? Maybe it’s the person who asks thoughtful questions during group discussion, follows up with someone who shared a difficult prayer request, or is first to jump in with a solution when childcare falls through. Maybe it’s someone who’s known for encouragement of offers help with an eager attitude. They don’t necessarily have to be the most vocal (or loudest) contributor, but they should be someone who willingly contributes toward the goal of growing disciples who go make disciples on a personal level.

4.  Capacity

Stressed out, maxed out, time-crunched people are often great at getting things done for a very short period of time because they can’t say no to anything. However, this might not be the optimum season for them to add one more thing to their plate, and they probably wouldn’t end up serving the group well. Instead, we want to identify people with enough margin in their lives to be able to be fully present during group meetings and invest in group members throughout the week.

Root Group Leaders must also agree to the following expectations and responsibilities before being approved as a Root Group leader.

1.  Facilitate the leadership and hosting of the group each week by making sure the group meets, stays on schedule, adequately provides childcare (if necessary), stays focused during discussion time, and promotes participation by all group members.

2.  Record and report attendance each week and follow up with any absent group members.

3.  Record prayer requests, ensure they are prayed for during group prayer time, and pray for each group member throughout the week.

4.  Attend all Root Group training and meet with assigned coach at least once each trimester.

5.  Intentionally identify, get approval and mentor potential Root Group leaders.


Root Group leaders will primarily be trained by participating in a Root Group for at least one year where they will be given opportunities to develop their leadership and facilitation skills as a part of an established leadership team. Upon affirmation of their group leaders, they will be recommended to their Root Group coach as a potential leader for future Root Groups.

Additional training sessions will be offered in August, January and April for Root Group leaders to learn and grow. There may also be occasional opportunities for Root Group leaders to attend a conference together.


Each Root Group will be assigned a coach who will oversee, evaluate, troubleshoot, and offer feedback to the group leaders. Group coaches will be one of the Pastors or Elders. Root Group leaders are expected to meet with their coach at least once each trimester. Coaches will also periodically attend a Root Group to observe a leader in action.


Each Root Group will meet weekly for three, eight to twelve-week trimesters beginning in September and concluding in late May or early June of each year. However, groups may launch at the start of any trimester depending on the availability of trained group leaders. Groups are encouraged to take the summer off, but may choose to continue to meet socially before starting up again in September.

ROOT GROUPS 2016-2017 Trimester Schedule & Breaks

·  Leaders Training Saturday August 20, 2016

·  Fall Trimester Sept 18-Nov 20, 2016 (10 weeks)

·  Holiday Break November 27-January 15

·  Celebration Root Fruit Sunday Jan 15, 2017

·  Leaders Training Saturday January 14, 2017

·  Winter Trimester January 22-March 26, 2017 (10 weeks)

·  Spring Break April 2-16, 2017

·  Celebration Root Fruit Sunday April 2, 2017

·  Leaders Training Saturday April 8, 2017

·  Spring Trimester April 23-June 4, 2017 (7 weeks)

·  Summer Break June 11-September 10, 2017

·  Celebration Root Fruit Sunday June 11, 2017


Every participant in a Root Group signs an agreement, at the launch of the group, committing to at least one complete ten-week trimester. At the end of a trimester, a participant may choose to leave the group and join a different group. Attendance is expected and tracked. Ideally, the core of a group should stay together to better facilitate deeper and more meaningful relationships. Potential members or visitors can attend a Root Group for three weeks before making a commitment.


During each weekly meeting, every Root Group is expected to follow the same basic two-hour format. This format is where our simple ABC group strategy will be applied: Apply the Bible, Build Relationships, Care for One Another.

·  Social Time (20 minutes) Greet, Snacks and Ice-Breaker

Trust is built through developing deeper relationships. The relaxed, social conversation at the beginning and end of each group time is very important and should be facilitated intentionally. Group leaders are encouraged to provide group “ice-breakers” to help encourage meaningful participation by every group participant. Of course a light snack (or even a meal) is always useful when getting people together.

·  Sermon Discussion and Application (40 minutes)

Each week, discussion questions from the Morning Worship Service message will be made available to every Root Group participant. These questions will serve as the guide for group discussion and application of the Bible. Discussion will be facilitated, but not dominated by the group leaders. There are four reasons why we use a sermon discussion based foremat:

Sermons Instruct – Groups Apply Sermons Impress – Groups Process

Sermons Unite – Groups Customize Sermons Convict – Groups Actionize

·  Sharing and Prayer Time (40 minutes)

Each week will also include a dedicated and extended time of celebrating God’s goodness and sharing requests for prayer. This important time must be carefully guarded and valued. Group leaders will make sure to leave adequate time for prayer and praises.

·  Social Time (20 minutes)

Make sure to leave time at the end of the group gathering for conversation and continued development of deeper relationships with one another.

Each Root Group is expected to provide their own childcare. This childcare may be done through the hiring of a babysitter, or by two adult participants taking turns watching the children each week. This is a unique way to build relationships with and get to know one another’s families. Anyone providing childcare for a Root Group must be appropriately screened, cleared and trained to work with children according to the church’s Children and Youth Safety System.


Root Groups are multiplied based on the availability of trained leadership. Once potential leaders have been mentored and experienced the group environment for themselves, they will be given the opportunity to seed a new group with a team of individuals or couples. Root Groups are not expected to split, but rather are encouraged to train up leaders who can be sent to start new groups.


1.  Identify co-leaders. Each Root Group must have at least two (couples or individuals) co-leaders. Root Groups will not be allowed to form or continue if proper leadership is not in place.