Document: Rail/2011/10
Original: English
“Transport statistics”
Luxembourg, 9 and 10November 2011
Room Ampère
Beginning 10:00 a.m.
The new metadata and Country-Specific Notes
Item 11 on the agenda
I. Introduction
Eurostat publishes on its website (Eurobase) a wide range of datasets based on the rail transport data collection. All dissemination tables are linked to methodological notes (metadata in ESMS – Euro-SDMX Metadata Structure[1] – format) to ensure that the figures set out in the online dissemination database are interpreted correctly.
These notes present general information forall participating countries (e.g. information on data collection, concepts and definitions) as well as some information specific to each country (application of national definitions, discrepancies between tables with the same variables, major revisions etc.). Over the years, Eurostat has been receiving more and more questions from external rail data users: this has led to a consolidation of the methodological notes available on Eurostat’s website with additional and more precise comments on the data.
In 2009, Eurostat enriched the content of the methodological notes for the rail domain and integrated specific files setting out methodological specificities by country: the Country-Specific Notes (CSNs). For each country, the CSNs comprise the list of tables available in the rail transport domain by section (Traffic, Passengers, Goods and Accidents) and set out the appropriate methodological information for each table and reference year. The CSNs also give users an overview of data availability in the various tables.
II. Accessibility and content of the ESMS metadata and the Country-Specific Notes
Reference Metadata in Euro SDMX Metadata Structure (ESMS) are available[2]for each[3] rail transport related dissemination table (see the screen shot of the Data navigation tree below).
These files, comprising several sections and subsections, replaced the earlier SDDS files. The full structure and the content of the ESMS files for rail transport are available in Annex at the end of this document.
The methodological information for each country (CSNs) is presented in separate files (one for each country, in Word format), directly available from the ESMS files using hyperlinks. Every rail transport data user can thus readily access the CSNs for each country from the metadata.
The information in the CSNs has been compiled and is maintained using two main sources:
-validation rules applied to each rail dataset— whenever errors are detected by Eurostat during data integration in the rail production database[4], the countries concerned are asked to clarify any problematic issues, either by providing revised figures or additional comments to the data provided. The resultant comments (provided by the countries to explain abnormal changes/figures observed and missing data) are regularly integrated in the CSNs;
-validation process of the various publications— during the validation process of the various publications on rail transport statistics, participating countries are invited to comment on the figures presented but are also encouraged to provide Eurostat with methodological notes for their country. Whenever comments are received, the CSNs are updated accordingly.
III. Regular updates of the Country-Specific Notes
The Country Specific Notes (CSNs) files are stored in the “Rail transport statistics” section of Circa (public access):
CSNs may be updated in the following ways:
on Eurostat’s initiative: Eurostat proposes changes in the CSNs file and ask the country concerned to validate the proposed changes (via e-mail). Once the modifications agreed, Eurostat update the dedicated section of Circa with the latest version of the notes;
on a country’s initiative:Eurostat also kindly ask countries to regularly ensure that the methodological information available in the CSNs is up-to-date. A CSNs file can be downloaded from Circa, revised/updated (preferably with track changes) and provided to Eurostat (via e-mail). Eurostat will update the corresponding Circa file accordingly.
This should result in a regular supply of fresh and easily accessible methodological information.
In the future, Eurostat’s intention is to link the CSNs directly with the validation rules applied to the rail transport statistics provided by the countries. That would provide countries with direct documentation of any errors detected.
WG participants are kindly requested to express their opinion/suggestions on the CSNs initiative and the related process for the maintenance of the content of the metadata for the rail transport section of Eurobase.
ANNEX 1. SDMX metadata on rail transport statistics
/ Railway transport measurement - passengersCompiling agency: Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union
Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Metadata update
3. Statistical presentation
4. Unit of measure
5. Reference period
6. Institutional mandate
7. Confidentiality
8. Release policy
9. Frequency of dissemination
10. Dissemination format
11. Accessibility of documentation
12. Quality management
13. Relevance
14. Accuracy and reliability
15. Timeliness and punctuality
16. Comparability
17. Coherence
18. Cost and burden
19. Data revision
20. Statistical processing
21. Comment
For any question on data and metadata, please contact: EUROPEAN STATISTICAL DATA SUPPORT
1. ContactTop
1.1. Contact organisation / Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union
1.2. Contact organisation unit / Unit E6: Transport
1.5. Contact mail address / 2920 LuxembourgLUXEMBOURG
2. Metadata updateTop
2.1. Metadata last certified / 23 October 2009
2.2. Metadata last posted / 23 October 2009
2.3. Metadata last update / 29 March 2011
3. Statistical presentationTop
3.1. Data description
Eurostat collects rail transport statistics by two means:
1.Voluntary data collection. Data are collected using the Common Questionnaire of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Eurostat and the International Transport Forum (ITF). Full details are set outin another document(see link to 21.3. Annex, at the bottom of the page).
The followingEurostat dissemination tables are based on this datacollection:
- all tables in subsection: Railway transport infrastructure (rail_if)
- all tables in subsection: Railway transport equipment (rail_eq)
- all tables in subsection: Railway transport - enterprises, economic performance and employment (rail_ec)
- all tables in subsection: Railway traffic (rail_tf) but table Train movements (rail_tf_trainmv)
- table Railway transport - Number of victims by type of injury (rail_ac_inj) in subsection Railway transport - Accidents (rail_ac)
2. Mandatory data collection based on the legal act. Data collection on goods and passenger transport,and onrail accidents is based on Regulation EC 91/2003 from the beginning of 2003. The freight data from 1982 until 2002 are based on Directive 80/1177/EEC. Compared to the Directive, Regulation 91/2003 covers the transport of passengers and statistics on accidents in addition to the transport of goods. A detailed description of the source of each dissemination table can be found in the section 21.3Annex(Legal acts and corresponding dissemination tables) at the bottom of this page.
3.2. Classification system
Goods transported by rail are classified according to the 24 groups of goods following the 'Standard Goods Classification for Transport Statistics/Revised (NST/R)'.With effect fromreference year 2008 - according to the new classificationNST 2007.
The codes of regions used in the region-to-region statistics are indicated in Regulation (EC) 1059/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council. For more information on NUTS classification please refer to the following link.
Classification of dangerous goods follows PartI of Annex I of Council Directive 96/49/EC and the regulation concerning the international carriage of dangerous goods by rail, usually known as the RID.
3.3. Sector coverage
Transport/railway undertakings (undertakings providing transport services and services for the transport of goods and/or passengers by rail, e.g. maintenance services, infrastructure management, etc.).
3.4. Statistical concepts and definitions
The statistical units for rail transport statistics are all railway undertakingsin the EEA.Undertakings whosesole business is to provide services for the transport of passengers by metro, tram and/or light rail are excluded.
Rail transport statisticsuse the "territoriality principle", meaningthat each country reports the loading/embarkation, unloading/disembarkation and movements of goods and passengers that take place inits national territory. For this reason, "tonne-kilometre" or "passenger-kilometre"are the best measure for comparing transport modes and countries, because the use of tonnes or passengers entails a high risk of double counting, particularly in international transport.
Thevolume and performance of rail freight traffic are measured in tonnes (mass) and tonne-kilometres. Passenger transport by rail is measured in the number of passengers andin passenger-kilometres. Information on the number of train kilometres is also available (for both passenger and freight transport).
As regards freight and passenger transport, rail data are available at national (annual and quarterly data) and regional (NUTS 2) levels (every five years).
Traffic flows on the rail network are measured in number of trains - passenger, freight and others (optional) - every five years.
For accident statistics, all undertakings are covered (irrespective of whether the statistics are detailed or simplified). The number of persons killed or injured (by category of persons) and the number of accidents (by type of accident) are provided.
Annexes B (freight transport) and D (passenger transport)set out simplified reporting requirements that may be used by Members States as an alternative to the normal detailed reporting set out in Annexes A and C, for undertakings below the thresholds laid down in Article (2) of Regulation (EC) No 91/2003. As a consequence, for some countries (which apply both simplified and detailed reportingfor railway undertakings, depending on their transport performance), the totals may vary between the dissemination tables (depending on whether they include only detailed reporting or detailed and simplified reporting figures). Please refer to section 3.1 Data description or to the list of production tables used for compiling of the dissemination tables which are available on CIRCA (Transport Statistics/02.Rail/2.Data monitoring).
For certain tables, the number of intermodal transport units (containers, swap bodies and road vehicles) are reported, in addition to tonnes and tonne-kilometres. For containers, volumes expressed in TEUs are also available.
Tonnes, tonne-kms, passengers and passenger-kms are presented in different tables according to the following break-downs for each reporting country and year:
- type of transport (national, international and transit),
- category of goods according to NST/R (w.e.f. 2008 reference year NST 2007) (only freight),
- geographical origin and destination at country level (annual data) and regional level (every five years, NUTS 2 level).
According to Commission Regulation 1192/2003, 'tonne-km' means the unit of measure of goods transport which represents the transport of one tonne (1000 kilograms) of goods by rail over a distance of one kilometre. Only the distance on the national territory of the reporting country should be taken into account. The weight to be taken into consideration includes, in addition to the weight of the goods transported, the weight of packaging and the tare weight of containers, swap bodies, palletsand road vehicles transported by rail in the course of combined transport operations. If the goods are transportedby more than one railway undertaking, the weight of goods should, wherever possible not be counted more than once.
In passenger transport,'rail passenger' means any person, excluding members of the train crew, who makes a trip by rail. For accident statistics, passengers trying to embark/disembark onto/from a moving train are included. The 'number of passengers' means the number of trips by rail passengers, where each trip is defined asa movement from the place of embarkation to the place of disembarkation, with or without transfers from one rail vehicle to another. If passengers usemore than one railway undertaking,they should wherever possible not be counted more than once. Finally, 'passenger-km' means the unit of measure representing the transport of one passenger by rail over a distance of one kilometre. Only the distance on the national territory of the reporting country should be taken into account.
As regards accidents statistics, 'significant accident' means any accident involving at least one rail vehicle in motion, resulting in at least one person killed or seriously injured, or in significant damage to stock, track, other installations or the environment, or extensive disruptions to traffic. Accidents in workshops, warehouses and depots are excluded.A 'serious injury accident' is taken to mean any accident involving at least one rail vehicle in motion, resulting in at least one person killed or seriously injured. Accidents in workshops, warehouses and depots are excluded. The term 'person killed' means any person killed immediately or dying within 30 days as a result of an accident, excluding suicides while 'person seriously injured' means any person who was hospitalised for more than 24 hours as a result of an accident, excluding attempted suicides. Finally, 'accident involving the transport of dangerous goods' means any accident or incident that is subject to reporting in accordance with RID/ADR section 1.8.5. Please note, thatfor the first five years (2004-2008) of application of Regulation (EC) No 1192/2003,reporting countrieswere able toreport accident statistics according to national definitions, if data conforming to harmonised definitions (adoptedunder theArticle 11 (2)were not available.
Please refer to the country specific notes for details.
3.5. Statistical unit
The statistical units for rail transport statistics are all railway undertakingsin the EEA Member States. Member States may exclude from the scope of Regulation 91/2003 (Article 2):
(a) railway undertakings which operate entirely or mainly within industrial and similar installations, including harbours;
(b) railway undertakings which mainly provide local tourist services, such as preserved historical steam railways.
According to Commission Regulation 1192/2003, 'railway undertaking' means any public or private undertaking which provides services for the transport of goods and/or passengers by rail. Undertakings whosesole business is to provide services for the transport of passengers by metro, tram and/or light rail are excluded.
3.6. Statistical population
Primary data on passenger and freight transport are collected from the railway undertakings operating at national territoryin each reporting country. The data on freight are most commonly based on the totality of consignment notes (FR: ‘lettre de voiture', DE: ‘Frachtbrief') extracted from the railway undertakings' databases. Passenger statistics are based either on ticket sales or mobility surveys.
Primarydata on traffic (Annex G data) are mostly collected from the infrastructure managers or/and from the railway undertakings.
The data on accidents are usually collected from the different investigation bodies (police, coroners, etc.) or directly from National Railway Safety Authorities.
Compiled railway transport data (freight and passenger transport and railway accidents) are provided to Eurostat mostly by National Statistical Institutes. In some cases there are otherofficial /governmental sources, e.g.Ministries of Transport.
3.7. Reference area
Passenger and freight transport dataaccording to Regulation 91/2003 cover the period from 2004 onwards (partial freight transport data are available for 2003) for EU countries plus Norway and Liechtenstein (excluding Malta and Cypruswhich do not have railways). Data for Switzerland, Bulgaria and Romania are available from 2008, 2006 and 2004 onwards respectively. When available, Candidate Countries (e.g. HR, TR)data are also published.
Accident statistics are covered from 2004 onwards for all EU 25 Member States except Malta and Cypruswhich do not have railways, Romania, Liechtenstein, Norway, Croatia and Turkey. Data for Switzerland andRomania are available from 2008 and2006 onwardsrespectively.
The above coverageconcerns data that have been sent to Eurostat. If the data are declared confidential under Article 7 of Regulation 91/2003, they may normally not be disseminated.
3.8. Time coverage
The first reference period available and the first data delivery by dataset (according to Regulation 91/2003) are available in the section 21.3Annex (Implementation of the Regulation 91_2003_data transmission calendar) at the bottom of this page.
Passenger and freight transport dataaccording to Regulation 91/2003 cover the period from 2004 onwards (partial freight transport data are available for 2003) for EU countries plus Norway and Liechtenstein (excluding Malta and Cypruswhich do not have railways). Data for Switzerland, Bulgaria and Romania are available from 2008, 2006 and 2004 onwards respectively. When available, Candidate Countries (e.g. HR, TR)data are also published.
Accident statistics are covered from 2004 onwards for all EU 25 Member States except Malta and Cypruswhich do not have railways, Romania, Liechtenstein, Norway, Croatia and Turkey. Data for Switzerland andRomania are available from 2008 and2006 onwards respectively.
The above coverageconcerns data that have been sent to Eurostat. If the data are declared confidential under Article 7 of the Regulation 91/2003, they may normally not be disseminated.
3.9. Base period
Not applicable
4. Unit of measureTop
Thevolume and performance of rail freight traffic are measured in tonnes (mass) and tonne-kilometres. Passenger transport by rail is measured in the number of passengers and in passenger-kilometres. Information on the number of train kilometres is also available.
Traffic flows on the rail network are measured in number of trains - passenger, freight and others (optional).
Foraccident statistics, the number of persons killed or injuredand the number of accidents are provided.
5. Reference periodTop
The tables consist mostly of annual data. There are some tables providingquarterly and quinquennial (every five years) data.