Welcome !!

Welcome to worship on this Lord's Day! We are blessed by your presence and hope that you will experience the love of God reflected in the life of this community of faith. Nursery care is provided from 9:15-11:45 a.m. for ages three and under, though we love to have children of all ages remain with us in worship. Please complete the friendship pad in your row during the announcements and pass it back so that you are able to greet your neighbors by name.


(L = Leader / P = People / A = All)

Greeting & Announcements

L:The Peace of Christ be with you!

P:And also with you!

The Sign of our Belonging

In the waters of baptism, we participate in the death and resurrected life of Jesus Christ.


Call to Worship:* from Psalm 8 in "The Message"

L: God, brilliant Lord, you name echoes in our homes and in your household.

P:Nursing babies gurgle choruses about you, toddlers shout the songs "we have found you here!"

L: These Least drown out the talk of your enemies, and silence the avenger.

P: We view your spanning heavens and bright lit stars, and wonder..."what are we of vulnerable flesh, that You in your glory care for us?"

L: You answer," I have placed all peoples and creation into your hands, to tend and care for it."

P: God, brilliant Lord, your name echoes around the world!

* Hymn # 376 Love Divine, All Loves Excelling

* Prayer of Confession

L: Let us take this moment to slow down and come before our Lord Jesus in prayer and confession.

P: Gracious Christ, we have stumbled and fallen from your truth and we seek your face! Lift us from self-absorption. Give us courage to stand on the convictions of loving. Give us eyes to see those who need our care and comfort. Enable our hearts to grow and remain open to the stranger, the foreigner, the lost and the alone. Lift these and more burdens from our hearts, and fill us with your mercy, we pray...

(A time for silent confession....)

* Words of Assurance

L: God, you made us for Love.With you all things are possible! With the mantel of your forgiveness, wrap us in joy and new life!

P: Behold, we are made new in Christ! Amen!

* We Praise Our God #322

Spirit of the Living God, Fall afresh on me (repeat)

Melt me, mold me, fill me, use me.

Spirit of the Living God, Fall afresh on me.


Scripture Reading Deut. 15:7 - 11(p.171 OT)

Special Music

Children’s TimePastor Teresa

Gospel Reading Mark 10; 17 - 31 (p.46 NT)

L:Hear what the Spirit is saying to the church.

P:Thanks be to God.

Sermon “ The Dreaded Church Word....”Pastor Teresa

* Hymn #377 You have Come to the Lakeshore


We Share Our Joys and Concerns

L:God, in your mercy,

P:Hear our prayer.

Congregational Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer (Spoken together)

A:Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

Presentation of our Tithes and Offerings


* Doxology“Give Thanks” (sing together)

Give thanks with a grateful heart, Give thanks to the Holy One

Give thanks, because He’s given Jesus Christ, His Son.

And now let the weak say I am strong, let the poor say I am rich

Because of what the Lord has done for us. Give thanks.

* Prayer of Dedication (spoken together)

As we bring our gifts to you, Gracious God, teach us to live with generous hearts and open hands to all our neighbors. Amen.


* Closing Hymn #2281 (sing twice)

insert “May You Run and Not Be Weary”

* Benediction

* Congregational Response #587 “Amen”


Worship Notes:
All those who are able, please stand where you see an asterisk*
Bolded words are spoken or sung together by the people.
Rev. Dr. Teresa Roberts
Liturgist: Darlene Lucas / Pianist: Judy Kereakos
Community Presbyterian Church
3705 55th Street NW
Rochester, MN 55901
(507) 280-9291

Office hours: M-Th 9am-2pm
Lincoln Shirk/Heath Office Administrator

ANNOUNCEMENTSOctober 14, 2012

Today at CPC:

9:30: Worship Service

Worship Assistants / Greeter / Nursery Attendant(s) / Library Attendant
Margaret Nelson, Amy Ward, Peggy McCarty / Amanda Ross / Elizabeth Deeds, Tabitha Harland / Judi Berg

ANNOUNCEMENTSOctober 14, 2012


Monday...... 7:00 p.m...... Finance

Wednesday....6:30 a.m...... PrayerGroup@

...... 7:00 p.m...... Choir

Thursday.....7:30 p.m...... Aikido


October 21Guest preacher: Rev. Chaz Ruark

October 28All Saints’ Sunday

October 28Special Congregational Meeting

October 28OCC Packing Party

November 4Stewardship Sunday

Next Sunday: Pastor Teresa will be gone on family leave October 16 through 22 to visit her mother, who has been ill. Our guest preacher next Sunday will be our PTCA executive Presbyter Rev. Chaz Ruark.


Adult Christian Education

Today, the Diversity Council will hold a discussion on the proposed MN Marriage Amendment. October 21, we will discuss the MN Voter ID Amendment with a speaker from the Rochester League of Women Voters.

The “Who Wrote the Bible?” series will continue in November. New ideas for topics are always welcome! Please contact Shannon Bennett with any suggestions at.

Bible Study

Bible study will meet on Mondays at 1:00 p.m. from October 22 through November 12. Tammy Rider will lead the study group.

Jubellation Handbell Choir Practice

The Jubellation Handbell Choir will be rehearsing at 6:15 p.m. on Wednesdays, October 24 & 31, and November 7 & 14. We will prepare the music “Jamaican Melody,” which appears in our hymnal as # 514 “Let Us Talents and Tongues Employ.”

All Saints’ Sunday

On All Saints’ Sunday, October 28th, we will have a time of remembrance celebrating our 7 CPC members who passed away since Jan 2011. We are also asking for names of those in your family we can list in our special prayer remembrances that day. If you have a non-member family member or very special friend who passed away since January 2011 and would like to have them included in our prayers at the All Saints Service, please sign their name and your name on the Clipboard in the Narthex.

“It’s A Wrap!”

Our adults and children will hold an all-church packing party for Operation Christmas Child after coffee fellowship on October 28th. If you wish to support this mission with a donation for shipping, please make checks to “Samaritan’s Purse” and give them to Denise.

Westminster’s Town Hall Forum

Esteemed Theologian and Speaker, Sr. Joan Chittister will be the speaker for Westminster’s Town Hall Forum November 1. Amy Anderson and Teresa Roberts plan to attend and are willing to gather a carpool for anyone interested in coming along. The car(s) will leave the church parking lot at 4:45 p.m. to insure seating at the event (since it is open). Please sign up on the clipboard in the Narthex if you plan to attend.

Stewardship Sunday

November 4 is Stewardship Sunday. Your pledge for 2013 is a faithful response to the generous gifts God has given us and our dedication to Christ’s work through our efforts in the future. Thank you for prayerfully considering your pledge to the ministry and mission of CPC in 2013.

Winter OuterWear

WOW! The Winter OuterWear drive at CPC resulted in a total of 134 items to be donated to families in OlmstedCounty. 36 of those items were coats of all sizes. Thank you for your generous contributions.Additional items may be taken directly to the UnitedWayBuilding in Rochester.

Nominating Committee Looking For Church Leaders

Our Nominating committee is currently working on selecting a clerk of Session for the class of 2015. If you or someone you knowis interested in serving this 3-year term as an Elder please let a member of the nominating committee know.

2012 Directories

The 2012 Directories are available to be picked up in the Narthex. Please take one copy per family, as indicated.

Giving Report
September ’12 Weekly Average $ 2,105.60
Year to Date Avg. ‘12$ 3,629.11
Budgeted Weekly for ‘12$ 3,136.19
Per Capita Received ’12 $ 2150.49
Total Per Capita Paid ’12 $ 4,586.35
Special Offerings
One Great Hour of Sharing $ 1,186.00
Christmas Joy Offering $ 1,254.00
Thank Offering $ 635.00
Peace Offering $ 837.00