Please read this handbook carefully so that you may ask questions regarding any aspect of your child’s care. Once your child is enrolled in the Round Rock Independent School District Child Development Center or the Teen Parent Child Development Center, it is assumed that you will comply with all policies as listed herein.

We encourage parents to be involved in their child’s “school life.” It is important that the Center staff and parents communicate and cooperate in order to provide the best educational experience possible for your child.

Many children experience an adjustment phase when they begin attending a childcare facility. Please be prepared for this and feel assured that we will love and care for your child. We will work with your child individually to help him/her adjust and feel comfortable with their new surroundings.


It is the philosophy of the Round Rock Independent School District Child Development Center and Teen Parent Child Development Center (the Centers) to provide your infant or toddler with a program in which he or she can develop and mature to his or her fullest potential. In compliance with the State of Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, it is the policy of the Centers to:

  • Promote the health, safety, and welfare of children attending this center.
  • Provide safe and comfortable physical facilities for children.
  • Ensure proper supervision of children by capable and qualified personnel.
  • Provide proper nutrition.
  • Provide an environment conducive to each child’s mental and physical development and sense of well-being.


The Centers are licensed facilities with the State of Texas Department of Family and Protective Services and part of the Round Rock Independent School District. The Centers are licensed for children between six (6) weeks and five (5) years of age. All children of custodial parenting teenagers enrolled in the Round Rock Independent School District will be allowed to enroll regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or national origin, providing there are adequate spaces and properly trained staff as allowed by our licenses.



The primary focus of the Centers is to provide childcare to custodial teen parents enrolled in the Round Rock Independent School District. A limited number of spaces may be available for RRISD employees, as long as these spaces do not interfere with the needs of the teen parents. Enrollment is limited to the maximum number of children allowed by the Department of Family and Protective Services in each classroom. The Advisory Council for the Teen Parent Program makes recommendations on policies and admittance. Children may be admitted as openings occur. The Centers will enroll children six (6) weeks through three (3) years of age, as classroom and developmentally appropriate openings dictate.


The Centers will be open to care for children of RRISD students on regularly scheduled school days beginning with the first scheduled day of classes. We are closed on all scheduled RRISD holidays. We are open to RRISD employee parents on specified staff development days. The Centers are open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. for teen parents,however parents must remain with their children until adequate staff is on duty. Teen parents not riding the bus are expected to arrive at the Center for pick up no later than 20 minutes after the end of their last scheduled class of the day. All children must be picked up by 4:30 p.m. unless the parent rides the bus.


Every effort is made to enroll all children of teen parents with RRISD. A waiting list or public child care may be utilized if there is no space available in an appropriate classroom.

The Director and the Teen Parent Coordinator may grant exceptions on an individual basis.

All parents must complete and return the following items before children may attend childcare:

  1. Round Rock ISD Registration Form
  2. DFPS Admission Information Form
  3. Discipline and Guidance Policy Form
  4. CCMS Waitlist Application
  5. Application for Free and Reduced Meals

Also required before attending:

  1. Child’s Social Security Card
  2. Child’s Official Birth Certificate or Verification of Birth Facts
  3. Up-to-date immunization record. The new immunization law states that children must be up-to date before being admitted to childcare. Those children already enrolled whose records are past due will be given one week to update them.


Transportation is provided by the District for students using the Centers. If a student chooses to ride the bus, they must notify the Transportation officeor the driver directly anytime transportation needs change. Bus drivers may discontinue services for students not riding after three consecutive days without notification.

Transportation is provided only for pregnant or parenting students and their children. Friends, neighbors, etc. may not ride the bus. Siblings of parents may ride the bus provided:

  • Prior approval is granted by the Director, and
  • There is room on the bus, and
  • The stop does not add a significant length of time to the route, and
  • Transportation’s code of conduct rules are followed.

Students may provide their own transportation within the following guidelines:

  • Parents may arrive early, but must supervise their children until staffing is adequate.
  • Children must be picked up within 20 minutes of the end of the parents’ last class.
  • Parents MUST have an appropriate child car safety device.

If a student with an early dismissal time needs to stay at school later than their regularly scheduled hours, they must have prior approval. Staffing becomes critical at the end of the day and children left beyond their expected departure time can create staffing issues.


Students must attend class when their child is in care. If, for any reason, a student has an unexcused absence while their child is in care, the absence will be reported to the student’s assistant principal. Students will be notified that the unexcused absence has been reported to their assistant principal.

  1. For the health of all children and staff, parents should call their Center when a child is absent and report the reason for the absence (example: Joey is staying home with Dad today or Joey has a fever and bad cough). This enables us to keep track of illnesses and increase our sanitation process, if necessary.
  2. Children should attend the Center every day the parent is in class. Parents are expected to call 424-8713or 464-6874 by 9:30 a.m. when a child is absent.
  3. If a child misses three (3) consecutive days due to illness, parents are encouraged to seek medical attention for the child. Please bring a note from a health professional stating the child is able to participate in child care activities.
  4. If a child is absent five days in a row without notification, the child may be removed from the roll until parent contacts their Center and requests re-enrollment.


  1. A child may not attend the Center if the parent is not in school. Exceptions must be approved through the Director prior to the absence(i.e. parent is in cooperative interviews or has a medical or social service appointment that does not allow the child to attend).
  2. Childcare will not be provided before or after Center hours for activities such as sporting or social events.
  3. If thestudent rides the school bus, they must also call their Transportationofficeor the driver directlyEACH DAY they will not be riding. Failure to notify the bus driver may result in suspension of bus services until further notice.


The goal of the Centers is to provide care for the children of teen parents so that each parent hasthe opportunity to complete their graduation requirements. Therefore, students are expected to pass their classes. Grades are monitored each six weeks. Any student receiving a questionable progress report or report card will be contacted by the Teen Parent Team for intervention services.


There are opportunities for parents to be involved in their Center on many levels. There are planned events for parents and their children, which take place within the District. There are also individual and group experiences in which parents may participate off campus.

Some of our ‘on campus/in district events’ include an orientation for all Center parents before school begins, holiday celebrations for all Center children and their families, support groups held regularly on each campus, and a yearly parenting seminar for all students in the Pregnant and Parenting program. Opportunities for individual and group experiences held off campus will be arranged through the Director and the Teen Parent Coordinator and might include attending local parenting seminars, visiting other parenting programs and public child care centers, or researching and presenting information on current child care practices and topics. It is important for parents to be involved in the childcare experience with their children. We hope to encourage involvement by providing opportunities for parents to participate in events, activities and experiences both in and out of the classroom environment. Parents will be notified of classroom and Center news, events, and activities through postings,handouts and newsletters distributed by teachers, the Director or the Teen Parent Team.


Parents are responsible for settling their child in each day. This includes:

  1. Clocking your child in and out each day.
  2. Putting all bottles, food and supplies in appropriate places.
  3. Recording daily information about your child’s morning and previous evening on the child’s Daily Information Sheet.
  4. Filling out medication forms (if necessary).

It is important that children have as smooth a transition from parents to caregiver as possible each morning. The best way to ensure this is to make your child comfortable before you leave them. Your child should be fed before leaving since we do not serve breakfast at the Centers. You should also check and change their diaper if necessary, before you leave. Make sure you plan enough time in your morning for this routine. This helps give your child a sense of well being before you leave.



Your infant needs the following items available each day:

  • **Enough individual bottles of formula or breast milk, containers of infant cereal and/or baby food for the day, including the ride to and from the Center. Each bottle must be labeled with your child’s first name and last initial on the side. It’s better to pack extra than not enough.
  • At least two changes of clothing (including undershirts if desired).


  • Enough disposable diapers for changes during Center hours (approximately 10).
  • Baby wipes.
  • Labeled pacifier, if your baby uses one.
  • Any special powder or ointment your doctor has prescribed (labeled).
  • Labeled bulb syringe.
  • Special diets, if required, must be accompanied by a Doctor’s note.
  • Warm clothing during cold weather.

**Infant feeding information

  • Bottles of formula and infant cereal must be mixed at home. Caregivers cannot be responsible for mixing formula or cereal.
  • In order to begin solid foods (cereal) your child must be at least 4 months old and able to sit and hold their head up. Speak to your caregiver when you are ready to begin cereal.
  • Please do not mix cereal in the bottles. The caregivers cannot give it to your child.
  • Parents of children over four (4) months of age should bring enough formula or breast milk and mixed cereal or baby food for the day. All bottles and containers of food should be labeled with child’s first name and last initial.
  • Parents of children not able to eat regular table food on a regular basis are required by Licensing Standards to fill out a feeding schedule for their child every 30 days.



Bring for your toddler and leave in their cubby:

A. Change of clothing including underwear and socks in a labeled plastic bag.

B. Disposable diapers and wipes if toddler is not potty trained.

  1. Training diapers and wipes if your toddler is training.
  2. Special diets, if required, must be accompanied by a Doctor’s note.
  3. Warm clothing (coat) during cold weather.




Please dress your child in appropriate, comfortable, washable clothing. Licensing requires that ALL children go outdoors every day (weather permitting). Children and clothing are likely to get soiled. In cold weather, please provide a warm coat and a hat. Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for going outside.

Our program includes age-appropriate activities such as playing with play dough, painting, and water/sand play. Please dress your child so that they will feel comfortable participating in these different activities. Please let your toddler wear play clothes, comfortable shoes and socks. This is not the place to wear their best clothes unless you are willing to risk the clothes being damaged or your child being injured. All walking children should wear appropriate shoes each day. This is especially important outdoors. Loose flip flops, cowboy boots and other slick bottomed shoes can be dangerous on the playground and in the classroom. Please put your child’s name on sweaters, hats, tote bags and other personal items.


Toddlers often require short rests during the day to keep up their energy level. Our toddler naptime is after lunch. Children do not have to sleep, but they are encouraged to be quiet on their mats. Children not sleeping after two (2) hours will be allowed to get up and participate in “quiet activities”. Each day at naptime, the children are read to or listen to soothing music or a favorite tape.


  1. Parents must provide formula, breast milk, infant cereal and/or baby food. If a parent wishes a child to have whole milk before the child is one year old, a doctor’s or WIC statement must be provided.
  2. The Center will provide lunch through Food Services for all children on table food, or parents may choose to pack a healthy lunch for their child. Parents of children on table food will be asked to provide 2 snacks and milk, 100% juice or water for their child daily.
  3. Parents must provide food for special diets.



It is imperative that we have current contact information for you and your emergency contacts at all times. If there is any change, it is the parent’s responsibility to notify the Center.

Revised from RRISD Student/Parent Handbook

Exclusion and Readmission: It is requested that parents notify the Center if a childis diagnosed with a communicable or contagious disease. The Center requires a note from a parent or health care worker (physician, local health authority, advanced practice nurse or physician’s assistant) for readmission to school when a child is excluded from attendance for a communicable disease.

When to Keep Your Child Home from School: The American Academy of Pediatrics, the Texas Department of State Health Services and the Round Rock ISD recommend that children be kept home from school if any of the following conditions exist:

  • Signs of severe illness, including fever, irritability, difficulty breathing, crying that doesn’t stop with the usual comforting, or extreme sleepiness.
  • Diarrhea or stools that contain blood or mucus.
  • Vomiting two or more times in 24 hours, unless a physician feels the cause of vomiting is not an infectious disease, writes a note to that affect and thechild is in no danger of becoming dehydrated.
  • Mouth sores and/or drooling until a physician or the health authority does not feel the condition is infectious.
  • Fever or rash accompanied bya change in behavior until a physician has determined that the problem is not caused by an infectious disease.

Fever: Students with a temperature of 100˚ or above taken under the arm will be sent home. To prevent the spread of a communicable disease, ill children must be symptom free and fever free without the use of temperature reducing medications for 24 hours before returning to school.

Nuisance Diseases: “Nuisance Diseases” such as scabies, head lice (pediculosis), ringworm of the body or scalp and pinworms are highly contagious and can cause problems in the childcare setting. Childrenand adults with these conditions should be excluded until proof of treatment is established.

Diarrheal Disease: Many different viral and bacterial agents may cause diarrhea. The child must be excluded from attendance until the diarrheal illness has resolved or until the child’s physician or the local health department has cleared, in writing, the child to return to school.