AZ Aloud is an all-inclusive choir, suitable for singers of all levels of experience and ability. You do not need to be able to read music but if you can that’s great!

We do not hold auditions – everyone is welcome.


AZ Aloudformed in January 2009 for singers and non-singers to get together in a relaxed, social environment to enjoy a wide range of material including pop, swing/jazz, musical theatre, traditional and classical that suits all levels of experience and ability.

AZ Aloud has been formed as a section of ClubAZ, and as such is governed by certain rules and regulations. Each ClubAZ section must have a Committee. Our Committee, which is agreed at the AGM held in January of each year, consists of a Chair, Secretary and Treasurer.

Each Member of a ClubAZ section must be a member of ClubAZ. When joining the Choir, we need to know your ClubAZ number, and type of membership:-

  • Ordinary (AZ Employee),
  • Family (Family member of Employee),
  • Associate (Contractor/sub-contractor of AZ),
  • Affiliate (does not work for AZ, is not a family member, but has expertise in this section and has prior approval of the ClubAZ Exec Committee)
  • Honorary (retired employee)
  • Friend (This membership is limited to one Best Friend per Ordinary Member/Only Ordinary Members can have a Best Friend)

If you’re not yet a member of Club AZ, you can join via this link:

For more information you can contact:

Chair of the Committee: Jenni Clarke
Section Secretary: Sharon Heffernan
Section Treasurer: Liz Jennings

When does AZ Aloud meet?We meet at the Mill Court Restaurant, on-site at AZ Macclesfield on Mondays.Sessions run from 18:00-19:30.We don’t meet on Bank Holidays, and we don’t meet during July /August or January / February.

If you do not have access to AZ Macclesfield site, you will need to sign in/show photo ID to the security guard on Mill Court Reception on arrival. Please email one of the AZ Aloud committee members (see above) before your first rehearsal so your name can be added to the list.

What should I bring?

A bottle of water to keep your vocal chords lubricated, a pencil to mark your music, and lots of energy and enthusiasm to have a good time.

Do I need to be able to read music?

There is no requirement for you to be able to read music, but if you can that shouldn’t prevent you from joining us! We use both lyrics sheets and printed scores.

We learn new music each term but also combine with a selection from our existing repertoire. We do have a large and varied back catalogue and there is an expectation that some learning and practise is done at home alongside attending rehearsals. We have a number of learning aids that assists with this.

What does it cost?

Membership subs cost £40 per term and cover the cost of the musical director’s time, an accompanist, the purchase of sheet music, concerts and general stationery.

Subs are non-refundable and payable by cash, cheque or debit card direct to ClubAZ. We allow new joiners two-three sessions grace before committing to paying the term’s subs – to allow you to try before you buy!

Housekeeping and Communication

On joining, each member will be given a ring-binder, relevant sheet music and access to the online file share. If, at a later date you decide to leave the choir, and have no use for the music, the Choir is always grateful for any returns.

The Committee keep in regular contact with all members via email. Please ensure the committee has the most up-to-date email address for you. If you decide to leave, please ensure you inform the committee so they can remove you from the distribution list.

We hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM) in January every year. This is where Committee members are elected and all matters relating to the running of the choir are discussed and agreed.

We also have a Facebook Group where we post news items, stories, reminders and video clips for members and friends of AZ Aloud. Search in Facebook for AZ Aloud and send a request to join, one of our administrators will accept your request.

Music We use an online file storage facility to store music sheets, scores and lyrics as well as audio files for the different parts and full tracks – all of which help members learn their harmonies and practise easily at home. The links to the online file folders are sent out to members at the start of each term.There is an expectation that some learning and practise is done at home alongside attending rehearsals.

PerformancesWe usually hold at Christmas Concert on site at Macclesfield in December. For the Summer Term we either hold a formal concert or seek out local community “gigs”.

Participation in concerts or other performances is not compulsory! If you only want to come along and sing at the rehearsals, and really don’t want to take part in a performance then that is absolutely fine. We would love you to still be involved in a concert event in a different capacity e.g. Front of House, if you don’t want to sing publicly!
From time-to-time, we are also contacted by Club AZ, Sodexo and AZ to appear at various onsite events such as Christmas lunches or parties, Club AZ Roadshows and Family Fun Days.

and Finally…

We hope you find the information in this welcome letter useful. However, we are still evolving as a singing group and ClubAZ section and if you have any suggestions for improvement to, either the way information is communicated or have any ideas for repertoire, concerts etc, feedback would be gratefully received.

If you decide to join please complete the form attached and return it to the Treasurer.

Many Thanks

The AZ AloudCommittee

Please complete the information slip below if you would like to join AZ Aloud.

I would like to join AZ Aloud. My details are as follows:-

Contact Number
Contact Email Address
Club AZ Membership Number
Type of Membership / Circle: ordinary, family, associate, affiliate, honorary, friend

If you’re not yet a member of Club AZ, you can join via this link:

Please return this form to The Treasurer. Subscriptions are payable after your third session, preferably by debit card at Club AZ Reception, Hulley’s Macclesfield.

Admin Note: Please update the Committee with details of any new joiners.