Lake Conway Home Owners Association
P.O. Box 865 Mayflower, AR 72106

Vol 2,#2.5 September,2010


Since our last newsletter, March 2010, we have continued to aggressively pursue actions to improve the living & recreational conditions around LakeConway. This is an update of our ongoing activities. The information provides a synopsis of issues which will be expanded upon at our next MEMBER’S MEETING, SEPTEMBER 13, 2010 AT 7 P.M. in the MAYFLOWER CITY HALL. AGFC will be available to answer your questions.

AGFC has requested we submit questions to them prior to the meeting so they can come prepared. PLEASE come to the meeting to ask your questions directly to AGFC as they will have not only Fisheries there but also the Enforcement side of AGFC. And even their bosses will be there! Mark Oliver, Head of Fisheries refused to meet with us in regards to the No Wake Zone signs, he wants to meet with the members to explain rather than deal with the officers. I cannot emphasize enough how important this meeting is, you must make this a priority for you to attend.

If you have any questions that you personally do not want to ask them PLEASE contact us by phone or email and let us know what the question is and we will submit it to AGFC without revealing your name.

Welcome - We welcome Reba Cargile as the new Zone 6 Leader & member of the Board of Directors.

No Wake Zones - AGFC has placed signs on the lane markers in these areas. Unfortunately the signs are difficult to read & are not what we requested. Thank you who signed petitions. We continue to fight for the proper signs.

Misconceptions - Apparently the Bass Club believes (erroneously) that LCHOA is mounting a campaign against them. President Hayden has tried to clarify our position & offered to speak at their meeting. Meanwhile there is an unfounded rumor that they want to start an anti –LCHOA group. More to come on this.

Grassy Lake Road – The extension of the service road east of I40 has been funded & work should start as soon as a “minor” wet land issue is resolved and a contract let according to the ADHT.

Dam Operations – On completion of the service road extension, AGFC has stated that they will alter the Lake Management Plan to open more gates sooner to help alleviate flooding. We have requested to participate in the rewrite.

Water Level Gauges - Yard stick style water level gauges have been place in several areas on the north end of the lake. We are looking at an electronic sensor system to rapidly advise AGFC of potentially hazardous flooding.

I40 Extension –A 3rd lane & an interchange near Brandon Landing is planned. President Hayden has addressed the issues of flood control & silt buildup with ADHT & AGFC. Satisfactory answers are still not forthcoming.

Water Quality - FaulknerCounty is at odds with an engineering study of the sewer and septic systems that exist around the lake. Without a complete sewer system (funding is not available) many septic systems are aging & failing resulting in sewage entering the lake. We have been in contact with Judge Scoggins and are pursuing the issue.

Member Signs - In response to several requests we have signs designating us as members of LCHOA. These signs will be available at the membership meeting. Show your support by placing them in an appropriate place on your property.

AGFC - President Hayden has addressed many issues with the AGFC. Responses to his requests have been less than adequate. It seems that they are not communicating with each other & therefore can’t or won’t answer our questions. Join us in calling, writing or emailing them with your questions/complaints. They can’t ignore all of us.

Lake Conway Watershed Advisory Group - State Representative Jane English continues to fight for all who are concerned property owners in the watershed. As members of the LCWAG, Your LCHOA Officers are addressing the issues of water level control through support of a study that covers the entire Lake Conway Watershed. LCHOA is aware that dam operations do not adequately control flooding and we are looking at ways to control the amount of water coming into as well as exiting the lake. This includes the control of new construction and water containment systems in the City of Conway, reducing the amount of silt build up (which shallows the lake and causes overflow), contaminates and the growth of unwanted vegetation in the lake and the long term issue of a spillway to control lake levels.

We continue to keep our members advised of what we have and hope to accomplish through email and through our news letter. Our website has valuable information that includes LCHOA, LCWAG, AGFC, LCCAC, meeting minutes, a forum for you to raise issues, articles on fishing and lake maps - plus a number of other areas of interest for property owners.

LCHOA needs the support of all our past and current membership.We also need folks to serve as Zone Leaders and on various committees. These positionsdo not require a lot of time or effort - Remember that you are the eyes, ears and voice of LCHOA. Our Officers cannot be in all places around the lake and for us to serve you, we need information about what is happening in your area. Without your input we cannot address the issues that are affecting you. Thank you for your support. Please volunteer to help in your area and get you neighbors involved.




Respectfully Submitted,

OFFICERS: Hayden Baldwin, President, 730-4251

Bill Miller, 2st VP/Secretary, 470-9292