We are really excited about this terms upcoming topics. We hope that the children will enjoy them as much as they did the ‘Bears’ topic in the Autumn term.

The 1st Half Term topic is all about The Human Body and some of the things we will be focussing on are:

  • Science - Body parts – what they are called and what they do; Growth and Development – life cycle and how we change as we grow; Human needs – what we need to stay alive.
  • My personal history – how the children have changed

as they have grown up.

  • Looking at famous people Florence Nightingale,

Mary Seacole and Louis Braille

  • Art - Self-portraits – sketching and painting, taking

photographs and collages. Focussing on the famous artist Picasso.

  • Healthy food – investigating, designing and making a healthy snack and learning how to use tools and equipment safely.

The second half term topic is all about The Great Outdoors and some of the things we will be focussing on are:

  • Plant Lifecycles
  • Listening to Jack and the Beanstalk story
  • The different features and functions of flowering plants
  • How to take care and look after our environment
  • Art – appliqué collage work and looking at work from famous artists.
  • We will also be planting seeds and looking after our school garden
  • Having fun in our mud kitchen!
  • We will also be ending the topic with a super visit to Mansfield Museum.

We will be studying Judaism in RE and finding out about Torah Scrolls and other Jewish symbols.

We are also looking at ‘building a better me’ and focusing on developing children’s character muscles such as: perseverance, creativity, risk taking, questioning and imagination.

Don’t forget that the class bears that the children made in the Autumn Term will still be coming home and we can’t wait to find out what wonderful adventures they will have with you.