Dear Sirs,
We are free to introduceyou theintentionof buildinga tourist resort as a hospitalityandnauticalcentercalled TERRA ISTRIANA whichwe intend to providefor the construction topotentialstakeholders and investors.For the listedtouristcomplex wehaveallthe necessary plans of higherorderand now we are waiting for the targeted UrbanDevelopment Plan"TerraIstriana"whichis ongoing(in force byMarch 2012.).
1.Ownershipof the touristareaof constructionof147.504m2isowned bythecompanyTvornicaCementUmagLlc withnomortgageorotherobligations,which envisages the construction of thetourist complexT-2with2270beds(30% hotels,70% apartments andvillas).
The entire complexis coveredwith derived infrastructureof transport, water andseweragesystem and utility chargespaidfor218.870m3and paidcompensationforthe electrical power connection of7.857kW.
2.TCULlc is in possession of theexisting port, whichisconvertedinto a concessionfor the portof nauticaltourism upto 199berths fordockingthe largestmegayachts.
3. TCULlcalsoholdsthe concessionfor theremaining775.984m2 of land, whichrefers torecreational,agriculturaland water areaswithplantationsof 6000olive treesand richanimalfauna offallow deer,roe deer,mouflonsheep, andwithmore than 200sheep andgoats.In thisconcessionarea TCU llcpossesses a concessionfor theexcavationof rock inthe amountof 1.200.000tons, whichwillbe used to buildthe marinaandall theother necessaryconstruction work.
We muststate thatthe company has noemployeeswith contractsfor an indefinite periodand is notencumberedby anymortgageloanobligations orcharges.In case of you interestwe will providetheinsight andother proprietarysocial values that TCU Llc hasat its disposal.
B.On thebuilding areaowned byTCU Llcaccording to approvedurban master plan, it is possible the construction, based on the proposalprepared by theproject officeURBIS-72as follows:
1.BoutiqueSeaside Hotel5*with 280beds anda totalgross floor areaof15.926 m2 2.SuitandCongress Hotel5*with 432beds anda totalgross floor areaof 20.680m2
3.BoutiqueEcoWellnessHotel 5*with 180beds anda total gross floor area of13.766m2
4.Apartments buildingswith 742beds and a totalgross floor areaof41.332m2
5.Villaswith 252beds and a total gross areaof12.271m2
6.Villas with pools5* oftotal areaof 3.600m2
7.Other objectslike Clubrestaurant, reception, administration, garageswith total area of8.964m2
8.On themaritimeconcession areaof the marinatotalconstruction areaof9.459m2for facilitiesandberths forabout199yachts.
At the same timewe deliver youone of theproposedurban conceptscreated byUrbis72in order tovisualize better thepossibilitiesof development ofthe area.
The totalgrossarea of allthe necessary facilitiespresentedin this proposalisabout 116.000m2.
So please, ifthere is a possibilitythatthis project could be offeredto the market, to interested internationalhotel companies,investorsor investmentfunds,we are at yourdisposal for anyclarificationandconsultationfor possiblebusiness cooperationin mutually beneficial interest.
Best regards,
Owners of TCU Llc