
1Miklos Ivanyi,2Amalia Ivanyi
1 Department of Structural Engineering, Pollack Mihály Faculty of Engineering, University of Pécs, Boszokány u. 2, H-7624 Pécs, Hungary, e-mail:
2 Department of Information Technology, Pollack Mihály Faculty of Engineering, University of Pécs, Rókus u. 2, H-7624 Pécs, Hungary, e-mail:
Received 2 January 2006; accepted 12 March 2006

Abstract: The paper should be prepared as a camera-ready text on A4 paper (210 x 297 mm). Only papers written in English will be published in the journal. The paper will be printed directly from the supplied text, therefore neat and accurate preparations as well as linguistic correctness of the English text are very important. Paper must contain an abstract not exceeding 100 words. The papers should be submitted in Word.DOCformat directly to the Technical Editor.

Keywords: Technical information, Figures, Equations, Tables, Acknowledgements, References

1. General information

The paper should be prepared in single-column format not exceeding 12 pages in overall length including figures, tables and references. Microsoft Word processor should be used. Use an English spelling corrector and if your native language is not English, get a language specialist to proof-ready your paper. Do not number the pages.

2. Technical information

Type typefaces and sizes: Times New Roman is advisable. Follow the type sizes specified in Table 1I.

Format: Set the top margin to 59mm, the bottom margin to 50 mm. Set the left and right margin to 45 mm and 40 mm. Use 5 mm for paragraph indentation. Left and right-justify your text.

Spacing: single. Titles, authors’ names, authors’ affiliation, section titles, figures, captions, tables and equations should be centred and separated by empty lines.

A. Figures and tables

Figures should be inserted in the text. Captions should be placed under figures as shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. System with nonlinear elements

Tables should be numbered. Table captions should be centered.

Table 1 I

Type sizes and appearance

Size in points / Times New Roman / Appearance
10 / Authors’ Names, Main Text
9 / Affiliations
10 / Equations
10 /

Section title

/ bold
9 / Table captions
10 / Subheadings / italic
9 / Abstract
9 / Tables, Figure captions
9 / Footnotes, References

B. Formulas

Formulas should be stated at 5 mm and numbered in round brackets. The brackets should be placed to the right of the formula, finished at 12.5 cm.


Physical quantities written with the Latin alphabet must be typed in italics. Put an empty line between the text and the formula.

C. References

When citing references in the text, put the corresponding reference number in square brackets [1].

3. Conclusion

On the basis of the above instructions the paper has to be submitted to the Technical Editor.


This work has been undertaken as a part of a project founded by the Pollack Mihály Faculty of Engineering, University of Pécs.


[1]Bojtor L., Schmitd I. Simulation of controlled converter-fed synchronous motor, Proc. of 4th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications,Firenze, Italy, 3–5 May Vol.4, 2001, pp. 609–614.

[2]Bossavit A. How weak is the ‘weak solution’ in finite element methods, IEEE Trans. Magn. Vol. 33, No. 5, 1998, pp. 2429–2432.

[3]Kaźmierkowski M.P., Tunia H. Automatic control of converter-fed drives. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1994.

[4]Numudri C., Sen P.C. Digital simulation of an inverter-fed self-controlled synchronous motor, IEEE Trans. Ind. Electr. IE-34, No. 2, 2001, pp. 205–215.

Pollack Periodica 1, 2006