Hi I am with a Company Called TeamUnify and we have developed a Swim Team Management software platform that will make your life as a volunteer significantly easier and give your coaches the ability to administrate less and coach more. The platform was developed by a competitive swimmer himself and tech vet that was asked to join the board of his masters swim team to help them through a rough patch. So what we have here is a software platform that Optimizes the Process of Running the Business of a swim team by:
Website Management
· Managing your website with Point and Click Simplicity
· If you know HTML, it is just GRAVY but not required!!!
· It is like using Microsoft Word
2ndly Membership Management
· You will give your members private access to there own accounts
o Phone, address, email, etc
· Privately view your son and daughters times
· Sign up for meets and job’s on line
· Be able to view there invoices and volunteer hours online so they KNOW exactly where they stand with you as a club at all times
· Associated with Managing your membership is communicating with them we have an enterprise class Email Center:
o Where you can send emails to custom email groups, billing and roster groups at a specific location and your entire membership
o And the Best Part is you can actually see who is opening there emails: It is like little big brother, Giving you a heads up display you would otherwise not have!!!
Then the 3rd Major component is the Billing System
· Where we “generate” all the invoices for you
· And you will have the ability to offer your membership Optional Credit Card Processing
We also give you the ability to make Money!!!!
· By giving you a professional vehicle to go out and raise money for the team via a sponsor center where teams have raised up to $1,5000 in a single month!!!
· 2nd We have a team store you can place on your website where we will pay you 5% cash back on all purchases through the store
IN Summary
· This platform will eliminate the Islands you have Today and bring everything to one central location to Optimize the Process of Running the Business of a swim team
o Your coaches will administrate less and coach more
o And you as administrator will work more efficiently in less time
All I ask is that we set up a demo of the platform no strings attached it is like the old saying “A picture is worth a thousand words”
Answers to questions:
What are the costs?
$99.95 a month, month to month contract, no set up fees, annual maintenance fees, all our training and support and seminars are included
We are too small of a club. We are teams as small as 30 members and some of the most prolific and largest teams in the country as well. I can guarantee you I will not be wasting your time and all we ask is that you see a demo. I guarantee you this will make your life easier and your team run more efficiently.
You will hold members and gain new members because of this platform we see it time and time again.
Does it integrate with TM or Meet Manager?
We integrate with meet manager, you generate a meet file that is a zip file that you will send off to the meet host. Then when you have the meet Results file which is a zip file we can remove the .cl2 file and upload this into our system.
We are slowly taking the place of TM, this goes along with over MOTO of one central location or one island.
Does the billing system integrate with Business Manager?
No we will take the place of Business Manager. Your past history will remain in BM and from this point forward the history will be in TU.
How does the CC processing work?
Your members will privately input there credit information into the secured system. There is no liability for you as a team for holding CC information.
On the first of every month there credit card will be automatically charged and the money will appear in your swim teams bank account in one to three business days.
Significantly reducing the time and effort your billing person puts into collecting payments, posting payments, have enough checks to make an efficient run down to the bank.
Fees are: 3.69% plus $0.50 a transaction
They get approved through Wells Fargo Merchant Services
This is totally optional for them and Not a requirement to use the billing sytem